咖啡玩家必學,養豆及醒豆 Coffee Lovers must learn: Coffee bean aging and decanting



1. 什麼是養豆
2. 什麼是醒豆

When buying freshly roasted coffee, we often hear the shopkeeper say: “The beans taste better after a few days.” Coffee bean aging and decanting, these two sound the same, but they seem to be different. What is decanting? In short, it is the tip that make coffee taste better.


“Aging” is to slowly raise the aroma of coffee.

Freshly roasted coffee beans will produce a large amount of carbon dioxide and gas. Carbon dioxide is not conducive to the extraction of soluble substances by hot water. After about 3-5 days of aging, carbon dioxide will be released slowly. While the gas is released, aromatic substances and the fat will be fused and stored in the coffee oil in the cell wall of the coffee bean, making it easier for the aromatic substances to be extracted through brewing.


“Decanting” is to quickly let the coffee exhaust

若等不及慢慢養豆而想馬上飲用,則可透過讓咖啡快速排氣的方式,增加咖啡與空氣的接觸面積。可在沖煮前先磨粉等待,大約等3~5分鐘左右,再沖煮。一克的咖啡豆大約有8~9顆豆子(以 衣索比亞 西達摩 班莎 橘光舞妓 G1 蜜處理 為例),但經研磨成手沖顆粒後,每一克大約有700個顆粒,如此與空氣接觸的面積即增加了非常多倍。
If you can’t wait for beans to age slowly and want to drink immediately, you can increase the contact area between coffee and air by letting the coffee release gas quickly. You can grind the powder before brewing and wait for about 3 to 5 minutes before brewing. There are about 8~9 beans in one gram of coffee (take Ethiopia Sidamo Bensa Bombe Tadisa G1 Passion Honey as an example), but after being ground into pour-over brewing granules, there are about 700 granules per gram. In this way, the area in contact with the air is increased many times.

Just like wine decanting, it is actually letting the wine come into contact with the air. As the contact area and time between the wine and the air increase, the aroma of the wine will be accelerated, and the tannins will be softened, creating a smooth mouthfeel.


│Further reading: Why do pour-over coffee have bubbles?

Although we can increase the extraction rate by reducing carbon dioxide to increase the contact between coffee powder and water, but because the aroma is still slowly transforming, so the best drinking state is to wait until the beans are aged to taste better. Justin Coffee’s aging recommendation is 3 to 5 days after the day of roasting. If you can’t wait beans to age and don’t know how long you need to decant them, aging is inversely proportional to decanting. The longer the time to age, the less need to decant. Find the best brewing time of beans, you can feel the obvious aroma level, and enjoy a good cup of full-flavored coffee.




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