咖啡乾香聞3次,每一嗅都驚喜 Smell the dry aromas 3 times and every time is a pleasantly surprise
When the fresh coffee bean is grounded, put it close to your mouth and nose, and feel the thousands of aromas coming to you. The interesting thing is that you can smell different flavors when you smell it for three times. This is a wonderful experience before brewing. It must not be missed.
A thousand different aromatic substances can be found in roasted coffee. After the coffee beans are grounded, the coffee aroma is released quickly.
1. Don't tap the container of coffee powder first. At this time, put your nose close to smell, you will smell the softest aroma, such as floral aroma, or the most characteristic aroma of the beans.
2. Then tap the coffee powder container and bring your nose closer to smell. At this time, you will smell different aromas. After tapping the container, the coffee powder is in contact with the air, and the aroma is fully released. At the same time, the sense of smell is used to the previous aroma, and you can smell other different aromas.
3. Shake the coffee powder container again, or someone covers the container with their hands and shakes it vigorously, and smell it again, and then you will smell a different aroma. Shake the coffee powder to fully exchange with the air, and remove the aroma molecules are drawn out, and after getting used to the first two aromas, you can smell other different aromas.
If the flavor of the coffee itself is full and well-structured, it is easy to smell a variety of different aromas in the three stages of smelling. However, if the flavor of the coffee itself is not clear, even if you smell the coffee in the above three stages, you will not be able to smell much difference. The aromas of good coffee is definitely distinguished, and it is worth savoring.
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✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures