El Salvador Ahuachapan Single Estate 1 Pack|Medium Light【Justin Coffee】1/2 lb(230g)Estate Coffee Freshly Roasted

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Item No.: JC163558

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El Salvador Ahuachapan Single Estate,2 options as followed:

El Salvador Ahuachapan El Guarumal Anaerobic Natural

  • Origin: El Salvador
  • Estate-grown coffee: El Salvador Ahuachapan El Guarumal 
  • Processing Method: Anaerobic Natural
  • Variety: 100% Arabica Caturra Variety 
  • Flavor: Tropical Fruits, Dark Berries, Cocoa, Dried Longan, Juicy Mouthfeel, Sweet and Lush, Smooth and Balanced
  • Roast Level: Medium Light
  • Packaging Method:
  • ➡ Coffee Beans 1/2 lb (230g/pack) - One-Way Degassing Valve + Freshness-Retaining Zipper Paper Bag
  • Elevation: 1100-1300m
  • Shelf Life: 4 months (The coffee beans have a shelf life of 4 months, starting from the roast date, ensuring optimal flavor)




El Salvador Ahuachapan Finca El Horno Washed

  • Origin: El Salvador
  • Estate-grown coffee: El Salvador Ahuachapan Finca El Horno 
  • Processing Method: Washed
  • Variety: 100% Arabica Caturra, Pacas, Sarchimor
  • Variety 
  • Flavor:Nuts, Plum, Caramel, Chocolate, Excellent Cleanliness, Round and Smooth, Lingering Finish
  • Roast Level: Medium Light
  • Packaging Method:
  • ➡ Coffee Beans 1/2 lb (230g/pack) - One-Way Degassing Valve + Freshness-Retaining Zipper Paper Bag
  • Elevation: 1050m
  • Shelf Life: 4 months (The coffee beans have a shelf life of 4 months, starting from the roast date, ensuring optimal flavor)




Coffee Flavor 
The flavors of coffee are derived from the breakdown of various nutrients in the green coffee beans during roasting. Heat causes these compounds to degrade into a variety of aromatic molecular structures, resulting in a wide spectrum of flavors. High-quality coffee beans naturally possess a rich aroma that evolves at different temperatures—high, medium, and low—offering a delightful and nuanced experience worth savoring.

Salvador Ahuachapan El Guarumal Anaerobic Natural
Tropical Fruits, Dark Berries, Cocoa, Dried Longan, Juicy Mouthfeel, Sweet and Lush, Smooth and Balanced


Salvador Ahuachapan Finca El Horno Washed
Nuts, Plum, Caramel, Chocolate, Excellent Cleanliness, Round and Smooth, Lingering Finish

El Salvador, a Central American nation with as many as 25 volcanoes, is bordered by Guatemala to the west and Honduras to the east. Its land area is about two-thirds the size of Taiwan (21,041 square kilometers). Despite its small size, El Salvador was once the world's fourth-largest coffee producer. Although its production is now much smaller compared to other countries, the Pacific sea breeze and volcanic environment provide Salvadoran coffee farmers with unique growing advantages and diverse flavor profiles.


【El Salvador: A Volcanic Paradise for Coffee】

The purpose of dividing the estate into "plots" is to allow for more comprehensive management, differentiating various cultivation areas. This signifies a higher level of management over the coffee trees and a greater pursuit of flavor. The naming of these plots is often inspired by local landscapes.

"Finca El Horno" (The Furnace Estate) was named by the estate owner, Jose Gutierrez, when he purchased the farmland. Upon discovering that the natural rock formations resembled traditional dome-shaped wood-fired ovens, he chose this name.

"El Guarumal - The Godly Estate Horn Tree Plot" is named after the numerous horn trees that populate the coffee fields. These trees are beneficial because their flowers attract bees, which help pollinate the coffee blossoms, while also providing shade for the coffee trees.



Caturra, the Arabica coffee variety, is a mutant of Bourbon and was first discovered in Brazil. The taste has a sour taste of lemon or citrus, and it has a fruity taste in terms of sweetness. Although the sweetness is not as good as Typica and Bourbon, the sweetness can be very good when properly roasted. The sweetness of Caturra is determined by the number and dosage of fertilizers applied by the grower, and the harvest period takes 2 years, and the cost of care is high, so the yield is still limited.


Pacas belongs to the Bourbon variety, a natural mutation of Bourbon. It was first discovered and selected in 1949 by the Pacas family in the Santa Ana region of El Salvador. The main differences between Pacas and Bourbon are its shorter stature, clustered fruiting, and higher yield. Its flavor profile is excellent, which makes it commonly used as a base for breeding. The most famous example of this is the cross between Pacas and Maragogipe, resulting in the Pacamara variety.

In the 1970s, coffee researchers and farmers worldwide were highly concerned about coffee leaf rust. The Portuguese Coffee Research Center (CIFC), known for its research on coffee leaf rust, developed a coffee variety with high resistance to the disease. This new variety, which has good resistance to leaf rust, smaller plants, and the ability to be planted at higher densities, was named Sarchimor. Sarchimor has a well-balanced sweet and sour flavor, smooth mouthfeel, with fruity aromas and a caramel-like finish. The flavor is unique, originating from Villa Sarchi.

(Coffee Processes)
The term "processing methods" refers to the process of transforming ripe red coffee cherries into dried green beans. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, influenced by the natural environment and the specific needs of the coffee-producing region. As a result, different regions adopt the processing method most suited to their conditions. This batch uses anarobic natual and washed processing methods, described below:

【El Guarumal Estate - Horn Tree Plot - Anaerobic Sun-Dried
The coffee cherries are harvested when ripe and sent to the wet mill, where defects (such as under-ripe, defective, or damaged beans) are manually sorted. The cherries are then placed in sealed bags and left to ferment in a cool place for 68–72 hours. Afterward, they are transferred to sun-drying beds at the processing station, where they are manually turned to ensure even drying, which takes approximately one month. The anaerobic fermentation process, conducted in an oxygen-free environment, helps develop better sweetness and a more balanced flavor profile.

【Finca El Horno - Washed】

The washed method involves removing the fruit skin and pulp, followed by fermentation in water to remove the mucilage from the inner parchment. This is followed by washing with water, resulting in one of the key characteristics of specialty coffee: a rich acidity.

At Finca El Horno, after harvesting, the coffee is depulped and undergoes wet fermentation for 8–12 hours. The cleaned parchment coffee is then spread out on drying beds, where it is sun-dried for 10–12 days. After hulling, the coffee is rested for 45–150 days to allow for even moisture distribution before export.

The coffee trees at Finca El Horno are planted under natural shade trees. The region has a 6-month dry season, which concentrates the sweetness and flavor of the coffee cherries. Finca El Horno is located near a forest conservation area, where environmentally friendly farming practices are used. Compost is made to fertilize the coffee trees, helping avoid chemical contamination of the land while protecting endangered species within the conservation area.

Tel: +886-3-358-6611
1st Floor, No. 30, Lane 120, Daxing Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City

▶This product is covered by a NT$10 million product liability insurance.
▶Food Industry Registration Number: F-165601955-00000-0
▶ Our company’s cupper is certified as a CQI International Coffee Quality Appraiser. 


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