杯測師眼中,怎樣才稱得上「好喝的精品咖啡」? In the Eyes of a Cupping Specialist, What Qualifies as "Good Specialty Coffee"?


1. 香氣(Fragrance/Aroma) 豐富度和明確性 :
2. 風味(Flavor) 清晰並有豐富的層次感,且易辨識 :
3. 餘韻(Aftertaste) 持久、鮮明、令人愉快:
4. 酸質(Acidity) 明亮且平衡:
5. 口感(Body) 厚實滑順 :
6. 甜感(Sweetness) :
7. 平衡性(Balance)  :
8. 乾淨度(Clarity):
9. 一致性(Uniformity):
10. 綜合評價(Overall):

While everyone has their own preferences for what makes coffee delicious, have you ever wondered what details or criteria cupping specialists use to evaluate the quality of a cup of coffee? If you're interested in expanding your tasting horizons alongside cupping specialists, then this article is for you!

When cupping coffee, cupping specialists evaluate a cup of good coffee based on the following ten criteria:

1. 香氣(Fragrance/Aroma) 豐富度和明確性 :

1. Fragrance/Aroma - Richness and Clarity:
The aroma of coffee is one of the most important evaluation criteria. The aroma should be distinct, rich, and should correspond to the origin and processing method of the coffee beans. Aroma includes both dry fragrance and wet aroma. Dry fragrance refers to the aroma released by ground coffee beans before hot water is added. Wet aroma refers to the aroma during blooming and brewing, as well as the aroma released when the coffee is at rest after brewing. Cupping specialists assess the richness and complexity of the aroma at each stage.

2. 風味(Flavor) 清晰並有豐富的層次感,且易辨識 :

2. Flavor - Clarity, Complexity, and Recognizability:
Flavor is the most central element in cupping, reflecting the primary characteristics of the coffee. It occupies the intermediate area between aroma and aftertaste, encompassing all taste and aroma characteristics that are perceived from the moment coffee enters the mouth until it spreads throughout the oral cavity. High-quality specialty coffee should have a clear flavor profile with rich complexity, where different flavors can be easily recognized.

3. 餘韻(Aftertaste) 持久、鮮明、令人愉快:

3. Aftertaste - Long-lasting, Clear, and Pleasing:
The aftertaste of coffee refers to the lingering aroma in the mouth after taking a sip. A good aftertaste should be long-lasting, clear, and free from any unpleasant residual flavors. If the aftertaste is pleasant, clear, and long-lasting, it indicates a high-quality specialty coffee.

4. 酸質(Acidity) 明亮且平衡:

4. Acidity - Bright and Balanced:
Acidity refers to the brightness and liveliness in the texture of coffee, rather than the sour taste. It is a refreshing, bright characteristic that enhances the sweetness and adds vibrancy and complexity to the coffee, reminiscent of the characteristics of fresh fruit. Good acidity should be balanced and not overly sharp or unpleasant.

5. 口感(Body) 厚實滑順 :

5. Body - Rich and Smooth:
Body describes the tactile sensation and texture of coffee in the mouth, specifically the sensation of the coffee liquid between the tongue and the palate. Some coffees have a heavier body, while others may be lighter; some may feel smooth, while others may have a more astringent texture.

6. 甜感(Sweetness) :

6. Sweetness:
Sweetness in coffee refers to the natural sweetness inherent in the coffee itself, rather than added sugars. Good sweetness should be apparent alongside a rich flavor profile, providing a noticeable sweetness. Specialty coffees grown in excellent conditions and processed properly will naturally exhibit sweetness.

7. 平衡性(Balance)  :

7. Balance:
A good specialty coffee should exhibit balance across all evaluated aspects, without any particular aroma or flavor overpowering the others. It should present a harmonious, complementary balance.

8. 乾淨度(Clarity):

8. Clarity:
Good coffee should have a clear flavor profile, free from any muddled sensations. Clarity reflects the purity and quality of the coffee, from the initial taste to the lingering aftertaste, without any negative impressions of other flavors.

9. 一致性(Uniformity):

9. Uniformity:
Uniformity refers to the consistency of flavor among cups brewed from the same beans under the same brewing conditions. Excellent specialty coffee should taste consistently delicious across all cups brewed under unchanged conditions.

10. 綜合評價(Overall):

10. Overall Evaluation:
Cupping specialists consider all these factors and provide an overall assessment, which may involve subjective elements influenced by personal preferences for specific origins or processing methods. The overall evaluation assesses the coffee's performance in providing a comprehensive and enjoyable tasting experience.


These evaluation criteria help cupping specialists gain a deeper understanding of the flavor characteristics and tasting experiences of coffee, enabling them to judge the quality of a cup of coffee. Understanding these details when tasting specialty coffee can help you systematically appreciate and evaluate the unique aspects of each cup of coffee.




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➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

