想品飲更多咖啡的地域風味,可以這樣沖 To Taste the Regional Flavor of Coffee, You Can Brew It This Way



1. 咖啡風味描述簡易分為二大類
2. 咖啡本質上的風味
3. 烘焙相關的風味


The unique flavor of each coffee comes from the three elements of "terroir," which includes the environment, earth, and people. This is also known as regional flavor and is what sets specialty coffee apart. Follow our brewing method and experience the unique taste of coffee.



In terms of coffee flavor, it can be divided into two categories: inherent flavor and roast flavor. Roast flavor can be further categorized into two types: Maillard reaction and caramelization.


以咖啡本質上的風味來說,咖啡都需要經過烘焙才有風味,比較多是因梅納反應所帶來的風味,適當的烘焙加上適當的萃取,可以比較容易品飲到咖啡本質上的風味,也就是所謂的地域風味,影響地域風味的主要因素為: 豆種、土壤、雨量、海拔、日夜溫差、緯度、洋流、日照、遮蔭樹、採收期、處理法等,簡稱為天地人所帶來的產區因素,這些因素的不同,都會讓最後品飲到的咖啡在細節上不一樣。花香、果香、堅果香,都是這類的風味輪廓。

In terms of inherent flavor, coffee needs to be roasted to develop its flavor. The Maillard reaction is the main contributor to this flavor, and with proper roasting and extraction, you can easily taste the inherent flavor of the coffee, also known as regional flavor. The factors that affect regional flavor include bean variety, soil, rainfall, altitude, temperature difference between day and night, latitude, ocean currents, sunshine, shading trees, harvest time, and processing methods. These factors contribute to the terroir of the production area, and the differences among them lead to variations in the final flavor of the coffee. Floral, fruity, and nutty flavors are some of the flavor profiles that fall under this category.



Roast flavor, on the other hand, refers to the flavors that arise from the caramelization reaction during the later stages of roasting. Flavors such as caramel, roasted, and smoky fall under this category. The Maillard reaction occurs first, followed by the caramelization reaction during roasting, but the two processes overlap and are difficult to distinguish. The roast flavor referred to here is the flavor that arises during the later stages of roasting.



After drinking coffee for a while, you may want to taste the pure regional flavor of coffee rather than the heavy roast flavor. We found that there are corresponding brewing methods to achieve this. Simply put, if you extract the beginning of a full extraction of coffee for a longer time, you get more regional flavors, while if you extract the end of a full extraction of coffee for a longer time, you get more roasting flavors. Therefore, reducing the extraction rate, reducing the powder-water ratio, and using a smaller amount of coffee liquid can help you taste more of the inherent regional flavor of coffee.


以「巴拿馬 極光莊園 藝妓 水洗」來手沖
風味描述為:野薑花 柑橘 葡萄 水果汁 酸質明亮圓潤 果汁感佳 Body扎實 柳橙汁尾韻綿長

For example, if we use "Panama Finca la Aurora Geisha Washed" for pour-over coffee, the flavor profile is wild ginger flower, citrus, grape, fruit juice, bright acidity, mellow, juicy, full-bodied, and a lingering finish of orange juice.


熱水80度,粉水比1:12 (以20克咖啡,注入240克熱水)
喝起來: 野薑花 葡萄果汁juicy感 酸甜明亮活潑 比較立體 尾韻柳橙汁綿長

Regional flavor version:

Hot water at 80℃, a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:12 (using 20g of coffee, pouring 240g of hot water).
Total brew time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds, using the same grind size and avoiding stir the water.

This method brings out the flavor of wild ginger flowers, citrus, grapes, fruit juice, bright acidity, mellowness, juicy, full-bodied, and a lingering finish of orange juice.


喝起來: 柑橘 桃 厚實回甘 比較不立體 尾韻橘皮綿長

Normal flavor version:

Using 20g of coffee and a 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio with water at 90℃, 300g of coffee is extracted in 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The grind size is consistent and the water is stirred normally. When tasted, it has notes of citrus, peach, a mellow and sweet aftertaste, but with less depth. The finish is long with a hint of orange peel.



Using beans with richer flavor descriptions can enhance the regional flavor of pour-over coffee, resulting in a unique tasting experience.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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