該如何沖出讓朋友按讚的咖啡 How to make coffee that your friends like
1. 以SWOT分析沖咖啡給朋友喝按讚
2. 優勢
3. 劣勢
4. 機會
5. 威脅
Christmas is coming, happy reunion with family and friends and share favorite specialty coffee with them. Today I will share with you how to brew coffees that will get into the souls and the hearts of friends.
以SWOT分析 沖咖啡給朋友喝按讚
Use SWOT analysis to make coffee for friends to drink and like
SWOT分析主要是針對企業內部優勢與劣勢,以及外部環境的機會與威脅來進行分析,是最常使用的策略分析工具;SW是企業內部的分析,OT是企業外部的分析。SWOT analysis is mainly aimed at analyzing the internal advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats of the external environment. It is the most commonly used strategic analysis tool. SW is the internal analysis of the enterprise, and OT is the external analysis of the enterprise.
We usually know our own coffee preferences very well, but might not have a good grasp of my friends. We can analyze this matter with SWOT and try to get compliments from friends. If you have several different coffees on hand that you can make coffees for your friends, or when you want to buy coffee for your friends and don’t know which kind of coffee to buy, you can think about and analyze it. Under this analysis framework, the channel for obtaining coffee is regarded as the internal analysis of SW, and the likes, dislikes and cognition of coffee by friends are regarded as the external analysis of OT.
所選的咖啡超越其他咖啡的因素,如果手邊有JC咖啡「二十個精品莊園 濾泡咖啡禮盒」,內有20種不同莊園的濾掛浸泡咖啡。在風味方面,有花香、果香、酒香、堅果香等不同風味取向的莊園隨身包;在酸甜感方面,有酸質明亮圓潤、也有酸甜平衡、低酸甘甜等滋味取向等。
The selected coffee surpasses other coffee factors. If you have Justin Coffee “Twenty Estates Drip Bag Coffee Gift Box” at hand, there are 20 kinds of drip bag coffees from different estates. In terms of flavors, there are drip bags with different flavor orientations such as floral, fruity, wine, and nutty aromas. In terms of sweet and sour taste, there are taste orientations such as bright and round acidity, balanced sweetness and acidity, and low acidity and sweetness.
所選的咖啡缺乏稱讚的因素,如果手邊的是JC咖啡「二十個精品莊園 濾泡咖啡禮盒」,每一包只有10克,每一杯只能泡150~180cc,不能一次泡300cc大杯裝。
The selected coffee lacks praise factors. If you have Justin Coffee “Twenty Estates Drip Bag Coffee Gift Box,” each pack is only 10g, and each cup can only brew 150~180cc, and you cannot brew a 300cc large cup at a time.
Factors that are conducive to getting compliments from friends. Friends’ preferences for coffee are floral and fruity flavors, and coffee with floral and fruity aromas is usually accompanied by good acidity. Friends can understand what acidity is necessary for specialty coffee, accepting the texture of acid helps to taste coffee etc.
Factors that are not conducive to getting compliments from friends. What friends can’t accept in coffee is sourness. As long as there is a little sourness, they can’t accept it. They can’t understand the difference in the texture of sourness in a short time, and what significance this difference will bring to specialty coffee feelings etc.
After the above SWOT analysis, we will have a clearer idea. When sending coffee to a friend, or taking coffee with a friend to brew pour-over coffee, we can see that when the friend is drinking coffee, the smile on the face is a compliment accompanied by the aroma of coffee, revealing the beauty in the heart!
│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio
✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳
✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures