混雜的濃vs.清澈的濃 Mixed strength vs. Clean strength


1. 咖啡風味不夠香卻帶苦的原因
2. 注水分配不同造成風味不同

What should we do to brew a strong and mellow coffee at home? The same strength, “Clean strength” tastes full of flavor and full of aftertaste; “mixed strength” tastes mixed and even bitter, how to make it better?


👧小編: 為何「迷途可可」風味不夠飽滿、尾韻帶點苦?
👦賈老闆: 最後一滴熱水在幾秒?
👧小編: 約在1分35秒
👦賈老闆: 再沖一次,最後一滴要落在2分鐘

The editor tried brewing coffee at Justin Coffee shop, and felt that the flavor was not fragrant also bitter...

👧Editor: why “Cocoa Blend Specialty Coffee” tastes less rich and with bitter aftertaste?

👦Justin: when was the last drop of hot water?

👧Editor: around 1 minute and 35 seconds

👦Justin: brew again and make the last drip of host water at 2 minutes

👧小編: 哇!「迷途可可」現在是風味飽滿、沒有尾韻苦!
👦賈老闆: 這二次沖完的時間都約在2分半,對嗎?
👧小編: 對,二次手沖流完的時間,都是2分30秒
👦賈老闆: 最大的差別,第一次後面那1分鐘是用浸泡走完的。

Second round, editor calmed down and make the last drop of water at 2 minutes

👧 Editor: wow, “Cocoa Blend Specialty Coffee” is full flavored and not bitter aftertaste!

👦 Justin: you finished both brewing around 2.5 minutes, right?

👧 Editor: yes, both pour-over brewing time are 2.5 minutes

👦 Justin: the only difference is that the last minute of brewing was immersion in the first round


The basic conditions are the same for two pour-over brewing, the only difference is the distribution of water injection, which brings the different results. Beans, grinding scale, water temperature (88°C), blooming, water quantity, powder-water ratio (1:15), total time, are the same.


The first water pouring starts from blooming for 30 seconds, pouring water all the way to 1 minute and 30 seconds, and waiting for the flow to finish to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

The second water pouring starts from blooming for 30 seconds, pouring water all the way to 2 minutes, and waits for the flow to finish to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

The biggest difference between the two brewing is that the last minute was finished in immersion for the first round.

For the first pour-over brewing, the flavor was not full enough, and the ending was a little bitter. Although there is enough strength, it was not clean.

The second round is full of flavor and no bitterness at the end. It tastes clear and structured, and the same strength.

Try to change one thing at a time and let pour-over coffee enrich our daily life!




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