水溫對咖啡風味的影響 The effect of water temperature on coffee flavors
1. 沖煮實驗
2. 水溫與風味比較
3. 咖啡降溫後的變化
4. 總結
Is the water temperature important for brewing coffee? In order to understand the effect of water temperature on brewing, let's experiment with two water temperatures. Generally speaking, the water temperature for extracting coffee is about 85-95℃; under the same extraction time, the higher the water temperature, the faster the volatile aroma and water-soluble substances in the coffee will be released; the lower the water temperature, it is impossible to extract the complete flavor substances.
我們以「浸泡式」萃取方式,排除沖泡技巧與手法的影響,來比較水溫高低對風味的影響。咖啡豆樣本,我們選用 衣索比亞 藝妓村 綠標藝妓 日曬 來進行測試,它是一支香氣飽滿、細膩層次佳的豆子,很適合用來測試風味與口感的差異性。
We use the immersion brewing method, excluding the influence of brewing techniques, to compare the influence of water temperature on flavor. As a coffee bean sample, we use the Panama La Esmeralda Geisha Natural for testing. It is a coffee bean with full aroma and finely structured, which is very suitable for testing the difference in flavor and taste.
– 水溫:75度vs.95度。
– 樣本:衣索比亞 藝妓村 綠標藝妓 日曬 │ 焙度:淺焙
– 沖煮參數依照上週介紹的「簡單版浸泡式咖啡」所列參數測試
Brewing test
– Water temperature: 75℃ vs. 95℃
– Sample: Panama La Esmeralda Geisha Natural │ Roasting: Light Roast
– The brewing parameters are tested according to the parameters listed in the “Simple version of immersion coffee” introduced last week
1. 將咖啡粉20g放入杯中
2. 二次沖泡,分別倒入75度熱水300g & 95度熱水300g,咖啡粉吸水後會浮在杯內上緣,如同手沖之悶蒸狀態。
3. 1分鐘或1分30秒後,以湯匙攪動杯內上緣的粉層,咖啡粉會沉浸在水中。
4. 浸泡時間達2分30秒時,倒入另一個架好濾網的杯中,完成。
1. Put 20g of ground coffee into the cup
2. Brew twice separately, pour 300g of 75℃ hot water and 300g of 95℃ hot water respectively. After the coffee powder absorbs water, it will float on the upper edge of the cup, just like the blooming state of pour-over brewing
3. After 1 minute or 1.5 minutes, stir the powder layer on the upper edge of the cup with a spoon, and the coffee powder will be immersed in the water.
4. When the soaking time reaches 2.5 minutes, pour it into another cup with a strainer and it is done.
Water temperature and flavor comparison
Soaked in 95℃ hot water, the aroma is full and floral, sweet and rich, and the taste is mellow and rich; while soaking in 75℃ hot water, it has an elegant floral fragrance, more watery and incompletely extracted bitterness, less sweet and mellow.
Changes in coffee as the temperature cools down
After these 2 cups cooling down, it is found that the difference in flavor began to get close, the sweetness and fruity aroma began to stack, and the throat rhyme stretched out.
Drinking coffee when it is hot is based on structured flavors and brewing techniques; after cooling down, its body will be enriched, and the aftertaste will increase; it’s said that the essence of coffee beans is presented at low temperature. So whether a cup of coffee is well brewed and whether the beans themselves are good or bad can be seen from high temperature to low temperature. This is why specialty coffee recommends that you taste the coffee slowly, from hot to cold, to taste the complete flavor profile.
In Conclusion
If the other parameters remain unchanged, if the brewed coffee feels bitter, strong, etc., you can try to lower the water temperature; if the brewed coffee feels watery and weak, it means that there are still many flavors left in the coffee. Consider raising the temperature the next time you brew. The water temperature can be high or low, and the extracted flavor is different. By changing various parameters, you can accumulate more brewing experience, and slowly find your favorite coffee brewing method, enrich the sensory experience of taste and smell, and enjoy a cup of fine coffee.
│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio
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