濾杯材質會影響咖啡風味嗎?Does Coffee Filter Material Affect Coffee Flavors?


1. 濾杯對咖啡的萃取的影響
2. 陶瓷濾杯
3. 塑膠濾杯

Pour-over coffee brewing beginners sometimes are troubled with choosing the right coffee filters, as the price of ceramic filter cup and plastic filter cup is much different. Does it affect the extraction of coffee?


我們知道溫度對萃取有很大的影響,溫度高、萃取率高,溫度低、萃取率低。濾杯的材質對溫度有影響嗎?經過我們實驗發現,在其他條件不變之下,只有濾杯不一樣時,即陶瓷濾杯 VS 塑膠濾杯,同時沖煮下,卻發現喝起來非常不同。
We know that the temperature has a great influence on the extraction: high temperature will have high extraction rate; low temperature will have low extraction rate. Does the material of the filter affect the temperature? Through our experiment: the ceramic filter VS plastic filter, we try to keep other conditions unchanged and only the filter is different. We found that when brewed at the same time, coffee tasted very different.


注入 337克 90度熱水
取得 294克咖啡液
品嚐心得: 藍莓、樓桃、厚實圓潤、酸甜平衡,溫度下降到接近體溫時,圓潤滑順感強化,不澀不苦不酸,平衡好喝。

Ceramic filter

20g of ground coffee

Pouring 337g of 90℃ hot water

Total extraction time 2 minutes 30 seconds

Getting 294g of coffee liquid

Tasting experience: blueberry, peach, mellow, with a balance of sweet and acid. When the temperature drops to close to body temperature, the mellow and smooth feeling is strengthened, not astringent, not bitter or sour, balanced and delicious.


注入 337克 90度熱水
取得 294克咖啡液
品嚐心得: 覆盆莓、酸感較突出,溫度下降到接近體溫時,酸感下降、甜感上升,但帶點澀感。

Plastic filter

20g of ground coffee

Pouring 337g of 90℃ hot water

Total extraction time 2 minutes 30 seconds

Getting 294g of coffee liquid

Tasting experience: raspberry, the acidity is more prominent. When the temperature drops to close to body temperature, the acidity decreases and the sweetness increases, but with a little astringency.

Ceramic filter has thermal insulation, which can maintain the water temperature and complete the coffee extraction. When the coffee has rich flavor and high sweetness, the extracted coffee should have a balance of sweet and sour, full flavor and delicious taste. That is, the result presented by the ceramic filter. The plastic filter cup is less heat-insulating and cannot maintain the water temperature. The extraction of coffee is less complete, and the sweetness and mellowness are not extracted, so the drink tends to be sour. From this, we can see that maintaining the water temperature is important for extracting coffee. We sincerely recommend the use of “ceramic filters” to brew coffee and enjoy a cup of good coffee with full flavor, balance of sweet and acid, smooth and mellow.

PS. 實驗所用的豆子為
哥斯大黎加 聖維托 小蜜蜂 厭氧日曬
風味描述: 紅酒 藍莓 榛果 蜂蜜 覆盆莓 葡萄乾 熱帶水果 甘甜綿密

P.S. The coffee bean used in the experiment is

Costa Rica San Vito La Abejilla Anaerobic Natural

Flavor description: red wine, blueberry, hazelnut, honey, raspberry, raisin, tropical fruit, sweet and dense


│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio




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