手沖咖啡訣竅 Pour Over Coffee Tips


Do you also like the ritual of pour over coffee? If you can master the important parameters and techniques, you can easily brew delicious coffee.

Important brewing parameters:

20g coffee powder, brewing 300g coffee (1~2 people)

Grinding size: #4 (similar to coarse sugar particles)

Water temperature: 89℃ (89~95℃ is suitable)

Blooming powder to water ratio 1:1.5

Blooming time: 30 secs

Powder to water ration 1:15

Brewing time: 2 minutes and 30 seconds (including blooming)




Little tips:

Choose a good grinder, the more uniform the particle size of the grind, the more delicious coffee you can extract with full flavor and distinct structures.

When blooming, the key point is to let each coffee powder particle absorb water evenly, and the best state is swelling and rising perfectly.

The powder ground in the center of the filter cup is thicker, so during the water pouring process, the water supply in the center can be more than that in the surrounding area.


│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio




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