嚴選5支與粽子的最佳咖啡搭配 Top 5 Coffee Pairings with Zongzi (Sticky Rice Dumplings)
With the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, we want to share the delicious pairing of zongzi (sticky rice dumplings) with coffee. Instead of debating which zongzi from the north or south is tastier, we can enhance the experience by pairing different specialty coffees with varying roast levels and flavor profiles. Let's explore the combinations:
1. 哥倫比亞中焙咖啡 + 北部粽
「北部粽」米粒分明,糯米事先蒸過或與餡料一同拌炒後再包入粽葉蒸熟,味道較重。適合帶有堅果調且香醇的中焙咖啡,「哥倫比亞 娜玲瓏 拉米尼塔 模範生 水洗」中烘焙,沒有強烈花果香氣,卻有著香醇油脂感,搭配南部粽口味較重、有點類似油飯的口感,在口中非常融合,不論是一口粽香、搭一口咖啡,或吃完北部粽後、再喝一口咖啡,讓帶有中焙厚實感的咖啡與油膩的北部粽相得益彰。
1. Colombian Medium Roast Coffee + Northern-style Zongzi
The Northern-style zongzi features distinct rice grains, pre-steamed or stir-fried with the filling before wrapping in bamboo leaves and steaming. It has a heavier flavor. Pairing it with a medium roast coffee like "Colombian Nariño La Union Modela" brings out the nutty and rich notes. This coffee doesn't have strong floral or fruity aromas but offers a full-bodied and creamy texture. The combination of the rich medium roast coffee and the savory Northern-style zongzi creates a harmonious experience. Whether you take a bite of zongzi and then sip the coffee or finish the zongzi first and follow it with a sip of coffee, the robustness of the medium roast coffee complements the greasy Northern-style zongzi.
哥倫比亞 娜玲瓏 拉米尼塔 模範生 水洗 - 中焙
風味:可可 黑糖 奶油 柑橘 油脂感飽滿 Body厚實 尾韻香醇
Colombia Narino La Minita Reserva del Patron Washed - Medium Roast
Flavor profile: Cocoa, brown sugar, butter, citrus, full-bodied, rich finish
2. 衣索比亞日曬咖啡 + 南部粽
「南部粽」口感濕潤有黏性,以生糯米加配料,包入粽葉,水煮至熟,粽葉香較明顯。適合帶有水果調性且甜美的衣索比亞日曬咖啡,「衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 AMA計畫 博徒崁小農 G1 日曬」淺烘焙,帶有柑橘與黑莓果香,搭配粽葉香明顯的南部粽,讓口中香氣層次豐富;南部粽經過水煮糯米較軟嫩,且炒過的配料被水煮出油脂,粽子較不油膩,此時衣索比亞日曬的果香與粽葉香讓味覺層次提升。
2. Ethiopian Natural Processing Coffee + Southern-style Zongzi
The Southern-style zongzi has a moist and sticky texture. It is made with raw glutinous rice and ingredients, wrapped in bamboo leaves, and boiled until cooked. The aroma of the bamboo leaves is more pronounced. Pairing it with a fruity and sweet Ethiopian natural process coffee like "Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Idido Anaerobic Maceration" with light roast brings out the citrus and blackberry notes. The combination of the aromatic bamboo leaves of the Southern-style zongzi and the fruity aroma of the Ethiopian coffee creates a multi-structures sensory experience. The Southern-style zongzi, with its softer and less greasy texture due to the boiled glutinous rice, enhances the complexity of flavors when paired with the Ethiopian coffee.
衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 伊萊特加村 AMA計畫 博徒崁小農 G1 日曬 - 淺焙
風味:黑莓 柑橘 青蘋果 焦糖 甜感佳 尾韻柑橘糖香 圓潤柔美 喉韻柑橘香
Ethiopia Gediyo Yirgacheffe Elatenecha Ama Commitment Burtukan Geremu G1 Natural - Light Roast
Flavor profile: Blackberry, citrus, green apple, caramel, sweet, citrusy finish, mellow and smooth, citrusy aftertaste
3. 特殊發酵處理咖啡 + 鹼粽
「鹼粽」冰涼口感Q彈,顏色金黃剔透,又稱鹼水粽、粿粽、甜粽、冰粽。適合帶有特殊風味的「哥倫比亞 聖荷西莊園 蘭姆酒桶水洗」,帶有蘭姆酒香與萊姆香的這支豆子,是生豆在處理過程中置放在蘭姆酒桶中,並經過定時的持續攪動,讓整個桶內的生豆可以均勻吸附酒香及發酵,但不含一滴酒精。帶有特殊風味的這支豆子適合本身沒有味道的鹼粽,鹼粽本來就需要加入蜜糖或果醬來食用,這裏以蘭姆酒桶水洗處理法的咖啡搭配,增加感官的享受。
3. Specialty Fermentation Process Coffee + Alkaline Zongzi
The Alkaline zongzi has a refreshing and chewy texture, with a golden and translucent appearance. It is also known as jianshui zongzi, kui zong, sweet zongzi, or ice zongzi. Pairing it with a specialty coffee like "Colombian San Jose Estate Rum Barrel Washed" adds a unique flavor profile with hints of rum and lime. This coffee undergoes a special fermentation process where green beans are placed in a rum barrel, regularly stirred, and allowed to absorb the aroma and ferment, without any alcohol content. This specialty flavored coffee pairs well with the relatively plain Alkaline zongzi, which typically requires sugar or fruit jam for consumption, enhancing the sensory experience.
哥倫比亞 聖荷西莊園 蘭姆酒桶水洗 - 淺中焙
風味:蘭姆酒 龍舌蘭酒 青蘋果 葡萄 萊姆 生可可
Colombia Caldas Finca San Jose Geisha Rum Barrel Washed - Medium-Dark Roast
Flavor profile: Rum, tequila, green apple, grape, lime, raw cocoa
4. 巴拿馬咖啡 + 潮州甜粽
「潮州甜粽」長條形,將糯米與紅豆沙各別炒過後,再將紅豆沙包入糯米中,放置蒸籠蒸熟。適合喝起來帶有果汁感香甜的「巴拿馬 極光莊園 藝妓 水洗」,帶有野薑花與水果汁調性,搭配甜粽一起食用,口中滿滿的咖啡香,與蒸籠蒸熟後的甜粽香,香甜卻不膩,甜糯米咀嚼後的口中甜感卻可以和果汁感的巴拿馬咖啡襯出午後咖啡的甘甜。
4. Panamanian Coffee + Teochew Sweet Zongzi
Teochew sweet zongzi has a long and rectangular shape. Glutinous rice and red bean paste are separately stir-fried and then combined with the red bean paste wrapped inside the glutinous rice. It is steamed in a bamboo steamer until cooked. Pairing it with a sweet and fruity coffee like "Panamanian Aurora Estate Geisha Washed" adds a juicy and sweet flavor. This coffee has notes of ginger flower and fruit juice. When enjoyed together with the sweet zongzi, the mouth is filled with the aroma of coffee and the fragrance of the steamed zongzi. It is a delightful combination of sweetness without being overwhelming. The sweet and chewy glutinous rice, when combined with the fruit juice-like flavor of the Panamanian coffee, creates a harmonious sweetness for an afternoon coffee treat.
巴拿馬 極光莊園 藝妓 水洗 - 淺焙
風味:野薑花 柑橘 葡萄 水果汁 酸質明亮圓潤 果汁感佳 Body扎實 柳橙汁尾韻綿長
Panama Finca la Aurora Geisha Washed - Light Roast
Flavor profile: Ginger flower, citrus, grape, fruit juice, bright acidity, mellow and smooth, prominent orange juice aftertaste
5. 甜美巴西咖啡 + 客家粽
「客家粽」口感有嚼勁,餡料像包子餡集中於粽子中心,又稱粿粽、客家粄粽。適合甜美且尾韻綿長的「巴西 伊帕內瑪莊園 頂級藍 蜜柑 日曬」,帶有蜜柑與花蜜香的這支高級巴西咖啡,搭配以糯米粉加水揉成糰的客家粽,食用時不會看見糯米米粒,而是像草仔粿較彈性,有嚼勁的口感,適合既不搶戲又有甜美咖啡風味的這支巴西咖啡。
5. Sweet Brazilian Coffee + Hakka Zongzi
Hakka zongzi has a chewy texture with the filling concentrated in the center, resembling the filling of a bun. It is also known as kue zong or Hakka ban zong. Pairing it with a sweet and lingering coffee like "Brazilian Ipanema Estate Top Blue Honey Tangerine Natural" adds a honey and tangerine aroma to the premium Brazilian coffee. The Hakka zongzi is made with sticky rice flour and water, resulting in a dough-like texture similar to caizaiguo-styled steamed dumplings. It has a chewy mouthfeel. This coffee complements the Hakka zongzi with its subtle sweetness and doesn't overpower its flavor.
巴西 伊帕內瑪莊園 頂級藍 蜜柑 日曬 - 淺中焙
風味:蜜柑 熱帶水果 花蜜香 水果汁 甜感飽滿 厚實黏稠 尾韻蜜香綿長
Brasil Ipanema Premier Cru BLUE B73 Tangerine Natural - Light-Medium Roast
Flavor profile: Tangerine, tropical fruit, honey aroma, fruit juice, full and sweet taste, mellow and viscous, lingering honey aroma in the finish
Which type of zongzi do you usually eat? Apart from pairing zongzi with tea to refresh your palate, try using pour-over coffee for a combination of flavors and aromas. This summer, treat yourself to a fragrant and sweet coffee-filled Dragon Boat Festival. Justin Coffee wishes you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!
✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳
✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures