精品咖啡豆推薦 十種手沖咖啡豆 Recommendation of Specialty Coffee Beans: Ten Pour-Over Coffee Beans

精品咖啡豆推薦 十種手沖咖啡豆


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2. 十種精品手沖咖啡豆



How to choose specialty coffee beans? Preferences for flavors vary from person to person when selecting pour-over coffee beans. For those accustomed to pour-over coffee or newcomers entering the world of specialty coffee, here is a recommended and highly representative list of ten specialty pour-over coffee beans, all acclaimed for their high quality and unique flavors.



1. 衣索比亞咖啡
2. 巴拿馬藝妓咖啡
3. 牙買加藍山咖啡
4. 蘇門答臘黃金曼特寧咖啡
5. 瓜地馬拉薇薇特南果咖啡
6. 肯亞AA咖啡
7. 哥斯大黎加蜜處理咖啡
8. 巴西去果皮日曬咖啡
9. 哥倫比亞咖啡特殊處理法
10. 台灣阿里山咖啡


1. 衣索比亞咖啡

衣索比亞(Ethiopia)傳承著千年的咖啡傳奇,是全世界咖啡的發源地,這裡的咖啡樹種類繁多,種植的海拔高度平均在2000公尺,被譽為生產高品質咖啡豆的重要產區。常見的衣索比亞產區為:耶加雪菲(Yirgacheffe)、西達摩(Sidamo)、古吉(Guji)以及近年來舉世聞名的藝妓村(Gesha Village)。衣索比亞咖啡豆通常具有獨特的花香和水果風味,是台灣人普遍最喜歡的精品咖啡豆。

在衣索比亞,按照物理特徵及杯測品質評分,共可分為G1-G9的9個等級。這是衣索比亞商品交易所(ECX-Ethiopia Commodity Exchange)的分級法,常聽到的G1(Grade 1)是衣索比亞咖啡分級制度中最高等級。

1. Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia boasts a millennia-old legend in coffee and is the birthplace of coffee worldwide. The country hosts a variety of coffee tree species, cultivated at an average altitude of 2000 meters, making it a significant region for producing high-quality coffee beans. Common Ethiopian coffee regions include Yirgacheffe, Sidamo, Guji, and the renowned Gesha Village in recent years. Ethiopian coffee beans typically offer unique floral and fruity flavors, making them among the favored choice of specialty coffee beans for Taiwanese coffee enthusiasts.

In Ethiopia, grading of coffee is based on physical characteristics and cupping scores, spanning nine grades from G1 to G9. This is part of the grading system by the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX). The commonly heard G1 (Grade 1) represents the highest grade in Ethiopia's coffee grading system.


2. 巴拿馬藝妓咖啡

巴拿馬藝妓咖啡(Panama Geisha coffee)是世界上極高品質的咖啡,以其獨特的花香風味和稀有性而聞名。巴拿馬東臨加勒比海,西面太平洋,雨量充足幫助咖啡生長,高地的微氣候是巴拿馬咖啡獨一無二的重要因素。藝妓or瑰夏 or藝伎,其名子是來自於衣索匹亞的藝妓山(Geisha Mountain),其音與日本藝妓相同,因此華人稱為藝妓。藝妓香氣佳,帶有藝妓花香、茉莉花香,帶有明亮的果實酸味,例如羅望子、荔枝、蘋果、柳橙,餘韻甜且乾淨,口感非常柔順。

富士比曾評為「世界十大昂貴咖啡」之一但在現今已不是之一,而是最貴的咖啡!2023年8月底剛結束的最佳巴拿馬(BOP - Best of Panama)咖啡競標賽,這一次的標王(水洗藝妓組GW-01)突破往年,以天價每公斤10,005元美金結標(折算台幣約32萬),換算一杯咖啡熟豆20克的競標成本就要將近8千元台幣!

2. Panama Geisha Coffee

Panama Geisha coffee stands as one of the world's highest-quality coffees, renowned for its unique floral aroma and rarity. Positioned on the east side facing the Caribbean Sea and the west side adjacent to the Pacific, Panama benefits from abundant rainfall ideal for coffee cultivation. The unique microclimate of the highlands in Panama is a critical factor distinguishing Panama's coffee. The term "Geisha" derives from Geisha Mountain in Ethiopia, phonetically similar to the Japanese Geisha, hence called Geisha by Chinese speakers. Geisha coffee boasts a delightful aroma, hinting at jasmine and the bright acidity of fruits like raspberry, lychee, apple, and orange, with a sweet and clean aftertaste, offering a very smooth mouthfeel.

 Rated among the "world's ten most expensive coffees," Panama Geisha coffee was, at one point, the most expensive coffee globally! In the latest Best of Panama (BOP) coffee auction in late August 2023, the winning bid for the washed Geisha lot GW-01 set a record with a staggering price of $10,005 per kilogram, approximately NT$320,000. This calculates to almost NT$8,000 for 20 grams of roasted coffee beans for a cup!


3. 牙買加藍山咖啡

藍山咖啡(Blue Mountain Coffee)指的是位於牙買加(Jamaica)東部的藍山山脈(Blue Mountain)之特定區域種植的高品質咖啡;在加勒比海的環繞下,每當天氣晴朗之時,太陽直射在蔚藍的海面上,山峰上反射出海水璀璨的藍色光芒,故而得名。長在藍山上的咖啡並不等同於「藍山咖啡」。只有在法定生長區,且在海拔915公尺到1675公尺之間,才夠資格被稱為藍山咖啡。

半個世紀以來世界上行銷最成功、價格最高檔的咖啡來自牙買加藍山咖啡。風味甘甜、柔順、圓潤,醇厚,口感乾淨,回甘綿延。牙買加「藍山咖啡」分級,從質量來分由高到低依次為:NO.1、NO.2、NO.3及圓豆,4個等級。JC咖啡選用最頂級的藍山咖啡 Blue Mountain No.1。

3. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

Blue Mountain Coffee refers to high-quality coffee specifically cultivated in the Blue Mountains of eastern Jamaica. Surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, when sunlight shines on the vibrant blue ocean, the mountain peaks reflect a radiant blue hue, inspiring the name. Coffee grown on the Blue Mountain isn't equivalent to "Blue Mountain Coffee." Only within the designated growing area and between altitudes of 915 to 1675 meters can coffee rightfully be called Blue Mountain Coffee.

For half a century, Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee has been the world's most successful and highest-priced coffee. Its flavor profile is sweet, smooth, mellow, full-bodied, with a clean finish and a lingering sweet aftertaste. The grading of Jamaican "Blue Mountain Coffee" ranges from the highest to lowest quality: NO.1, NO.2, NO.3, and Round Beans. Justin Coffee uses the top-grade Blue Mountain No.1.


4. 蘇門答臘黃金曼特寧咖啡

曼特寧(Mandheling)似乎成了印尼咖啡代名詞,其實曼特寧並非產區名、地名、品種名,而是來自蘇門答臘的曼代寧民族(Mandailing)的音誤。二次大戰日本占領印尼期間,一名日本兵喝到香醇無比的咖啡,好奇問老闆是什麼咖啡,老闆誤以為在問他哪裡人,便說: 曼"特"寧。戰後日本兵請貿易商運咖啡回日本,在大受歡迎後,曼特寧咖啡就這麼被創造出來了。

日本人為了改善曼特寧缺陷豆偏高,多年前以更嚴格的品管,經四次人工挑豆、剔除缺陷豆,生產出豆相均一又大顆的「黃金曼特寧」(Golden Mandheling)。難道豆相大顆就會比較好喝嗎?經驗上似乎如此!也許可以推論,因為豆相大顆、賣相好、生豆處理過程就會更加妥善處理、讓品質更好;而且烘焙上受熱均勻、風味掌控性高、可穩定產出優質的風味與口感!

4. Sumatra Golden Mandheling Coffee

Mandheling appears synonymous with Indonesian coffee, yet Mandheling is not a region, place, or variety but a mispronunciation of the Mandailing people from Sumatra. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in World War II, a Japanese soldier tasted incredibly aromatic coffee. Curious about the type of coffee, he asked the shop owner, who mistook the question for asking where he was from and replied, "Mandheling." Post-war, Japanese traders brought the coffee to Japan, where it gained immense popularity, thus creating Mandheling coffee.

To address Mandheling's bean defect of excessive size, the Japanese implemented stricter quality control measures many years ago. Through four rounds of manual bean selection to remove defective beans, they produced the uniform and larger-sized "Golden Mandheling." Does larger bean size necessarily mean better taste? It seems so from experience! Larger beans may imply better appearance, more careful handling during processing, ensuring higher quality, and more uniform roasting, resulting in a stable production of superior flavors and mouthfeel!


5. 瓜地馬拉薇薇特南果咖啡


5. Guatemala Huehuetenango Coffee

Guatemala, boasting high-altitude microclimates and steady rainfall combined with fertile mineral-rich soil, is a prime area for coffee cultivation among Central American countries. Huehuetenango is a specific region in Guatemala, characterized by high altitude and dryness, making it one of the finest coffee-producing regions. The coffee beans produced here are celebrated for their refreshing taste and rich fruity flavors, offering citrus and chocolate notes among others.


6. 肯亞AA咖啡

肯亞(Kenya)是東非精品咖啡的重要產國,咖啡樹多栽種於高海拔1400公尺-2000公尺。肯亞最主要的品種是SL28和SL34,是在1930年,由Scott Laboratories實驗室培育、命名的肯亞獨特品種。AA是肯亞顆粒分級中最大顆的咖啡豆級別。肯亞AA咖啡的風味特色是明亮的酸質、烏梅、黑醋栗、柑橘、葡萄柚等水果風味,以及顯著的花香調。


6. Kenyan AA Coffee

Kenya is a significant producer of specialty coffee in East Africa, with coffee trees mainly grown at elevations ranging from 1400 meters to 2000 meters. The primary varieties in Kenya are SL28 and SL34, unique to Kenya, bred and named by Scott Laboratories in 1930. The AA grade represents the largest-sized coffee beans in Kenya's grading system. Kenyan AA coffee is characterized by bright acidity, notes of plum, blackcurrant, citrus, grapefruit, and a prominent floral fragrance.

Coffee in Kenya is graded in two ways: by bean size and flavor profile:

Bean size grading commonly includes three levels: AA, AB, and PB, with AA sizes of 17 and 18, AB of 15 and 16, and PB being peaberries.

Flavor grading consists of three levels: TOP, PLUS, FAQ.


7. 哥斯大黎加蜜處理咖啡

哥斯大黎加(Costa Rica)咖啡有著七大咖啡產區,而坡地面向太平洋的咖啡會比面向大西洋的品質較好,其中幾個較知名的產區有中央山谷、塔拉珠以及三河產區等。哥斯大黎加咖啡平衡度很好,喝起來溫和柔順,有著水果調、甜香以及巧克力的苦香,算是極品咖啡的經典風味!


7.  Costa Rican Honey Processed Coffee

Costa Rican coffee has seven major coffee-producing regions. The coffee grown on slopes facing the Pacific tends to be of better quality than that facing the Atlantic. Some well-known regions include Central Valley, Tarrazu, and the Three Rivers area. Costa Rican coffee exhibits good balance, tasting mild, smooth, with fruity notes, sweet aroma, and a bittersweet chocolate flavor, making it a classic in specialty coffee!

Among the three primary processing methods, honey processing, a combination of natural and washed processing, originated in Costa Rica. Similar to the washed method, after removing the skin and flesh, it skips the fermentation tank, preserving the mucilage, which, though not honey, feels sticky like honey, hence the name "honey processed." The mucilage retains high sugar and acidity levels, defining the sweetness. It offers a richer syrupy sweetness, more noticeable acidity, but a bolder taste compared to the washed method.


8. 巴西去果皮日曬咖啡



8. Brazilian Pulped Natural Coffee

Brazil is referred to as the "giant and monarch" of the coffee world, being the world's largest coffee producer. There are about 3.97 billion coffee trees in Brazil, with small farms contributing to 75% of Brazil's total production. Brazil employs a low-lying area coffee planting approach, breeding improved Arabica coffee trees suitable for plains or grasslands, unlike the traditional shade-grown method used in higher-altitude regions.

Pulped natural is Brazil's traditional way of processing raw coffee beans. Using a pulping machine, the outer skin and some mucilage layers are removed, followed by sun drying, similar to the yellow honey processing. It features nutty aromas, smooth acidity, and a full-bodied sweet sensation. Due to Brazil's large production, prices are relatively lower. Though lacking the fruity notes of high-altitude regions, Brazil's coffee stands out for its balanced, smooth, and robust characteristics, commonly enjoyed by the public.


9. 哥倫比亞咖啡特殊處理法


9. Colombian Coffee Specialty Processing Methods

Colombia is the third-largest coffee producer globally, with an environment well-suited for specialty coffee growth. The topography and latitude-high altitude combo in its southern regions provide great potential for specialty coffee. In recent years, various special processing methods have emerged, enhancing coffee uniqueness, such as rum barrel processing, carbonic maceration, winey natural, sweet natural, anaerobic and low-temperature washed methods. These methods enrich the flavor profile, attracting coffee enthusiasts seeking distinct tastes.


10. 台灣阿里山咖啡

台灣阿里山(Taiwan Alishan)咖啡是台灣其中一個著名的高山咖啡,主要來自海拔高達1,000公尺以上的阿里山地區。如同台灣茶, 台灣咖啡的特色是「甘甜」,台灣地區為了生產高品質的精品咖啡,對咖啡生豆要求極嚴,採用人工摘採的方式。台灣咖啡種植實屬不易,種植精品咖啡需要的基本條件,例如:南北迥歸線之間、高海拔(約為一千公尺以上)、雨量充足、火山土壤肥沃等,台灣咖啡農要比其他國家更努力耕耘,才有好喝的精品咖啡。台灣阿里山咖啡通常以水果風味、帶有茶感和濃郁口感為特點。會品嚐到柑橘、桂花、烏梅、巧克力等風味。

10. Taiwanese Alishan Coffee

Taiwanese Alishan coffee originates from the Alishan region, one of Taiwan's famous high-altitude coffee-producing areas, with altitudes exceeding 1000 meters. Similar to Taiwanese tea, Taiwanese coffee is known for its "sweetness." To produce high-quality specialty coffee, stringent criteria are followed, including hand-picking the coffee cherries. Taiwan's coffee cultivation is challenging, requiring specific conditions like being between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, high altitude (around 1000 meters or higher), abundant rainfall, and fertile volcanic soil. Alishan coffee is recognized for its fruity flavors, hints of citrus, osmanthus, plum, and chocolate notes.



This is just a list of recommended specialty coffees. Preferences in pour-over coffee flavors vary, so it's recommended to try different beans according to personal taste. Also, ensure purchasing freshly roasted high-quality coffee beans for the best coffee flavor experience.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

