保溫瓶裝咖啡,怎麼走味了 ! Can coffee in a thermos lose its flavor?
1. 咖啡在高中低溫有不同
2. 小實驗
After brewing a pour-over coffee in a chilly morning, I happily poured the coffee into a thermos. It’s good to drink warm coffee in winter. I drank it for a few days, then I deeply suspected that my pour-over coffee brewing technique deteriorated. Why did it feel different from the usual feeling of being surrounded by aroma? It even tasted a bit worse! Can coffee in a thermos lose its flavor?
First of all, we know that coffee tastes different in high, medium and low temperature. Why does it change as the temperature drops? We will explain from two perspectives.
First, body sensations vary with different temperatures.
According to research, as shown in the figure above, sweetness is stronger when it is closer to body temperature, bitterness is lower when the temperature is higher, and acidity is hardly affected by temperature. When the coffee temperature is close to body temperature, even if the acidity remains unchanged, the sweetness increases more than the acidity, and the perception of sweetness increases. When the coffee temperature is lower than body temperature, the sweetness decreases and the bitterness increases, although the acidity remains unchanged but because sweetness reduces and bitterness increases, it feels sour and bitter.
Second, the volatile and soluble substances of coffee change over time.
Coffee contains a variety of volatile aromas, and they all have some bitterness. The aromatic substances released during the brewing process of coffee can balance the bitterness. The sweetness and bitterness of the coffee create the fascinating multi-structured flavor of coffee. But as time goes by, the aromatic substances are volatile and slowly dissipate, while the bitter substances and acids in the coffee are still in the cup, so there are changes in acidity, bitterness and sweetness.
From the above, we can see that the changes in natural temperature, high, medium and low temperature have their own advantages, but if we keep the coffee at a high temperature, what will happen? In terms of somatosensory, as long as it is not lower than the body temperature, the bitterness will not maximize the feeling. However, after all, the coffee is to taste the flavor, and the aroma is volatile, so the result of maintaining high temperature is to let the aroma dissipate quickly and leave a bittersweet feeling. Even if it is placed in a thermos bottle, the higher temperature will accelerate the conversion of volatile substances and soluble substances in the cup.
小編嘗試沖泡風味飽滿的一支豆來做實驗,「衣索比亞 藝妓村 班吉區 藝妓 紅標Lot E16 莫斯托厭氧日曬」,一半放玻璃杯常溫品飲,喝起來花香環繞、桃子明亮、水果軟糖中底韻、蜂蜜味舖底、黃檸檬香尾韻,冷時香甜乾淨。一半放陶瓷保溫瓶中,過一個半小時來喝,喝起來黃檸檬香帶水果香、蜂蜜味尾韻、略帶酸澀感。
We tried to brew a full-flavored coffee “Ethiopia Gesha Village Bangi Gori Gesha Mossto GROWERS-RESERVE” as an experiment. We put half of it in a glass and drink it at room temperature, can taste floral and bright peach aroma, fruit jelly and honey flavor at the bottom, yellow lemon aftertaste, sweet and clean when it’s cold. We put half of it in a ceramic thermos bottle and drink it after an hour and a half. It tastes like yellow lemon with fruity aroma, honey aftertaste, and slightly sour and astringent.
When we drink coffee, it’s good to pay attention to the change of aroma and taste. When brewing a coffee with floral and fruity aroma, the aroma is full floral and fruity and the taste is smooth at high temperature; the sweet smell is more obvious and the taste is smooth at medium temperature; it has a light and fruity aroma, with obvious sour and bitter taste and a sense of juice, when at low temperature. The subtle changes of time and flavor are worth savoring carefully.
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