手沖咖啡為何會有泡泡? Why does pour-over coffee have bubbles?
1. 手沖咖啡時會有泡泡的原因
2. 泡泡多寡與豆子的新鮮程度
Recently someone asked, why does the coffee have bubbles? What is going on? When hot water is pouring to ground coffee, why bubbles appear? In fact, the bubbles is a sign of the freshness of the coffee.
Coffee needs to undergo roasting, during which the moisture in the green beans evaporates, and the bean structure, which contains a large amount of lignin, expands. The internal structure becomes an irregular honeycomb, with coffee oils and gases produced during roasting attached within the honeycomb spaces. After roasting is complete, these gases gradually dissipate over time. Particularly when the beans are ground and hot water is added, a significant amount of gas is released. This is why bubbles appear when brewing pour-over coffee.
The gas is released over time, so the fresher the coffee, the more gas there will be, and larger bubbles are likely to appear. So, we can also find out the freshness of the beans according to the amount of bubbles. But at the same time, the darker the roasting degree, the more bubbles and bigger the bubbles will accumulate, so it is normal for lightly roasted beans, although fresh, to have less gas.
However, as we have discussed before, these gases are not good for hot water extraction of soluble substances in coffee, so we need to have a coffee bean aging process. Bean aging is to wait for more of gases to be released, and at the same time to let the aroma in coffee goes into the coffee lipids, so the aroma is fuller and richer during brewing.
這些看似平常的泡泡,卻有著這些意涵,下次沖泡咖啡時,觀察一下,每日的泡泡變化,也別有一番趣味。These ordinary bubbles have special meanings during coffee brewing. When you brew coffee next time, please observe the bubbles changes daily, which is also interesting.
│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio
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