「回甘」品嘗咖啡的餘韻之美 The Art of Lingering Sweetness: Appreciating the Aftertaste of Coffee
1. 那些咖啡會回甘?
2. 如何品嘗咖啡的回甘與餘韻?
3. 回甘、餘韻與口感的關係
4. 咖啡回甘特性受到生長環境、後製處理法和烘焙技術的影響
5. 品嘗咖啡的回甘特性的技巧和方法
咖啡的「回甘」,指的是在喝下咖啡後,口腔中留下的持久、甜美的餘韻。是一杯咖啡迷人的秘密。當你啜飲一口咖啡,那些隱藏在風味背後的甜美餘韻悄然浮現。回甘通常可做為評判一款咖啡優劣的重要指標之一,尤其在精品咖啡中更為重視。無論你是咖啡新手還是老饕,歡迎一同來探索咖啡的回甘之旅,一同品味 “甘甜” 時刻。
The "lingering sweetness" of coffee refers to the enduring, sweet aftertaste that remains in the mouth after drinking coffee—an enchanting secret of a great cup. When you take a sip, the hidden sweet aftertaste gradually emerges behind the initial flavors. Lingering sweetness is often a key indicator of the quality of a coffee, especially in specialty coffee. Whether you're a coffee novice or a seasoned connoisseur, join us on a journey to explore the lingering sweetness of coffee and savor those sweet moments.
Which Coffees Have Lingering Sweetness?
回甘通常出現在來自高海拔種植區的單一產地咖啡豆,如衣索比亞咖啡豆具有豐富的果香和酸度,往往在餘韻中呈現出甜美的回甘;哥斯大黎加或巴拿馬豆通常有平衡的酸度和甜感,帶有持久的回甘; 臺灣咖啡的回甘通常表現為一種柔和的甜感和順滑的口感,餘韻悠長。咖啡產區土壤的礦物質含量、豆種、海拔高度等因素都會影響咖啡的回甘特質,不同產區各具特色。
Lingering sweetness is commonly found in single-origin coffee beans from high-altitude growing regions. For instance, Ethiopian coffee beans, known for their rich fruitiness and acidity, often exhibit a sweet aftertaste; Costa Rican or Panamanian beans usually have a balanced acidity and sweetness with a lasting aftertaste; Taiwanese coffee typically presents a mild sweetness and smooth mouthfeel with a long finish. Factors such as soil mineral content, coffee variety, and altitude of the growing region all influence the lingering sweetness of coffee, making each origin unique.
How to Taste the Lingering Sweetness and Aftertaste of Coffee
To taste lingering sweetness, take slow sips of coffee, allowing the liquid to fully engage with your tongue. After swallowing, close your eyes and focus on the flavors and sensations left in your mouth. Coffees with lingering sweetness often impart a pleasant, even mouth-watering sensation, like a gentle aftertaste lingering between the tip of your tongue and your throat.
The Relationship Between Lingering Sweetness, Aftertaste, and Mouthfeel
◆ 回甘:特指咖啡吞嚥後的甜感,是口腔中持續的愉悅體驗,通常為甜或柔和的味道。
◆ 餘韻:指咖啡喝完後在口腔中殘留的所有風味和感受,包括甜味、酸味、苦味等,持續時間可短可長。
◆ 口感:涵蓋整個品嘗過程中的所有觸覺和味覺經驗,包括濃郁度、滑順度和黏稠度。
◆ Lingering Sweetness: Refers specifically to the sweet sensation after swallowing coffee, a lasting and pleasurable experience, often sweet or mellow in taste.
◆ Aftertaste: Refers to all the flavors and sensations that remain in the mouth after drinking coffee, including sweet, sour, and bitter notes; its duration can vary from short or long.
◆ Mouthfeel: Encompasses all the tactile and taste experiences during the entire tasting process, including body, smoothness, and viscosity.
These three elements collectively influence the overall coffee experience. Lingering sweetness and aftertaste focus more on the persistence and quality of flavors, while mouthfeel covers the whole tasting journey.
Factors Influencing Coffee's Lingering Sweetness: Growing Environment, Processing Method, and Roasting Technique
◆ 生長環境:回甘通常源於咖啡中的糖類、果膠、和氨基酸等成分。高海拔地區的咖啡豆通常糖分更高,酸度較好,這些特性為豐富的回甘提供了基礎。土壤中的礦物質和氣候條件也會影響豆子的甜度和風味層次。
◆ 後製處理法:水洗處理法以乾淨、明亮的風味著稱,通常帶有酸度突出、回甘較清爽的特性;蜜處理法保留了咖啡豆中的果膠和糖分,回甘甜美且平衡;日曬處理則因果肉在處理過程中保留較久,帶來更濃郁的甜感與厚實的回甘,往往具有豐富的果香和層次感。
◆ 烘焙技術:適度的烘焙能最大程度的保留咖啡的天然甜味和果酸,這兩者是回甘的關鍵。透過烘焙師精准控制升溫速率,帶出甜味,並且避免過度烘焙導致焦苦味掩蓋回甘。烘焙後的快速冷卻鎖住咖啡豆的風味,保持甜美和餘韻,從而提升回甘的體驗。透過的烘焙控制有助於突出咖啡的回甘特性,使其更加持久且豐富。
◆ Growing Environment: Lingering sweetness usually originates from sugars, pectin, and amino acids in coffee. Beans grown in high-altitude regions tend to have higher sugar content and better acidity, providing a foundation for rich lingering sweetness. Soil minerals and climate conditions also affect the sweetness and flavor complexity of the beans.
◆ Processing Method: The washed process, known for clean and bright flavors, often features pronounced acidity and a refreshing aftertaste. The honey process retains pectin and sugars in the coffee beans, resulting in a sweet and balanced lingering finish. Natural processing, where the fruit remains on the bean longer, brings out a more intense sweetness and fuller lingering aftertaste, often accompanied by rich fruitiness and layers of flavor.
◆ Roasting Technique: Proper roasting can maximize the natural sweetness and fruit acidity in coffee—key components of lingering sweetness. Roasters can highlight sweetness by precisely controlling the rate of temperature rise and avoiding over-roasting that may overshadow the lingering sweetness with burnt bitterness. Rapid cooling after roasting locks in the flavors, preserving sweetness and aftertaste, thus enhancing the experience of lingering sweetness. Controlled roasting techniques help emphasize the lingering qualities of coffee, making them more enduring and abundant.
Tips and Methods for Tasting the Lingering Sweetness of Coffee
1. Sip Slowly: Take a small sip of coffee, let it linger in your mouth for a moment, and observe the changes in flavor.
2. Savor with Deep Breaths: After swallowing the coffee, exhale through your nose to sense the aftertaste and lingering sweetness in your mouth.
3. Pay Attention to Mouth Sensations: Lingering sweetness typically appears a few seconds after swallowing, so carefully note the sweetness or smoothness at the back of your mouth and tongue.
4. Stay Focused: Concentrate while tasting, avoiding distractions from other flavors.
These techniques help you better experience the lingering sweetness of coffee.
Lingering sweetness is an integral part of coffee appreciation. It not only extends the delightful flavors of coffee but also imparts a prolonged sense of satisfaction. Whether you're new to coffee or an enthusiast, it's worth taking the time to savor the beauty of lingering sweetness in your cup.
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