咖啡豆 怎麼保存呢?放冰箱可以嗎 How to store coffee bean? Can we put it in the fridge?

咖啡豆 怎麼保存呢?放冰箱可以嗎

1. 放冰箱vs.濕氣
2. 為什麼放咖啡豆袋就可以保鮮
3. 開封後的保存期限是多久呢?

咖啡豆 要保持新鮮,又想買多一點、長時間保存,有什麼重點嗎?咖啡豆保持新鮮,要遠離三個地方,即遠離「氧氣」「濕氣」「陽光」。因此若咖啡豆袋上本身就有排氣閥,只要在使用過後,儘量擠出袋內多餘空氣,並把夾鏈封好,放置在陰涼乾燥處,就是對咖啡的良好照顧方式。
What can we do to keep coffee beans fresh, also buy more and keep them for a long time? To keep coffee beans fresh, we have to keep them away from three places, “oxygen,” “moisture” and “sunlight.” Therefore, if the coffee bean bag itself has an exhaust valve, as long as after opening, try to squeeze out the excess air in the bag, seal the clip, and place it in a cool and dry place, which is a good way to take care of the coffee.


Store in fridge vs. moisture

If you put the coffee beans in the refrigerator and then take them out, even if the seal is good, the condensation effect caused by the temperature change will easily cause the coffee beans to get wet and deteriorate. Roasted coffee beans have very low water content, so they are very susceptible to moisture and deterioration.


Why coffee bean bags can keep coffee fresh?

– 單向排氣閥 – 排放二氧化碳,阻隔氧氣進入
One-way exhaust valve – discharges carbon dioxide and blocks oxygen from entering

When fresh coffee beans are roasted, carbon dioxide will be released. The one-way exhaust valve on the bean bag allows the airflow to only go out and not in, so the carbon dioxide released by fresh coffee can be discharged out of the bag, but the air outside the bag cannot enter. Therefore, after opening the coffee beans, it is ok as long as the air is squeezed out, the zipper bag is well sealed, and do not let too much air remain in the bag to cause oxidation.

– 鋁箔包裝 – 避免陽光照射
Aluminium foil packaging – Protect from sunlight

Sunlight is one of the killers of coffee beans, because coffee beans have oils and fats. After being exposed to sunlight, the oils will deteriorate, resulting in unpleasant odors. That's why Justin Coffee's bean bags use multi-layer aluminum foil bags that block light.


How long can we keep fresh after opening?

After the coffee beans are used, try to squeeze out the excess air in the bag, seal the zipper, and place it in a cool and dry place. How long can we keep it?

Fans of specialty coffee usually drink coffee for its “good taste and aroma.” Most of the aroma substances produced by coffee roasting are highly volatile organic compounds. After volatilization to a certain extent, the coffee beans have no flavor. Therefore, the “tasting period” of coffee beans is very different from the “storage period” of ordinary food. We are more concerned about the “tasting period” that retains enough flavor. Therefore, in general, we recommend that the “tasting period” is to drink it as soon as possible, preferably within a month, but no more than four months at most, which is why the period on the label says four months, after the beans are roasted. Although the water content of coffee after roasting is very low, the water activity is lower than 0.6, and the microorganisms cannot grow, even if it is left for a long time, it will not be bad, but after all, what we want to drink is the flavor of coffee, so the sooner we drink it, the better.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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