聰明濾杯(浸漬式濾杯)輕鬆控制酸甜走向 Smart Dripper (Immersion Dripper) Controls the Balance of Acidity and Sweetness Effortlessly
3. 實測將聰明濾杯(浸漬式濾杯)分三個時間點來浸漬以強化不同的風味及滋味特色
Continuing from last week's Justin Coffee Classroom introduction to the smart dripper/immersion dripper, in addition to the five methods of the initial immersion, this week we will continue to introduce three methods of the middle immersion. These methods involve initially opening the flow control valve, then closing it for the middle immersion of the coffee, and finally reopening it for the completion of coffee draining. The timing of the middle immersion has three variations, resulting in different flavor experiences and the ability to adjust the intensity of acidity and sweetness.
[上週JC咖啡小學堂] 聰明濾杯(浸漬式濾杯)有多聰明,實測給你看
Before proceeding with the three methods of the middle immersion, we first divided a batch of coffee into three segments for extraction, tasting the flavor and acidity/sweetness at the beginning, middle, and end of brewing. During the manual brewing process, every one-third of the total brewing time, the brewing vessel was replaced with an empty one to collect three portions of coffee liquid, each representing one-third of the total extraction. As shown in the diagram, the leftmost vessel contains the coffee liquid extracted in the first one-third, with the deepest color, the middle vessel contains the coffee liquid with a lighter color, and the rightmost vessel contains the coffee liquid with the lightest color. Each vessel weighs approximately 85g, with a drip time of 40 seconds, totaling 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The total water used for brewing is 300g, resulting in a total coffee liquid weight of 255g.
本週實測豆子選用:衣索比亞 西達摩 班莎 聖塔維尼村 蓋迦莊園 肯尼小農 G1 厭氧日曬-COE第二名得獎主相同製程處理批次
This week's coffee selection for testing: Ethiopia Sidama Bensa Shantawene Gatta Kenean Dukamo G1 Anaerobic Natural - COE second place winner from the same processing batch.
Cupping flavor description: Pineapple, violet floral aroma, lime wine scent, tropical fruits, long-lasting lime liquor sweetness in the aftertaste, caramel cream sweetness, bold aroma.
咖啡 20克
水溫 87度
粉水比 1:15
悶蒸 35克水 30秒
總注水量 300克
總咖啡液 255克
總時間 2分30秒
Pour-over brewing parameters for the three-stage extraction:
Coffee: 20g
Grind size: Coarse for pour-over brewing
Water temperature: 87℃
Coffee-to-water ratio: 1:15
Pre-infusion: 35g of water for 30 seconds
Total water used: 300g
Total coffee liquid: 255g
Total brewing time: 2 minutes and 30 seconds
1. 前段1/3、85克咖啡液、滴濾時間40秒 [上圖左壺]
1. First third, 85g of coffee liquid, drip time 40 seconds [Left vessel in the diagram]
Flavor description: Rich pineapple, lime liquor aroma, tropical fruits, strong acidity, mouth-watering sensation.
2. 中段1/3、85克咖啡液、滴濾時間40秒 [上圖中壺]
2. Middle third, 85g of coffee liquid, drip time 40 seconds [Middle vessel in the diagram]
Flavor description: Tropical fruits, excellent sweetness.
3. 後段1/3、85克咖啡液、滴濾時間40秒 [上圖右壺]
3. Last third, 85g of coffee liquid, drip time 40 seconds [Right vessel in the diagram]
Flavor description: Peach, lime water, sweetness and mellow.
From the three-stage extraction, it can be observed that the first stage exhibits vivid and rich fruit flavors with bright acidity, the middle stage presents strong sweetness, and the final stage offers clean and mellowed sweetness. Next, we will proceed with this week's experiment, immersing the smart dripper (immersion dripper) at three different time points to enhance different flavor and taste characteristics, as shown in the table below.
Based on the table above, when selecting lightly roasted beans rich in fruity flavors and acidity, you can use the Smart Dripper (immersion dripper) to control the coffee's acidity, sweetness, and smoothness by adjusting the timing of closing the water valve.
In Table column A, closing the water valve from 30 seconds to 1 minute enhances the extraction of the first third, intensifying the fruity flavors and acidity.
In Table column B, closing the water valve from 1 minute 15 seconds to 1 minute 45 seconds enhances the extraction of the middle third, emphasizing sweetness.
In Table column C, closing the water valve from 1 minute 35 seconds to 2 minutes 5 seconds enhances the extraction of the last third, emphasizing balance and smoothness.
In Table column D, without closing the water valve, following the normal pour-over method, the flavors and acidity are evenly extracted throughout.
以上3種中段浸漬手法,在不同時間點浸漬、有不同的品飲感受,即使是同一支咖啡豆,都可以喝出多種不同的風味輪廓。我們以表中B手法沖泡「衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 沃卡 荔枝處理廠 G1 水洗」,品飲感受是荔枝、柑橘、大吉嶺紅茶餘韻、豐富果汁甜感圓潤,是將這支水洗豆的甜感最大化。喜歡酸感強烈的人,推廌使用表中A手法來沖泡咖啡,可以獲得強烈的水果酸香。試試看本週的3種中段浸漬法,或搭配上週JC咖啡小學堂的5種前段浸漬法,把一支豆子沖好沖滿!
These three mid-stage immersion techniques yield different tasting experiences at different time points, even with the same beans, showcasing various flavor profiles. Using the method from Table column B, we brewed "Ethiopia Gediyo Yirgacheffe Worka Nenke G1 Washed," which resulted in flavors of lychee, citrus, lingering notes of Darjeeling tea, and a rich, juicy and mellow, maximize the sweetness of this washed beans. For those who enjoy a strong acidity, Table column A is recommended to extract intense fruity acidity. Experiment with these three mid-stage immersion methods this week, or combine them with last week's five early-stage immersion methods for a fully brewed cup of coffee!
✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳
✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures