手沖繞圈快慢,會影響咖啡風味嗎 Will the speed of pouring circles during pour-over brewing affect the flavors of the coffee?



1. 繞圈速度不同小實驗
2. 小實驗結論

手沖咖啡時繞圈注水可幫助均勻萃取,但繞圈要怎麼繞,繞快、繞慢 對沖煮出的咖啡風味會有影響嗎?
When pouring water in a circle by hand, it can help to extract evenly, but how to pour the circle, fast or slow, will it affect the flavor of the brewed coffee?


Justin coffee did an experiment. We tried the same amount of coffee powder, powder to water ratio, water temperature, time, pouring circles, but with different speed: one fast and one slow. Come and see what the difference will be.



衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 荷芙莎村 G1 水洗慢乾│淺焙
風味: 檸檬 蜂蜜 檸檬糖 酸甜感奔放 細緻柔軟 橙色水果 細膩多汁

Coffee bean we used is:

Ethiopia Gediyo Yirgacheffe Hafursa G1 Washed Slow Dry

Flavor: lemon, honey, lemon sugar, sweet and acidity, delicate and soft, citrus, delicate and juicy



Flavors of fast pouring circles

Lemony, sweet, bright acidity, slightly thin body


Flavors of slow pouring circles

Honey, lemon candy, good sweetness, smooth body, sweet and juicy

We prefer the slow version, which is balanced, juicy and full of flavor.


To explore the difference between the two, the extraction rate of the fast version is lower, and the extraction rate of the slow version is higher. Although fast water column disturbance seems to increase the extraction rate, in the above experiment, it is a lower extraction rate. At this time we think of an important factor, the change of water temperature. We know the importance of water temperature to extraction; high water temperature will have high extraction rate. At the same time as the fast pouring, the water temperature is reduced. This factor is greater than the disturbance factor, so the extraction rate of the fast version is reduced.

So when we brew pour-over coffee, we can calm down and nourish our energy, slowing the pouring circle, and enjoy a cup of coffee with a full flavor and a sweet taste.


咖啡粉 20克
熱水 87度
悶蒸 30克水 30秒
總注水 340克
得咖啡液 296克
總時間 2分30秒

The above pour-over brewing parameters are:

Coffee powder 20g

Hot water 87°C

Bloom 30g of water for 30 seconds

Total water pouring 340g

Coffee liquid 296g

Total time 2 minutes 30 seconds



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