➤ Specialty Store for Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans
➤ Quality Guaranteed by CQI Certified Coffee Q Graders
➤ Defect-Free Beans Through High-Capacity, Million-Level Coffee Sieve Machines
➤ Freshness Preserved with Oxygen-Barrier Packaging
Twenty Single Estate Drip Coffee Gift Box
※ Includes Panama Jade Estate Green Label Geisha (Original Price: $370 per bag), Taiwan Alishan (Original Price: $120 per bag), Colombia San Jose Estate (Original Price: $150 per bag), and other popular estates.
※Additional Orders:
Orders of 6 boxes or more are eligible for home delivery only and do not include other products.
‧ Enjoy quantity discounts.
Original price: $1750/set
Coffee Flavor
The flavors of coffee are derived from the breakdown of various nutrients in the green coffee beans during roasting. Heat causes these compounds to degrade into a variety of aromatic molecular structures, resulting in a wide spectrum of flavors. High-quality coffee beans naturally possess a rich aroma that evolves at different temperatures—high, medium, and low—offering a delightful and nuanced experience worth savoring.
Coffee originates from Ethiopia in Africa. Suitable regions for coffee cultivation worldwide are located between 25 degrees north and south latitude, including areas around the equator. Coffee-growing regions require an annual rainfall of 1,500-2,000 millimeters to align with the coffee tree’s flowering cycle. Additionally, fertile soil, ample sunlight, and appropriate altitude are essential. The conditions for cultivating high-quality coffee are quite stringent, encompassing factors such as sunlight, rainfall, soil quality, temperature, as well as the methods of harvesting and processing the coffee beans—all of which significantly impact coffee quality.
Justin Coffee meticulously selects world-renowned production regions and is committed to producing drip coffee using high-quality single estates. Our selected single estates include:
Costa Rica (哥斯大黎加)
Guatemala (瓜地馬拉)
Honduras (宏都拉斯)
Ethiopia (衣索比亞)
Kenya (肯亞)
New Guinea (新幾內亞)
Sumatra, Indonesia (印尼蘇門答拉)
By choosing these distinguished single estates, Justin Coffee ensures that each drip coffee product meets the highest standards of quality and delivers exceptional flavor profiles that coffee enthusiasts around the world appreciate.
The coffee tree is, botanically, an evergreen tree belonging to the Rubiaceae family, Coffea subgenus. Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee fruit, and there are three main species: Arabica (Coffea arabica), Robusta (Coffea canephora), and Liberica (Coffea liberica). All of the world's specialty coffees originate from the Arabica species, which includes various subspecies developed through evolution, hybridization, and mutation.
Justin Coffee meticulously selects a variety of Arabica subspecies to create its drip coffee, iincluding world-renowned specialty coffees such as Heirloom (古優原生種), Bourbon (波旁), Typica (鐵比卡), Caturra (卡杜拉), Pacas (帕卡斯), SL28 & SL34, Tim Tim, Catuai (卡杜艾), and others.
Justin Coffee prints the bean variety information on the packaging, allowing you to know which bean variety's flavor you are tasting when you enjoy your coffee. Although the flavor may vary due to multiple factors, at least you can savor a glimpse into the vast world of bean varieties.
(Coffee Processes)
Coffee processing refers to the transformation of ripe red coffee cherries into dried green coffee beans. Each method has its pros and cons, influenced by the natural environment and specific needs of the production region. Therefore, each coffee-producing area adopts processing methods best suited to its conditions. This batch uses three distinct processing techniques to ensure the highest quality and unique flavor profiles:, which are summarized below:
【Natural / Sundried / Dry Processed】
Also known as the natural drying method or unwashed processing, this is the most traditional and commonly used method that does not involve water during processing. Originating in Ethiopia, coffee cherries are spread out in the sun to dry with their skins, pulp, and mucilage intact. Over the prolonged drying process, the seeds absorb flavors from the fruit layers, resulting in coffees with fuller sweetness and body, often with unique aromas.
Producers spread the cherries on sun-drying beds, which can be terraces or raised platforms. Over 3–6 weeks, the cherries undergo fermentation. Producers turn them regularly to ensure even drying and to prevent spoilage. During this time, sugars and mucilage adhered to the seeds contribute to their sweetness and flavor complexity. Once dried, the seeds are mechanically separated from the dried fruit layers. Natural-processed coffees are juicy, syrupy, and richly flavored—rewarding the effort invested.
【Washed / Wet Processed】
Also called the wet processing method, this technique involves removing the skin and pulp of the coffee cherries before drying. The seeds are then fermented in water tanks to remove residual mucilage from their surface. After fermentation, they are thoroughly washed and dried under sunlight or with mechanical dryers.
Compared to the natural process, the washed process produces a cleaner, crisper cup with lighter body. It often highlights bright, vibrant flavors and the complex acidity that defines specialty coffee. While washed coffees may still exhibit fruity characteristics, they are typically more refined and easier to distinguish, making them a hallmark of high-quality coffee.
【Honey / Pulped Natural / Semi-dry Process】
The honey process is a method that combines elements of both the natural process and the washed process. This technique was initially developed in Costa Rica. Similar to the washed process, the skin and pulp of the coffee cherries are removed, but the fermentation step is skipped. Instead, the mucilage layer (a sticky, sugary layer around the bean) is left intact and dried under sunlight.
The term "honey" does not refer to the addition of actual honey. Rather, it derives from the sticky texture of the mucilage, which resembles honey. The retention of this layer, rich in sugars and acids, is the key to the honey process. The amount of mucilage left on the beans determines the sweetness and flavor complexity.
│ Drip Bag Coffee Brewing Method
│ Immersion Coffee Brewing Method
Tel: +886-3-358-6611
1st Floor, No. 30, Lane 120, Daxing Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City
▶This product is covered by a NT$10 million product liability insurance.
▶Food Industry Registration Number: F-165601955-00000-0
▶ Our company’s cupper is certified as a CQI International Coffee Quality Appraiser.
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