萃取率 Extraction Rate


1. 從萃取率簡單的看滋味
2. 影響萃取率的因素



There are many factors that affect the taste of a cup of coffee, and extraction rate is a simple way to gauge its quality. An extraction rate higher than 22% may result in bitterness and astringency, while a rate lower than 18% may lead to a flat and sour taste.

萃取率(%) = 咖啡粉溶出物(g) / 咖啡粉用量(g)

Extraction Rate (%) = Amount of coffee extracted (g) / Amount of coffee used (g)



There are many factors that can affect the extraction rate, such as the roast degree, grind size, the water temperature, and the brewing time.


│Futher reading:Perfect Pour-Over Coffee Golden Ratio


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