手沖咖啡的層次感 Structures of Pour Over Coffee
手沖咖啡的層次感 - 在沖煮方面,適當的咖啡細粉,可以提高層次感;但過多的細粉,就會變成雜味的來源。層次是在不混雜的前提下,風味豐富且明確。在手沖時,拉高水位,在不淤積的前提下,會比低水位的手沖,層次感較佳。試試不同水位的手沖咖啡,值得細細品味!
Structures of Pour Over Coffee - In terms of brewing, appropriate fine coffee powder can improve coffee flavor structures, but too much fine powder will become the source of miscellaneous flavors. The structure is rich and clear when coffee powder is not mixed. During pour over, if water level is high in the filter and not causing siltation, it will have better structures than a low water level. Try pour over coffee with different water levels in filter, it is worth savoring!
│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio
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