不喜歡太酸的咖啡,要怎麼選呢 How to Choose Coffee That Is Not Too Acidic?


1. 精品咖啡中的酸
2. 我們可以從二種切入點來尋找不酸的咖啡

Do you have any coffee beans that are less acidic?

If you also have this preference when buying coffee, then you must read on. This article is for those who enjoy the flavor of specialty coffee but don't like it too acidic.




Acidity in specialty coffee is not about the strength of the acidity but the texture and quality, so it's called "acidity quality." Good acidity is usually described as "bright," "fruity," "lively," and so on. It gives coffee a sense of structure and freshness, making it refreshing and pleasant, like the sweetness in ripe fruit. On the other hand, poor acidity is described as "sour," "flat," "sharp," and so on. It's evident that the acidity score depends on the texture, that is, how pleasant it is, rather than the strength or weakness of the acidity.


1. 不在意風味,只是不要酸
2. 喜歡風味,但不要酸

We can search for non-acidic coffee from two perspectives:

1. Don't care about the flavor, just not too acidic.

2. Like the flavor but not too acidic.


1. 將咖啡烘深一點,把酸磨掉
2. 找豆子本身甜度高的咖啡,甜感大於酸感

For the above two perspectives, we will use the following two methods to search:

1. Roast the coffee beans a little darker to remove the acidity.

2. Look for coffee beans with high sweetness, where the sweetness is greater than the acidity.


Regarding the first method, we can find coffee beans that are medium to dark roasted:


印尼蘇門答臘 亞齊迦佑 黃金曼特寧 20目 - 中焙
風味: 焦糖 卡士達醬 奶油 輕藥草 核果甜 醇厚濃郁 餘韻甜美

Indonesia Sumatra Aceh Gayo Golden Mandheling SC20+ - medium roast

Flavor: Caramel, custard, cream, light herbal, nutty sweet, rich and full-bodied, sweet aftertaste


巴西 摩吉安娜 甜甜圈 日曬 - 中焙
風味: 奶酪 生可可 夏威夷果 奶油 黑糖 甘甜滑順

Brazil São Paulo Alta Mogiana Sugar Roll Pulped Natural - medium roast

Flavor: Cheese, raw cacao, macadamia nut, cream, dark sugar, sweet and smooth


Regarding the second method, we can use the "flavor profile chart" to find beans with slightly higher sweetness:


衣索比亞 谷吉 堤波波卡處理廠 G1 水洗 - 淺焙
風味: 荔枝 甜橙 深色莓果 焦糖奶香 酸質細緻 果香甜滑

Ethiopia Guji Uraga Tebe Burku G1 Washed - light roast

Flavor: Lychee, sweet orange, dark berries, caramel milky aroma, fine acidity, fruity and smooth

In the flavor profile chart, the sweetness is 9 points, and the acidity is 8 points. It has a high sweetness when tasted.


寮國 波蘿分高原 環太平洋徵選批次 半水洗 - 淺中焙
風味: 牛奶可可 楓糖 白花 黃檸檬 甜感佳 酸甜平衡

Lao Bolaven Plateau Java Semi-Washed - light-medium roast

Flavor: Milk chocolate, maple syrup, white flower, yellow lemon, good sweetness, acid and sweet balance

In the flavor profile chart, the sweetness is 10 points, and the acidity is 9 points. It has a high sweetness when tasted.


In addition, there is another tone suitable for those who want to enjoy the unique flavors of coffee but don't like it too acidic, and that is coffee beans with a "nutty tone." They are usually less acidic. Examples include:


薩爾瓦多 聖伊蓮娜莊園 波旁 蜜處理 - 淺中焙
風味: 黃李 楓糖 蜜棗 可可 奶油般口感 Body黏稠

El Salvador Finca Santa Elena Bourbon Honey - light-medium roast

Flavor: Yellow plum, maple syrup, date, cocoa, creamy texture, viscous body


薩爾瓦多 阿帕內卡山脈 火窯莊園 水洗 - 淺中焙
風味: 堅果 梅子 焦糖 巧克力 乾淨度佳 圓潤滑順 尾韻綿長

El Salvador Ahuachapan Finca El Horno Washed - light-medium roast

Flavors: Nutty, plum, caramel, chocolate, clean, mellow, smooth, long-lasting finish


The above is a description of coffee beans selected based on their characteristics. Although we can also adjust the acidity of coffee by adjusting the brewing method, such as increasing the water temperature to reduce acidity. The sour taste is a taste sensation produced when the tongue mucosa is stimulated by hydrogen ions in the solution. In fact, moderate acidity, with the support of sweetness, and accompanied by many sweet and delicious flavors in the cup, brings a multi-layered taste sensation, which is a rich taste bud feast.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

