咖啡工藝 – 厭氧處理法 是什麼玩意? Coffee Techniques – What is Anaerobic Fermentation Process?

最近常聽到厭氧日曬、厭氧蜜處理、厭氧水洗等特殊處理法, 厭氧處理法 製成的咖啡,具有特殊的香氣、風味較為明確、帶著淡淡乳酪甚至是酒釀香氣,是目前評價很高的處理法,他是怎麼一回事呢?


Recently, we often hear coffee special treatment methods such as anaerobic natural, anaerobic honey treatment, and anaerobic washed. The coffee made by anaerobic fermentation processing has a special aroma, a clear flavor, and a faint cheese or even wine aroma. What is this highly rated treatment?




Anaerobic fermentation process is the similar technology used to make wine. The process of green coffee beans has a fermentation effect. Fermentation is a natural change. There are sugar and water in coffee cherries at the same time, which is the two basic elements required for fermentation; under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, the flavor of coffee can be changed by decomposing organic matter in coffee, but anaerobic conditions can change the flavor of coffee. Let the coffee fermentation process produce more aromatic substances.




In an airtight container, put the coffee cherries into an oxygen-free gas bucket environment filled with carbon dioxide. The low temperature environment slows down the decomposition of pectin and sugar, and the pH value also decreases at a slower rate, prolonging the fermentation time, which helps to develop a better sweetness and a more balanced flavor. Slow and long-term fermentation process can increase the full flavor and avoid uncomfortable dryness and sourness. Closed fermentation makes the aromatic substances less volatile.





The anaerobic fermentation processing green beans, followed by sun-dried, honey, or washed method, is called anaerobic natual, anaerobic honey, or anaerobic washed special treatment methods.

At present, each plantation and various green bean has their own way doing anaerobic fermentation, and the flavors produced have their own characteristics. There is no standard and absolute version, all of them are worth tasting.




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