粉水比 Coffee-to-Water Ratio


咖啡粉水比 有二種說法

是指咖啡粉與沖泡使用水的比例。常聽到的手沖 粉水比 是1:15,即用20克的咖啡粉與300克的熱水。然而定義上卻有二種說法,其一是坊間常用的說法,用20克的粉、得到300克的咖啡液。

The coffee-to-water ratio refers to the ratio of coffee grounds to the amount of water used for brewing. The commonly heard coffee-to-water ratio for pour-over brewing is 1:15, which means using 20g of coffee grounds with 300g of hot water. However, there are two definitions for this ratio. The first definition is the commonly used one in which 20g of coffee grounds to get 300g of brewed coffee liquid.



The second definition is based on the "Golden Cup" standard, where 20g of coffee grounds are used with 300g water. Since coffee grounds absorb water, approximately 1.5 times the water weight is retained by the coffee grounds and doesn't flow through, resulting in a brewed coffee liquid of around 270g. Both definitions represent a ratio that provides a benchmark and reference for brewing coffee.


│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio




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