咖啡人必備關鍵字 Keywords for Coffee Drinkers



It's almost five years since Justin Coffee Classroom started! Every Friday, we will share simple and easy-to-follow coffee knowledge, from the introduction, pour-over skills, coffee taste and even the introduction of the origin. Today, we will review the popular coffee keywords, so that when you are in a coffee shop, chatting is more convenient.

一、入門知識 Getting Started

1. 莊園咖啡/單一莊園咖啡 Estate Coffee/Single Estate Coffee

Estate coffee is the concept of a single coffee manor. It pays attention to the clear and traceable source of coffee beans, including a clear country, production area, manor/cooperative/processing plant, and does not use mixed beans to make coffee. Broadly speaking, it is also called single-origin coffee.

2. 高海拔 High Altitude

The coffee quality is positively correlated with the planting altitude. The higher the altitude, the better the coffee quality. Coffee beans grown at higher altitudes have a sweeter, richer flavor.

3. 烘焙度與風味 Roast and Flavor

The flavor of coffee increases or decreases with the increase of roasting degree. The aroma of raw beans decreases to a small amount after medium and dark roasting, and then only the flavor of dark roasting remains. Good green beans will bring out the flavor of raw beans with light roasting.

4. 養豆 Aging process

Freshly roasted coffee beans will generate a large amount of carbon dioxide and gas inside. Through the aging process, aromatic substances and oils will be fused and the gas will be released, making it easier for aromatic substances to be extracted through brewing.

5. 單向排氣閥 One Way Degassing Valve

There is a button-like object on the coffee bean bag called an “Degassing Valve,” which is a device that allows air to flow out but not in, which can effectively slow down the aging of coffee beans.

6. 充氮包裝 Nitrogen-filled packaging
The presence of oxygen (O2) will cause the coffee powder to quickly oxidize and lose its aroma. By injecting nitrogen (N2) gas exchange, the oxidation of coffee oil and the effect of enzymes are avoided, and the shelf life of drip coffee is effectively extended.

二、咖啡沖煮技巧  Coffee Brewing Tips

1.手沖咖啡 (Pour-over Coffee / Hand-drip Brewing)
滴濾式(Drip Filtration)咖啡的一種,透過將熱水沖入咖啡粉,經由濾紙和濾杯「滴濾」出咖啡。

Drip Filtration is a type of coffee in which hot water is poured into the coffee powder, and the coffee is "drip-filtered" through filter paper and a filter cup.

2.手沖參數 Pour-over brewing parameters

Recommended brewing data for pour-over coffee. It usually includes the powder to water ratio, the grinding size of coffee powder, brewing water temperature, brewing time, etc.

3.粉水比 Powder to water ratio

The ratio of ground coffee to brewing water. The powder to water ratio often used for pour-over coffee is 1:12-1:15.

4.萃取率 Extraction Rate

The ratio of soluble substances extracted from coffee beans. Generally, the extraction rate will fall between 18% and 22%.

5.萃取時間 Extraction time

The time that the coffee powder is in contact with water is an important factor for brewing a good cup of coffee. The longer the extraction time, the higher the extraction rate; but the longer the extraction time, it will also cause over-extraction.

6.可溶性物質 Soluble Substances

Soluble substances refer to substances in coffee beans that can be dissolved in water.

7.悶蒸 Blooming

Blooming is the first pouring of water for brewing, which allows the coffee powder to soak and degassing at the same time, which helps to dissolve the soluble substances and aromatic substances in the coffee completely and evenly.

8.通道效應 Channel Effect

Water has the physical property of flowing to a place with less resistance. If a “channel” is created in the coffee powder, this will make the coffee close to the channel to be extracted more; other parts flow too low or no water at all, resulting in insufficient extraction , resulting in uneven caffeine extraction.

9.粒徑分佈 Particle Size Distribution

The degree of coffee powder size distribution; if it is indicated by a vector coordinate graph, the horizontal axis is the small to large powder, and the vertical axis is the number of each powder; the wider the particle size distribution, the greater the difference in particle size; the narrower the distribution, the greater the difference in particle size. The more consistent the particle size, the better the control of brewing.

10.層次 Structures

Coffee has a structured sense, which is rich and clear in flavor without being mixed, which is full of various flavors and tastes.

三、咖啡品嚐 Coffee Tasting

1.咖啡36味 36 flavors of coffee
精品咖啡協會(SCA) 評鑑訓練的教材,在36個小瓶子分裝36種味道精油,做為訓練嗅覺記憶,並讓杯測師有形容咖啡香氣的共通語言。

Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) evaluation training materials, 36 kinds of flavor essential oils in 36 small bottles, as training olfactory memory, and let cuppers have a common language to describe the aroma of coffee.

2.咖啡風味輪 Coffee Taster's Flavor Wheel

Co-designed by the Specialty Coffee Association of America and the World Coffee Research Laboratory (WCR), the picture comprehensively describes the flavor description of coffee to assist in coffee tasting and cupping.

3.咖啡品質鑑定師(Q Grader)

CQI certification is obtained after a series of sensory course corrections and high-intensity tests. The test subjects include cupping, olfactory test, taste test, organic acid identification, roasting degree test, roasted bean grading, green bean grading and coffee basic knowledge test.

4.乾香/溼香/風味 Dry Aroma/Wet Aroma/Flavors

Dry aroma - the aroma of the grinded coffee before they are infused with hot water

Wet aroma - the wet aroma of coffee powder after poured into hot water

Flavors - the diffusion of coffee in the mouth, that is, all the combined impressions felt by the mouth entering all the taste senses until passing through the nasal cavity.

5.金杯準則 The Gold Cup Standard
金杯準則 最早由麻省理工洛克哈特博士於1960年代提出,後來幾經修正,不同國家的金杯準則不同。其準則來源是經過市場調查,大多數人覺得某個濃度與萃取率區間裡的咖啡是好喝的。此區間為:濃度1.15%~1.55%;萃取率18%~22%。

The Gold Cup Standard was first proposed by Dr. Lockhart of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1960s. After several revisions, the Gold Cup Standard is different in different countries. The source of its guidelines is from market research, and most people think that coffee in a certain strength and extraction rate range is delicious. This interval is: strength concentration 1.15%~1.55%; extraction rate 18%~22%.

6.梅納反應 Maillard Reaction
食品熱加工中的非酶褐變反應, 咖啡生豆中的還原糖與胺基酸(蛋白質)在加熱時發生一系列複雜反應,其結果生成了棕黑色的大分子物質類黑素,及上千個不同的氣味分子,這些物質為咖啡提供了宜人可口的風味和誘人的色澤。
Maillard Reaction is the non-enzymatic browning reaction in food heating process. When reducing sugars and amino acids (proteins) in green coffee beans are roasted, a series of complex reactions occur and resulting in the formation of brown-black macromolecular substances melanoidins, and thousands of different odor molecules. These substances provide coffee with a pleasant and delicious flavor and attractive color.

7.總溶解物質(TDS) Total Dissolved Matter (TDS)
TDS值可反映出水中離子總含量,如:鈣、鎂、鈉、鉀離子和碳酸離子、碳酸氫離子、氯離子、硫酸離子和硝酸離子等。適合沖泡咖啡的水質建議,TDS 在 75~250ppm,理想值為 150ppm。

The TDS value can reflect the total ion content in water, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ions and carbonate ions, bicarbonate ions, chloride ions, sulfate ions and nitrate ions. We recommend the water quality suitable for brewing coffee: TDS is 75~250ppm, and the ideal value is 150ppm.

8.礙口 Harshness

When the coffee is over-brewed or over-extracted, you will feel that the cup of coffee has a “bitter” taste, which is the so-called “Harshness,” which will produce a heavy and uncomfortable feeling on the palate.

9.閾值 Threshold

Threshold, also known as critical value, refers to the lowest or highest value that a feeling can produce, and also refers to the minimum stimulus intensity required to release a behavioral response.

四、咖啡生活 Coffee Life

1.抗氧化物 Antioxidant

Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals. When the body is constantly attacked by free radicals, antioxidants can effectively eliminate free radicals and reduce the threat of civilized diseases; coffee has a variety of antioxidants.

2.咖啡多酚 Coffee Polyphenols

Coffee polyphenols (eg, chlorogenic acid) are natural compounds, which have many health-promoting properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic and antihypertensive properties.

3.燕麥奶拿鐵 Oat Milk Latte
以燕麥奶取代牛奶,加入濃縮咖啡液,製作而成的拿鐵咖啡(Café Latte)。 

Café Latte is made by replacing milk with oat milk and adding espresso liquid.

五、咖啡產區 Coffee Producing Regions

1.耶加雪菲聯盟(YCFCU) Yirgacheffe Union (YCFCU)

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union represents 26 cooperatives located in the Gedeo district of Ethiopia. It is a coffee bean exporter recognized by the Ethiopian government and is a system jointly maintained by grassroots farmers. On the one hand, farmers are exempted from the unequal treatment of being chipped by private processing plants, it also provides a channel for international buyers to directly face the village cooperatives.

2.肯亞AA Kenya AA

AA refers to the largest grade of green coffee beans in the size grading, and the area that is often graded by this is Kenya or New Guinea. From largest to smallest, they are AA, AB, PB, etc.

3.翡翠莊園 Emerald Manor

The world-renowned Emerald Estate in Poquet, Panama, is certified by the Rainforest Alliance for the care of its natural environment. It’s world-famous for its geisha variety.

4.台灣咖啡 Taiwan Coffee

The specialty of Taiwanese coffee is the sweet aftertaste. In order to produce high-quality specialty coffee, Taiwan has extremely strict requirements on green coffee beans and adopts the method of manual picking. The famous Alishan coffee is carefully selected by Justin Coffee.

5.黃金曼特寧 Gold Mandheling

After strict quality control, the beans are manually picked four times, and defective beans are removed, only even and large beans are selected, which are called “Golden Mandheling.”

6.紅櫻桃計畫 Red Cherry Project

It’s a project to encourage Ethiopian farmers to produce better quality coffee beans, by designated manual harvesting of 100% ripe red coffee cherries, providing financial loans to support hardware equipment, providing production and processing knowledge and other technologies, and building high-quality coffee cupping experiments continue to improve the quality of coffee.

7.G1- Grade 1
在衣索比亞,按照物理特徵及杯測品質評分,可分為G1-G9的9個等級。這是衣索比亞商品交易所(ECX)的分級法。Grade 1-G1 是衣索比亞咖啡分級制度中最高等級。

In Ethiopia, according to physical characteristics and cupping quality scores, it can be divided into 9 grades from G1 to G9. This is the grading method of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX). Grade 1-G1 is the highest grade in the Ethiopian coffee grading system.

六、咖啡處理法 Coffee Processing Methods

1.日曬 Natural Process

It is also known as natural drying method. The coffee cherries are dried in the sun and then peeled. During the long-term exposure process, green beans absorb the flavor of the cherry peel and pulp, which is making the fuller sweetness of the coffee and easy to produce a fermentation aroma and a unique aroma.

2.酒香日曬 Natural Wine Fermentation Process

The fermentation method is similar to the fermentation method of red wine, and the processing steps are similar to natural process, but the fermentation time is longer. It increases the sweetness and structure of coffee, and the flavor is similar to the fermented flavor of red wine.

3.去果皮日曬 Pulped Natural Process
巴西處理生豆的一種方式,將外層果皮及部分果膠層去除,再放置太陽下乾燥,類似蜜處理(Honey Process)中的黃蜜處理,可增加風味與甜度。

It’s a way of processing green beans in Brazil. The outer peel and part of the pectin layer are removed, and then dried in the sun, similar to the yellow honey treatment in the Honey Process, which can increase the flavor and sweetness.

4.水洗 Washed Process

After removing the peel and pulp, coffee cherries are soaked in water for fermentation in a fermentation tank to remove the pectin mucous membrane, then washed with water, and dried in the sun or machine to have rich acidity.

5.濕剝法(半水洗法) Semi Washed Process

It is the unique green bean processing method in Sumatra, Indonesia. The coffee cherries are preliminarily washed, fermented, and exposed to the sun for one to two days, that is, the husks are first peeled off and then continue to dry, to shorten the drying time of the green beans. About two more days of drying time will reduce the moisture content of the green coffee beans to the storage target.

6.蜜處理 Honey Process

It is in between natural and washed method. after removing the peel and pulp, the fermentation tank is not used, and the pectin mucosa is preserved in the sun. The pectin layer retains a high proportion of sugar and acidity, and the flavor is between the sun drying method and the water washing method.


7.百香蜜處理 Passion Honey Process

After the peel and pulp are removed from coffee cherries, 80% of the pectin is retained and dried in the sun. Compared with the traditional honey process, the drying time is prolonged and the drying is carried out in a low temperature environment. This method has a strong tropical fruit tone.

8.厭氧處理法 Anaerobic Fermentation Process

Under anaerobic conditions, the organic matter in the green beans is decomposed through fermentation, which changes the flavor of the coffee. The anaerobic conditions allow the coffee fermentation process to produce more aromatic substances.


七、咖啡協會/獎項 Coffee Association/Awards

1.卓越杯(COE) Cup of Excellence (COE)
卓越杯是世界上最有聲望的咖啡豆競賽,由非營利單位ACE卓越咖啡聯盟 (Alliance for Coffee Excellence)每年在12個國家各別舉行。由專業評審團在上千支咖啡中評選出高於86分的優勝咖啡(最多選出40支),再從中評選優勝的順序,並於線上競標售出。

The Cup of Excellence is the world's most prestigious coffee bean competition, held annually in 12 countries by the non-profit Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE). The professional jury selects the winning coffee with a score of higher than 86 among thousands of coffees (up to 40 coffees are selected), and then selects the winning order and sells it through online bidding.


2.最佳巴拿馬(BOP) Best of Panama (BOP)


It is the world's iconic Panamanian green bean competition, which has been held since 1996. The purpose of the establishment of the Panama Specialty Coffee Association is to establish a platform to improve the Panamanian coffee farmers and improve the high quality of specialty coffee.


3.咖啡品質學會(CQI)  Coffee Quality Institute (CQI)
源起 SCAA,現獨立運作,為增進全球優質咖啡品質提升,從定義優質咖啡標準、優化產地農民生產品質與數量、到推廣咖啡品質鑑定師訓練系統,不僅是國際上的指標,更提升產業永續發展。

Originated from SCAA, it is now operating independently. In order to improve the quality of global high-quality coffee, define high-quality coffee standards, optimize the production quality and quantity of farmers in region, and promote the training system for coffee quality appraisers, it is not only an international indicator, but also enhances the industry's sustainable development.


八、其他  Others


1.烘焙曲線 Roasting Curve


A graph of changes in temperature and time is recorded during coffee roasting, with time on the horizontal axis and temperature on the vertical axis. The temperature record is the bean surface temperature. In this way, roasters can grasp the heating state of green beans, supplemented by changes in aroma and shape, to do a good job in coffee roasting.


2.升溫速率(ROR) Rate of Rise (ROR)


Rate of Rise is the heating rate per minute when roasting coffee beans. It is commonly used as a unit of 30 seconds in foreign countries.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡

➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

