換個杯子,咖啡居然更香更好喝 Changing Cups Actually Makes Coffee More Fragrant and Delicious


1. 窄口高杯
2. 寬口矮杯
3. 小測試


Can you believe it? Changing cups not only changes your mood while drinking coffee, but also changes the flavor. The size of the cup opening can affect the aroma and taste of coffee. It's fascinating!



When drinking coffee, we often draw inspiration from tea or red wine culture to appreciate the essence of coffee. I remember when I was young, my family would use two different cups to drink tea: a narrow, tall cup and a wide, short cup. The elders would pour the tea into the narrow, tall cup to smell the fragrance, and then pour it into the wide, short cup to drink. The Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago pointed out that 90% of people who drink tea are actually smelling the tea, not drinking it.



Using a narrow, tall cup to drink coffee is like using a specialized wine-tasting glass. The aroma is very strong and concentrated, shooting directly into the nose from the cup's opening. This is also the reason why a aroma cup or a smelling cup is narrow and tall. The narrow container can help concentrate the aroma in a small space, allowing the taster to detect the aroma more strongly.



If the sense of taste is more important than the sense of smell, then a wide-mouthed cup will be the best choice. The wider cup opening can evenly distribute the coffee on the tongue, making it smoother to drink. In addition, the larger liquid surface area will expose more coffee to air, causing the coffee to oxidize more quickly and enhancing its sweetness and richness. It also allows the aroma of coffee to quickly combine with the air, filling the air with a captivating coffee aroma.



On the contrary, a smaller liquid surface area combined with a longer shape will produce a slower oxidation rate, thereby enhancing the perception of acidity.



台灣 阿里山 青葉咖啡莊園 藝妓 日曬來品測二種杯子所帶來不同之處
窄口高杯: 有著草莓香及水果酒香,中後段有熟成芒果,酸甜感強烈濃郁。
寬口矮杯: 入口有著花香及百香果香,整體感受香甜感佳。

Using "Taiwan Alishan Ching Ye Coffee Estate Geisha Natural" as an example to compare the differences brought by two different cups:

Narrow, tall cup: It has a strawberry and fruity wine aroma, with mature mango in the middle and a strong and rich sweet and sour taste.

Wide, short cup: It has a floral and passion fruit aroma, with a good overall sense of sweetness.



The narrower cup is associated with a strong aroma, while the wider cup is associated with a sweeter taste. Isn't it interesting? In addition to adjusting the acidity and sweetness by changing the extraction rate, you can also adjust the drinking experience by changing the cup. Try changing your cup and experience a different coffee experience.




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