咖啡沖不好喝?咖啡渣見端倪 Bad coffee? Coffee grounds tells you why


1. 達到均勻萃取的關鍵
2. 漂亮的粉層易達成均勻萃取

After the coffee is brewed, the residual coffee grounds can be used to see how the extraction balance is during brewing and whether there is a channel effect. The ideal shape of the coffee grounds after brewing will basically show a good symmetry, a wall with an even thickness, and a shape similar to the shape of the filter cup as the V60 cup picture below. Achieving this pattern means that the flow drop of the brewing water is stable and even, and there is a higher chance of showing an evenly extracted flavor.



The key to achieving evenly extraction

1. 咖啡粉 - 咖啡粉研磨均勻、大小適中、粒徑分佈集中,無過多細粉產生造成堵塞。
2. 悶蒸 - 悶蒸時佈水均勻,確實讓所有咖啡粉同時浸潤同時甦醒。
3. 注水分佈 - 注水時應注意濾杯粉層的厚薄分佈,手沖注水繞圈時, 依厚薄來控制注水量。以錐形濾杯來說,中央粉層較邊緣厚,需給予較多水量;邊緣則給予較少水量,以達均衡萃取。
4. 注水穩定 - 以中央為圓心,穩定繞圈並注意水流需呈垂直注入較佳。
5. 淤積避免 - 邊沖煮邊觀察,若產生淤積狀況時,儘量將底部粉層擾動沖起,讓流降過程順暢一些。

The coffee grounds show a beautiful shape, which is equivalent to the almost constant and steady downward flow of the pouring water. It also means that the brewing parameters and techniques can achieve even extraction. The process can be controlled by the following key factors:

1. Coffee powder - The coffee powder is ground evenly, the size is moderate, the particle size distribution is concentrated, and there is no excessive fine powder to cause clogging.
2. Blooming - The water is evenly distributed during the blooming process, so that all the coffee powder can be soaked and awakened at the same time.
3. Water pouring distribution - When pouring water, pay attention to the thickness distribution of the powder layer of the filter cup. When pouring water by hand, control the water injection amount according to the thickness. For a conical filter bowl, the central powder layer is thicker than the edge, and more water needs to be given; the edge is given less water to achieve a balanced extraction.
4. Stable water pouring – aim the center, draw the circle stably and pay attention to the vertical pouring of water flow.
5. Avoid siltation - Observe while brewing. If siltation occurs, try to disturb the bottom powder layer to make the flow down process smoother.


A good cup of coffee does not necessarily have a beautiful powder layer, but a beautiful powder layer is more likely to achieve a cup of evenly extracted coffee, and can fully present the delicious flavor. Therefore, the state of the coffee grounds layer after brewing is an auxiliary observation method for us to understand whether the brewing method and process can be adjusted. You can try it out, and I hope everyone can get new brewing experience from it.


│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio




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