藝妓沖冰的,風味層次居然提升 Cold Brew Method Improves Geisha’s Flavor Structures
Our guests were surprised to discover why do they think the cold brew Geisha has higher flavor structures than the hot one! Is it delusion?
The flavor of Geisha coffee is floral, which is easily overwhelmed by other flavors, and the floral aroma is extracted in the front part. Cold brewing can extract more the flavor in the front part, so this customer just made pour-over coffee that he wanted to drink the most.
Cold brewing is brewing a relatively small amount of hot coffee, plus roughly double the amount of ice cubes, and the extraction time is same about 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If it is an ordinary hot pour-over brewing, after all the flavors are extracted, the floral aroma is easily submerged, and it is not easy to taste it unless you taste it carefully. You can also use a relatively low water temperature, or grind the beans a little coarser, the extraction time is the same 2 minutes and 30 seconds, try to extract the front part, try not to extract the latter section, and the floral aroma can be easily tasted.
To adjust the extraction rate, you can start with these parameters:
Low extraction rate |
Low |
Temperature |
High |
High extraction rate |
Coarse |
Grind size |
Fine |
Short |
Time |
Long |
Light |
Roast degree |
Dark |
│延伸閱讀:在家沖出咖啡館級別的 冰咖啡
│Further reading: Make cafe-quality iced coffee at home
│延伸閱讀:濾掛咖啡 做冰手沖
│Further reading: Sharing Secret Tips – How to Make Iced Pour Over Coffee
If you want more floral and fruity flavors, you can extract lightly and extract the front part to strengthen the proportion of floral and fruity flavors in a cup of coffee. The soft floral notes are a treat to taste!
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