深入探討藝伎咖啡的神秘起源 Exploring the Mysterious Origins of Geisha Coffee



1. Geisha vs. 藝伎 - 命名的背後故事
2. 藝伎咖啡的歷史背景
3. 世界知名的藝妓咖啡莊園
4. 藝伎與藍山的比較
5. 結語

藝伎咖啡(Geisha Coffee)源自於衣索比亞西南部的Gesha地區,這也是藝伎咖啡名稱的來源。20世紀初,這種咖啡品種從衣索比亞被帶到中美洲,尤其是巴拿馬。巴拿馬的波奎特地區的氣候和土壤條件非常適合藝伎咖啡的生長,使得這個地區成為藝伎咖啡的一個重要生產地。
Geisha coffee originates from the Gesha region in southwestern Ethiopia, which is also the source of its name. In the early 20th century, this coffee variety was brought from Ethiopia to Central America, especially Panama. The climate and soil conditions in Panama's Boquete region are particularly suitable for growing Geisha coffee, making this area a significant production site for it.

Geisha vs. 藝伎 - 命名的背後故事

Geisha vs. Gesha - The Story Behind the Name

"Geisha" is the original name, derived from the coffee's native region, Gesha, in Ethiopia. This name was directly used for the variety and was carried over to coffee-growing regions such as Central America as the coffee spread.

The name "Geisha" may have been adopted in some non-English speaking countries (like China and Japan) due to its phonetic similarity to the Japanese word "Geisha" (traditional Japanese female entertainers). This phonetic resemblance possibly led to confusion in coffee terminology. As a result, the term "Geisha" is often used in languages like Chinese to refer to this coffee variety, although the term "Geisha" remains more familiar in coffee parlance.


The Historical Background of Geisha Coffee

藝伎咖啡(Geisha Coffee)最初源於衣索比亞的Gesha地區,並於20世紀中期被引入中美洲。最初在巴拿馬等地,藝伎咖啡並沒有被視為一種特殊的咖啡品種,早期它經常被用作防風林或邊界樹。這種做法主要是為了保護農場其他作物免受強風的影響,同時也有助於防止土壤侵蝕和保持生態平衡。
Geisha coffee originally hails from the Gesha region in Ethiopia and was introduced to Central America in the mid-20th century. Initially, in places like Panama, Geisha coffee was not recognized as a special variety. It was often used as windbreaks or boundary trees to protect other crops on farms from strong winds, prevent soil erosion, and maintain ecological balance.

2004年,一個名為翡翠莊園(Hacienda La Esmeralda)的咖啡農場在BOP巴拿馬咖啡品鑑大賽中使用其藝伎咖啡參賽,並獲得了極高的評價。這一事件引起了國際咖啡界的廣泛關注,使藝伎咖啡其獨特的風味—如茉莉花、柑橘和熱帶水果的香氣—而聞名於世。隨後,這種咖啡逐漸被認識到其高品質和獨特性,不再僅作為防風林使用,而是成為了一種受到全球追捧的高端咖啡品種。
In 2004, a coffee farm named Hacienda La Esmeralda entered its Geisha coffee in the BOP Panama Coffee Tasting Competition, earning high praise. This event attracted widespread attention in the international coffee community, making Geisha coffee famous for its unique flavors such as jasmine, citrus, and tropical fruit aromas. Subsequently, this coffee was recognized for its high quality and uniqueness and was no longer merely used as windbreaks but became a sought-after high-end coffee variety worldwide.

│Further reading: Varieties of Geisha Coffee


World-Famous Geisha Coffee Farms

翡翠莊園(Hacienda La Esmeralda)位於巴拿馬西部的波奎特省,是一個全球知名的咖啡農場,以種植藝伎咖啡聞名於世。這個莊園由Peterson家族擁有和經營,他們在1990年代購入這塊土地並開始專注於種植藝伎咖啡。翡翠莊園因其對自然環境的精心照料而獲得雨林聯盟認證,致力於可持續農業實踐,確保其生產過程對環境影響最小。
Hacienda La Esmeralda, located in Panama's Boquete province, is a globally renowned coffee farm famous for cultivating Geisha coffee. The farm is owned and operated by the Peterson family, who purchased the land in the 1990s and began focusing on growing Geisha coffee. Hacienda La Esmeralda is Rainforest Alliance certified, committed to sustainable agricultural practices, and ensures minimal environmental impact during production.

翡翠莊園包括Cañas Verdes、El Velo、Jaramillo和Palmira四個農場,所有咖啡豆在這些農場進行後製處理。其中,Jaramillo農場因其得天獨厚的環境及生豆處理技術,生產出的頂級藝伎咖啡在國際上享有極高聲譽。
The estate comprises four farms: Cañas Verdes, El Velo, Jaramillo, and Palmira, where all coffee beans undergo post-harvest processing. The Jaramillo farm, with its unique environment and bean processing techniques, produces top-tier Geisha coffee that enjoys high international acclaim.

Years of experimentation at Hacienda La Esmeralda revealed that Geisha coffee trees grown above 1,400 meters elevation exhibit the distinct flavors characteristic of Geisha coffee. Therefore, the estate categorizes Geisha coffee into "Red Label," "Green Label," and other grades based on growing altitude and cupping results.

延伸閱讀:翡翠莊園 紅標 綠標 藍標
│Further reading: Hacienda La Esmeralda Red Label Green Label Blue Label


Comparison Between Geisha and Blue Mountain Coffee

When comparing Geisha coffee to Blue Mountain coffee, both are high-quality and highly popular varieties with unique flavor profiles and growth requirements. Here is a direct comparison of these two coffees.


藝伎咖啡 :藝伎咖啡以其明顯的花香、茉莉、柑橘和熱帶水果香氣聞名。其風味清新而複雜,甜味和酸質非常突出,被認為是極具層次和深度的咖啡。

藍山咖啡 :產自牙買加的藍山地區,咖啡品種是鐵比卡,藍山咖啡以其平滑醇厚的口感、低酸感和甜香氣著稱。常見的風味包括棕糖香、榛果香和堅果香,整體風味平衡而細膩。
Flavor Profile
Geisha Coffee: Known for its prominent floral, jasmine, citrus, and tropical fruit aromas. Its flavor is fresh and complex, with pronounced sweetness and acidity, considered highly layered and deep.
Blue Mountain Coffee: Grown in Jamaica's Blue Mountain region, this coffee is characterized by a smooth, rich body with low acidity and a sweet aroma. Common flavors include brown sugar, hazelnut, and nutty notes, with a balanced and delicate overall taste.



Market and Price
Geisha Coffee: Due to its uniqueness and high quality, it is often found in high-end coffee markets, with prices typically being very high, especially for top-tier batches from renowned estates.
Blue Mountain Coffee (Typica variety): Also a high-priced coffee, mainly due to its limited production area and excellent quality, often considered a symbol of luxury coffee.

In summary, both coffees represent premium choices among Arabica varieties, each with high tasting value and market recognition. Geisha coffee stands out for its unique floral and fruity aromas, while Blue Mountain coffee captivates with its smooth and balanced flavors.



Geisha coffee holds a unique position in the coffee industry due to its extraordinary flavors and relatively low yield, making it a very special presence in the market. Other varieties meet the needs of different consumers in their respective market segments.

Geisha coffee is renowned for its unique flavors and aromas, often described as having jasmine, citrus, and tropical fruit notes. Due to its rarity and high production costs, Geisha coffee is usually expensive and highly sought after by coffee enthusiasts and experts.



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➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

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 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

