濾掛咖啡三重奏 The Trio of Drip Bag Coffee



1. 手沖熱咖啡及特色
2. 手沖冰咖啡及特色
3. 冰釀咖啡及特色


Drip bag coffee offers three delightful brewing methods: aromatic hot coffee, refreshing iced coffee, and rich immersion method. Save this guide for when you crave a great cup of coffee and learn how to prepare them.


手沖熱咖啡 Pour-over Hot Coffee

1. 用90度熱水,注水4次
2. 第1次,注水一半,等30秒,即悶蒸
3. 第2~4次,等滴濾至一半,再注水至9分滿
4. 時間到2分30秒即把濾掛移開,沒濾滴完的就算了
5. 約得150克熱咖啡
特色: 咖啡風味完整萃取

1. Use 90°C hot water and pour it in four times.

2. For the first pour, fill halfway, wait for 30 seconds, allowing it to bloom.

3. For the second to fourth pour, wait for the coffee to drip halfway, then pour water up to 9/10 full.

4. When 2 minutes and 30 seconds are up, remove the drip bag, even if it's not fully drained.

5. Approximately 150 grams of hot coffee.

Features: Complete extraction of coffee flavor.


手沖冰咖啡 Pour-over Iced Coffee

1. 杯中裝5個冰塊,冰塊大小不等,舖滿容器底部即可
2. 用90度熱水,注水3次
3. 第1次,注水一半,等30秒,即悶蒸
4. 第2~3次,等滴濾至一半,再注水至9分滿
5. 時間到2分30秒即把濾掛移開,沒濾滴完的就算了
6. 約得180克冰咖啡(含冰塊)
特色: 冰咖啡層次感佳

1. Place 5 ice cubes of various sizes in a glass, filling the bottom.

2. Use 90°C hot water and pour it in three times.

3. For the first pour, fill halfway, wait for 30 seconds, allowing it to bloom.

4. For the second to third pour, wait for the coffee to drip halfway, then pour water up to 9/10 full.

5. When 2 minutes and 30 seconds are up, remove the drip bag, even if it's not fully drained.

6. Approximately 180 grams of iced coffee (including ice cubes).

Features: Well-structured iced coffee.


冰釀咖啡 Iced Brew Coffee

1. 將濾掛塞入瓶中(不撕開)
2. 加入200克冷水
3. 搖晃20秒浸潤咖啡粉
4. 置入冷藏8小時
5. 搖晃後直接飲用或倒出飲用 
6. 約得170克冰咖啡
特色: 果香濃郁方便使用

1. Place the drip bag into a bottle (do not tear it open).

2. Add 200 grams of cold water.

3. Shake for 20 seconds to saturate the coffee grounds.

4. Refrigerate for 8 hours.

5. Shake and serve directly or pour it out before drinking.

6. Approximately 170 grams of iced coffee.

Features: Rich fruity flavor and convenient to use.


用「巴拿馬 翡翠莊園 綠標 私藏精選 藝妓 日曬」濾掛來沖看看,三種沖泡方式呈現出的風味各有特色:
手沖熱咖啡 - 草莓、甜橙、黏稠滑順
手沖冰咖啡 - 蜜桃、紅葡萄、果汁感佳
冰釀咖啡 - 果香濃郁、甜美多汁

Try using the "Panama La Esmeralda Private Collection Geisha Natural" drip bag for brewing, and experience the unique flavors presented by three different brewing methods:

Pour-over Hot Coffee - strawberry, sweet orange, and a silky-smooth texture.

Pour-over Iced Coffee - peach, red grapes, and a delightful juice-like quality.

Iced Brew Coffee - rich fruity flavors and a sweet, juicy taste.



When preparing iced coffee using the pour-over method, it starts with a mellow and rich texture before the ice cubes have fully melted. As the ice melts halfway, you'll notice a pronounced fruity juice-like flavor. Each of these three brewing methods for drip bag coffee has its own merits, so give them a try and experience the magical sensations of this sensory trio!




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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