手沖咖啡如何沖出香氣與喉韻 How to brew coffee with good aroma and aftertaste
一杯好喝的咖啡,講求入口清澈且喉韻強。嚥入口中,香氣從喉嚨往鼻子發散。但要怎樣沖煮,才能掌握香氣與喉韻表現呢?我們先試著了解香氣與喉韻是二個不同的表現方式,簡單來說,在咖啡豆有豐富風味與甜感高的基礎下,萃取前段多一點、香氣的表現就多一點;萃取後段多一點、喉韻表現就多一點。A good cup of coffee should be clear in the mouth and strong aftertaste. After a sip, the aroma diffuses from the throat to the nose. But how to master the brewing method to enhance the aroma and throat performance? Let’s first try to understand that aroma and aftertaste are two different expressions. In short, on the basis of the rich flavor and sweetness of coffee beans, if the beginning extraction stage is a little longer, it will be more flavor. If the finishing extraction stage is a litter longer, aftertaste performance is better.
如果以二個不同的水溫,來萃取同一支咖啡,風味的呈現會有什麼不同呢?If two different water temperatures are used to extract the same coffee, what will be the difference in the flavor presentation?
品嚐心得: 花蜜香、藍莓、風味較開、滑順入口。
90°C hot water (lower extraction rate)
Tasting flavors: nectar, blueberry, broad flavor, smooth taste.
97度熱水 (萃取率較高)
品嚐心得: 莓果調性、風味較集中、body提升、回甘明顯。
97°C hot water (higher extraction rate)
Tasting flavors: berry flavor, concentrated flavor, improved body, and obvious sweetness.
注入 346克
取得 306克咖啡液
Brewing parameters:
20g coffee
346g water
Total extraction time 2 minutes 30 seconds
306g coffee liquid
PS. 實驗所用的豆子為
哥斯大黎加 聖維托 小蜜蜂 厭氧日曬
風味描述: 紅酒 藍莓 榛果 蜂蜜 覆盆莓 葡萄乾 熱帶水果 甘甜綿密
PS. The coffee used in the experiment is
Costa Rica San Vito LA ABEJILLA Anaerobic Natural
Flavor description: red wine, blueberry, hazelnut, honey, raspberry, raisin, tropical fruit, sweet and dense
That is to say, the water temperature is used to change the extraction rate. When the extraction rate is increased, the soluble substances are extracted a little more, the weight in the mouth is increased, and the aftertaste is increased. However, it’s easy to lose some aromas. We can also use a lower water temperature, such as 80°C hot water, to strengthen the extraction of the beginning stage, and the floral and fruity aroma will be more obvious.
試著改變萃取率的各種變因,水溫高低、研磨粗細、萃取時間長短等,找出自己喜歡的香氣與喉韻表現吧。Try changing the various factors of extraction rate, water temperature, grinding size, extraction time, etc., to find your favorite aroma and aftertaste.
│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio
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