手沖水溫 Water Temperature for Pour-Over Brewing
適合手沖咖啡的水温, 常會是在85度~93度之間 ,可以85度萃取具有花香調性的咖啡、以93度萃取 較厚實口感的咖啡。水溫低 萃取率 較低、愈低的水溫可萃取愈前段的風味, 反之亦然。
The ideal water temperature for pour-over coffee brewing often falls between 85℃ to 93℃. At 85℃, you can extract coffee with floral notes, while at 93℃, you can extract coffee with a richer and more mellow mouthfeel. Lower water temperatures result in lower extraction rates, and the lower the temperature, the more it extracts flavors from the beginning stages of brewing, and vice versa.
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