乾淨不混雜的沖煮關鍵 The Key to Clean Brewing


1. 什麼是咖啡粉粒徑分佈
2. 讓我們請出家中常駐器材「篩網」本人
3. 過篩後的風味改變-細粉是個雙面刃


One of the key secrets of brewing coffee is to “master the particle size distribution of coffee powder.” The quality of the grinder has a solid impact on the flavor of coffee. The more concentrated the particle size distribution, the more consistent the extraction will be and the more well-controlled the flavor will be. The particle size distribution is the degree of consistency of the coffee powder particle size. The wider the particle size distribution, the greater the difference in particle size; the narrower the distribution, the more consistent the particle size.

Household manual or electric bean grinders will produce more or less fine powder or coarse grains. The fine powder causes excessive extraction, and the bitterness and off-flavor substances are dissolved more quickly; the coarse grains are easy to be insufficiently extracted, resulting in a sharp taste, or with peanut flavor, grass flavor. So, at this point you are wondering, is there a grinder that can grind coffee powder to the optimum particle size distribution?


Let's bring out the household equipment "sifting screen"

Many people say that pour over coffee can be quite expensive, and we might not have enough money to buy a grinder that costs tens of thousands of dollars. We recommend a practical and affordable solution. Find out the sifting screens in your home, which are the ones with larger holes (ex: dumpling strainer) and smaller (ex: flour sieve) sieves to simply sieve fine coffee powder and coarse grains. You can also refer to the cupping standard of 20 mesh (0.85mm) as the standard for sifting screen selection.

Steps: Put the ground coffee powder on the large-hole sieve, and by shaking repeatedly, first separate the large particles from the medium-sized powder, and then put the sieved-out medium-sized powder into the small-hole sieve for fine powder separation.


The picture below shows the separation of coarse and fine powder after grinding with a manual bean grinder. The middle is the thickness we want, the left side is the sieved coarse grain, and the right side is the sieved fine powder. This household manual grinder can separate about 13% coarse grains + 13% fine powder, isn't it amazing?



Flavor change after sieving - fine powder is a double-edged sword

The coffee that has been completely sifted will be less bitter and astringent when brewed, and the flavor will be balanced and clean, but you will find that there is a little less structures and body. It is recommended to add some fine powder after sieving, and add it in the middle of the brewing, which can improve the fullness and thickness of the coffee.

In fact, there is no completely uniform coffee grinding. The coffee powder ground by any coffee grinder is composed of different particle sizes. These different particle sizes of coffee powder play different roles in the coffee extraction process, some are used to create body, some are used to express flavor. However, with different particle sizes, the more concentrated the distribution, the more consistent the extraction of the particles, the better the brewing stability, and the better the taste.

Having a tool that can control the uniformity of the coffee grounds can significantly improve brew stability. It is also possible to separate the coffee powder with a sieve to find out whether the particle size distribution of the grinder currently in use is within an acceptable range. You can also buy a coffee sifter on the market, but the cheap sieves on the market usually only have the function of separating fine powder! In short, through the understanding of various tips, the more you can know how to choose the coffee utensils that you are used to and like. In any case, the point of pour over coffee is to enjoy the process and brew a good cup of coffee for yourself, right?

│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio




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