想送禮,但不知如何挑選咖啡豆? Choosing Coffee as a Gift but Unsure Where to Start?


Here is a detailed and thoughtful guide for choosing coffee as a gift when unsure of where to start. The guide considers seven aspects: origin, flavor, processing method, roast level, price, trend, and convenience. This approach allows for selection based on the recipient's taste preferences and needs. It includes recommended coffee varieties and information about specialty coffees, such as Geisha coffee, drip coffee bags, and gift boxes, making coffee selection easier. Presenting freshly roasted coffee in exquisite gift packaging enhances the joy and value of gifting. The seven aspects are as follows:


JC咖啡推廌台灣人最常買的豆子-衣索比亞,特別是這支很多人喝過的豆子「衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 果丁丁 G1 日曬
JC咖啡推廌平衡滑順的「巴西 摩吉安娜 皇后莊園 日曬

Choosing by Origin

Coffee beans' origin impacts their flavors. For instance, Ethiopian coffee might have floral and fruity notes, while Brazilian coffee tends to be more balanced. Choosing beans from different regions allows the recipient to experience diverse flavors.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Ethiopia Gediyo Yirgacheffe Worka Banko Gotiti G1 Natural" - a popular choice among Taiwanese.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Brazil Mogiana Rainha Farm Natural" - smooth and well-balanced.


JC咖啡推廌帶有茉莉花香的「衣索比亞 藝妓村 夏瓦吉巴布區 藝妓 紅標 日曬
JC咖啡推廌帶有熱帶水果調的「衣索比亞 谷吉 烏拉嘎 G1 日曬-TOH冠軍批次

Selecting by Flavor

The flavor of coffee arises from various nutrients within the coffee beans that, during roasting, undergo thermal degradation into a diverse array of aroma molecules, creating flavors reminiscent of various scents. Premium coffee beans naturally possess rich aromas and exhibit diverse aromatic changes at high, medium, and low temperatures. Each estate's flavor profile varies distinctly. The most common flavor categories include floral, fruity, nutty, fermented, and vinous notes.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Ethiopia Geisha Village Chelelektu Shiwagi Gebrebub G1 Natural" - jasmine scented.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Ethiopia Guji Uraga G1 Natural - TOH Champion Batch" - tropical fruit notes.

JC咖啡推廌帶有豐富水果風味的「巴拿馬 波奎特 艾利達莊園 日曬
JC咖啡推廌最會水洗處理法的國家「肯亞 涅里產區 蜂蜜 AA Top 水洗
JC咖啡推廌把蜜處理做到極致的哥斯大黎加「哥斯大黎加 布蘭卡 寶藏莊園 百香蜜處理

Picking by Processing Method

Those familiar with coffee would understand the significance of processing methods. It involves converting ripe coffee fruit into dried green beans, with each method having its own pros and cons. The most common processing methods are natural, washed, and honey processed.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Panama Bouquete Elida Natural" - rich fruity flavors.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Kenya Nyeri Asali AA TOP Washed" - best in washed method.

Justin Coffee Recommends:  "Costa Rica Brunca Rivense La Guaca Passion Honey" – extremely good honey processing.


JC咖啡推廌淺焙的代表,茉莉花、荔枝、檸檬、甜桃風味的「巴拿馬 翡翠莊園 綠標 私藏精選 Jaramillo 藝妓 水洗
JC咖啡推廌淺中焙是帶有水果桂圓香的溫潤咖啡感薩爾瓦多 聖伊蓮娜莊園 波旁 日曬
JC咖啡推廌中焙是老咖啡人都愛喝的「印尼蘇門答臘 亞齊迦佑 黃金曼特寧 20目

Choosing by Roast Level

Coffee roast level refers to the degree of roasting during the coffee bean's roasting process, typically categorized as light, medium, and dark roasts. Each roast level imparts different flavors, acidity, and mouthfeel.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Panama Jaramillo Green Label Private Collection Geisha Washed" - light roast with jasmine, lychee, lemon, and peach notes.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "El Salvador Finca Santa Elena Bourbon Natural" - medium-light roast with a  warm and mellow coffee with a fruity longan aroma.

Justin Coffee Recommends: "Indonesia Sumatra Aceh Gayo Golden Mandheling SC20+" - a favorite among experienced coffee enthusiasts.


JC咖啡推廌低價位是經典豆「瓜地馬拉 花神 貝拉卡摩娜莊園 水洗
JC咖啡推廌中價位是特殊處理的豆子「哥倫比亞 聖荷西莊園 蘭姆酒桶水洗
JC咖啡推廌高價位是半個世紀以來最會行銷的咖啡「牙買加 藍山 銀丘莊園 No.1 水洗

Selecting Based on Price:

The price of coffee beans is typically influenced by several factors, including quality, origin, variety, and special processing methods. Generally, the price reflects the richness and clarity of the coffee flavor.

Justin Coffee recommends the following:

Low-priced classic beans: "Guatemala Antigua Bella Carmona Washed"

Mid-priced beans processed in a unique way: "Colombia Caldas Finca San Jose Rum Barrel Washed"

High-priced, one of the most marketed coffees for over half a century: "Jamaica Blue Mountain Silver Hill Estate No.1 Washed"


JC咖啡推廌低價位並帶有蜜桃花香的「哥倫比亞 安蒂奧基亞省 露易莎莊園 藝妓 蜜處理
JC咖啡推廌中價位並在近年火紅的藝妓村衣索比亞 藝妓村 夏亞區 藝妓 綠標 水洗
JC咖啡推廌高價位並贏得無數大獎且國際知名的「巴拿馬 翡翠莊園 綠標 私藏精選 Jaramillo 藝妓 日曬

Following Trends:

Geisha coffee, continuously in the spotlight among coffee enthusiasts and trends, is a relatively expensive and popular coffee variety known for its top-tier quality and flavor complexity. Geisha coffee is famous for its intricate, multi-structured flavor profile, often carrying diverse notes such as floral and citrus, with a clean, sweet aftertaste and an exceptionally smooth mouthfeel.

Justin Coffee recommends the following:

Lower-priced Geisha coffee with a peach blossom aroma: "Colombia Antioquia Finca La Luisa Geisha Honey"

Mid-priced Geisha from the trending Geisha village: "Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, Yirgacheffe District, Washed"

High-priced, internationally renowned Geisha winner of numerous awards: "Panama Jaramillo Green Label Private Collection Geisha Natural"


JC咖啡推廌充氮香氣封存的「二十個精品莊園 濾泡咖啡綜合禮盒 (10gx20包/盒)

Selecting for Convenience:

Drip coffee bags offer a convenient and easy way to brew coffee, especially suitable for those seeking a quick preparation of a premium pour-over coffee. Users simply hang the drip bag over the cup, add hot water, and brew, eliminating the need for grinding beans or measuring coffee powder, ensuring utmost convenience.

Justin Coffee recommends nitrogen-sealed "Twenty Premium Estate Drip Coffee Assortment Gift Box (10g x 20 bags/box)".



When gifting coffee, freshness significantly impacts the flavor. It's advisable to choose freshly roasted beans, preferably from local roasters or specialty coffee shops. Justin Coffee adheres to freshly roasted coffee, shipping beans roasted within 3-5 days. The drip coffee bags also employ fresh roasting and nitrogen sealing to preserve aroma, offering a freshly ground experience upon opening. With its elegant gift box packaging, Justin Coffee elevates the gifting experience, showcasing thoughtfulness towards the recipient's preferences, signaling an understanding of both the coffee and the recipient's tastes, ultimately adding more joy to the act of gifting.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

