磨粉時的香甜味,沖煮後卻消失了,原因出在哪? Why Does the Sweet Aroma during Grinding Disappear after Brewing?



1. 以萃取率來說
2. 以養豆來說
3. 以烘焙來說 

當新鮮研磨的咖啡粉磨開,湊近口鼻,迎面而來的萬千香甜氣息,抱著期待的心情沖煮後,有時會發現,喝起來卻沒有乾香時的風味感受,是不是哪個沖煮環節出了問題?聞得到香甜卻喝不到香甜,可以從三個面向來思考: 萃取率、養豆 及 烘焙

When the freshly ground coffee emits a myriad of sweet aromas as you approach it, you brew it with anticipation, but sometimes you find that it doesn't taste as flavorful as it smelled during grinding. Is there something wrong during the brewing process? When you can smell the sweetness but can't taste it, you can consider three aspects: extraction rate, bean aging, and roasting.




In terms of extraction rate:

The sweet aroma during grinding indicates that the coffee is rich in sweetness and has a sweet sensation. However, if the brewed coffee lacks sweetness and is more acidic than sweet, it's likely due to under-extraction. Increasing the extraction rate should enhance the sweetness. On the other hand, if the coffee tastes bitter rather than sweet, it's likely over-extracted. Slightly lowering the extraction rate should reduce bitterness and bring back the sweetness.


│延伸閱讀:咖啡萃取率 關鍵4要素
│Futher reading:4 Key Factors Affecting Coffee Extraction Rate

│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio




In terms of bean aging:

This is also related to the extraction rate. After roasting, coffee beans produce a significant amount of carbon dioxide. If these bubbles are too vigorous during the pour-over process, they can reduce the contact between hot water and coffee grounds, resulting in under-extraction and insufficient sweetness. Additionally, during bean aging, as carbon dioxide is released from the beans, it carries flavor compounds into the beans' oils. When brewing, this allows soluble flavor compounds to dissolve in water, enhancing the coffee's sweetness.



│Futher reading:Is Fresher Coffee Really Tastier?




In terms of roasting,

The basic job of a coffee roaster is to bring out the beans' expected aromas and flavors. However, achieving a smooth and sweet coffee profile requires experience and effort. If the coffee's sweetness isn't well balanced, the beans that should have been sweet may lose their sweetness and bring out bitterness and astringency instead. Although the aroma during grinding may suggest sweetness, the presence of bitterness and astringency during tasting might offset the perceived sweetness, it’s a pity for an enjoyable coffee experience.



│Futher reading:How Baristas Capture the Roasting Sweet Spot



While the flavor and mouthfeel of pour-over coffee can vary from person to person, this is what makes pour-over coffee so fascinating. Justin Coffee's roasting philosophy is to identify the most suitable flavor profile for each bean, focusing on sweetness and balance. We aim to provide a variety of flavorful and enjoyable coffees for everyone to savor at home.




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➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

