手沖水柱 Pour-over Coffee Water Stream
手沖水柱 –手沖咖啡的濃度會因為流速、時間而有不同,水柱小流速慢、萃取時間長;反之相反。如果我們預計在2分半萃取完,但在中段時,發現水量快倒完了,可以試著降低流速、用小水柱,可以增加萃取時間。但這些的前題都是在適度的以水柱擾動咖啡粉且不讓咖啡細粉淤積的基礎下。試著調整水柱大小、細細品嚐風味與口感的變化。
Pour-over coffee water stream – The concentration of pour-over coffee will vary due to the flow rate and time. If the water stream is small, the flow rate will be slow and the extraction time will be long and vice versa. If we expect to finish the extraction in 2.5 minutes, but in the middle, we find that the water is almost empty, we can try to reduce the flow rate and use a small water stream to increase the extraction time. But these preconditions are based on moderately disturbing the coffee powder with the water stream and preventing the fine coffee powder from accumulating. Try adjusting the size of the water stream and savor the changes in flavor and taste.
│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio
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