沖煮水位高低,讓咖啡風味大不同 The water level during brewing can greatly affect the flavor of coffee



1. 水位高度對咖啡風味造成的影響
2. 實驗測試


The secret of pour-over coffee technique is revealed. It turns out that the water level in the filter cup will have such a big impact on the coffee flavor. The sense of sweetness and structures can be adjusted through this aspect!



The water level refers to the height of the water surface in the filter cup. A high water level means that there is more water waiting to flow down in the filter cup, and a low water level means that there is less water waiting to flow down in the filter cup. When the water level is high, the water pressure in the filter cup is high and the flow velocity is fast, so the water level is high and the flow velocity is fast; the water level is low and the flow velocity is slow.


To make the water level high, a larger amount of water can be poured into the filter cup to raise the water level to a relatively high position. To make the water level lower, a smaller amount of water can be used to maintain a lower water level. Therefore, under the premise of no siltation, pour-over with the same grinding scale and the same water temperature, if the water level is high, the extraction time will be slightly shorter and the extraction rate will be slightly lower; if the water level is low, the extraction time will be slightly longer and the extraction rate will be slightly high.


小編以「巴拿馬 90+ 伊列塔3號批次 藝妓 特殊厭氧處理法」來測試
We used coffee bean “Panama NINETY PLUS Eleta Series Lot 3 Geisha Special Process” to do the test.

蜜鳳梨 佛手柑 香柚 富士蘋果 層次豐富,風味分明,酸甜感皆較低,body偏薄,清甜感,尾韻水果酸

The water level is high, the coffee tastes like the following:
Honey pineapple, bergamot, pomelo, Fuji apple, rich in structures, distinct flavors, less sweet and sour, thin body, light sweetness and fruity acidity finish.

蜜鳳梨 甜橙 糖漬橘條 甜柚 香甜龍眼蜜,風味集中,酸甜感皆較高,body偏厚,甜感高,尾韻回甘

The water level is low, the coffee tastes like the following:
Honey pineapple, sweet orange, candied orange strips, sweet pomelo, sweet longan honey, concentrated flavor, high sweet and acidity taste, thick body, high sweetness, sweet aftertaste.


There are many factors that affect the quality of pour-over coffee. The above only discusses the impact on flavor and taste based on the level of water level. In addition to the above-mentioned grinding size, water temperature and time of brewing, the influencing factors are also pour-over techniques. Factors such as the dehydration rate of coffee roasting, the flavor profile of coffee itself, acidity, and sweetness intensity will affect the taste of a cup of coffee. Try to change the water level to find your own drinking preference and enjoy a cup of good coffee with full flavor, moderate sweet and acidity, and long aftertaste.


│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio




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