不藏私公開 – 濾掛咖啡 做冰手沖 Sharing Secret Tips – How to Make Iced Pour-Over Coffee

不藏私公開 – 濾掛咖啡 做冰手沖

1. 冰塊的用量
2. 步驟

濾掛咖啡 也可以做冰咖啡,特別在慵懶時刻,想要隨手來杯冰手沖咖啡,可選擇濾掛咖啡隨身包,沖煮道理如同上週分享的冰手沖咖啡。冰手沖咖啡好喝的秘訣,除了選用花香果香飽滿的單一莊園咖啡,再加上巧妙搭配冰塊用量與咖啡萃取的濃度控制,就可以輕易泡出好喝的冰咖啡。
We can use drip coffee to make iced coffee, especially in lazy moments. If you want to have a cup of iced coffee, you can choose the drip coffee. The brewing principle is the same as the iced coffee shared last week. The secret to the deliciousness of iced pour-over brewing is to choose a single origin coffee with a full floral and fruity aroma, and matching the right amount of ice cubes and the strength concentration of coffee, you can easily brew a delicious iced coffee.


冰塊的用量,是原本熱水沖泡時預計沖出的咖啡液一半的量,比如說,JC咖啡的濾掛咖啡隨身包為10克咖啡粉,原本熱水沖泡時要沖出180克咖啡液 – 就改用90克的冰塊、沖出約90克的咖啡液即可。

The amount of ice cubes is half the coffee liquid that is expected to be brewed in the original hot water brewing. For example, the filter coffee bag of Justin Coffee is 10g of coffee powder, and the original hot water brewing should be 180g coffee liquid. Thus, we just use 90g ice cubes and about 90g of coffee liquid.

In addition, when brewing, it’s better to have smaller water pouring and longer brewing time, because the coffee liquid is only half of the usual amout, so it is necessary to increase the extraction rate by increasing the time.




1. Putting 90g ice cubes into the cup where you brew the drip coffee

2. Using 90~95°C hot water

3. Using water-break method (slowly pouring hot water, let the coffee in the drip bag flow down a little, and then continue to pour water until 90 grams of hot water is filled)

4. About 180cc iced coffee




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➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
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➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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