一次搞懂拿鐵、卡布、Flat white...等差別 Understanding the Differences Between Latte, Cappuccino, Flat White, and More

一次搞懂拿鐵、卡布、Flat white...等差別

1. Latte(拿鐵)
2. Cappuccino(卡布奇諾)
3. Flat White(馥列白/奶咖/平白咖啡)
4. 濃縮咖啡的種類

源於義大利的義式咖啡,是一種以高水壓(約9大氣壓)、高水溫(90-94°C)、短時間(約30秒)快速萃取的濃縮咖啡。以1:2的咖啡粉水比例,製作出濃郁且富有層次感的咖啡,其特色在於香氣濃郁的琥珀色Crema泡沫。經典的義式咖啡還有各種變化,如加入大量蒸奶的拿鐵(Latte)、奶泡更厚咖啡更濃的卡布奇諾(Cappuccino),以及介於上述二者之間的馥列白(Flat White)又稱奶咖或平白咖啡等,滿足了咖啡愛好者對於濃郁咖啡風味和口感的追求。今天讓您一次搞懂不同的義式咖啡飲品,咖啡的萃取量與蒸奶的比例有何不同,喝起來差別又在哪裡?

Originating from Italian-style coffee, it is an espresso extracted quickly (around 30 seconds) under high pressure (about 9 atmospheres) and high water temperature (90-94°C). Prepared with a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:2, it produces a rich and multi-structured coffee, characterized by a strong, amber-colored crema foam. Classic Italian coffee has various variations, including the Latte with a large amount of steamed milk, the Cappuccino with thicker foam and stronger coffee, and the Flat White, a mix of the former two, catering to coffee enthusiasts' pursuit of rich flavors and textures. Today, we'll clarify the differences among different Italian coffee beverages, particularly in their coffee-to-milk ratios and taste profiles.


The term Latte originates from Italian, meaning milk. If you order a "Latte" in Italy, be cautious as you might only receive a cup of plain milk. Latte is the most common Italian coffee drink, containing a high proportion of milk, combining espresso with steamed milk. The typical Latte ratio is 1:5, meaning 40 grams of espresso mixed with 200 grams of steamed milk. With a higher milk proportion than a Cappuccino, its taste emphasizes the milkiness over the coffee.


Europe has long been a big fan of Cappuccino, especially in Italy, where it's often part of breakfast. Made by combining equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam, the Cappuccino ratio is typically 1:1:1, meaning 40 grams of espresso with 40 grams each of steamed milk and milk foam. It boasts a robust coffee flavor and a creamy milk foam texture.

Flat White(馥列白/奶咖/平白咖啡)

Similar to a Latte but with a lower coffee-to-milk ratio, sitting between a Latte and a Cappuccino, the Flat White ratio is usually 1:3, indicating 40 grams of espresso mixed with 120 grams of steamed milk. Originating from Australia and New Zealand, it's known for its silky milk foam.

奶泡通常分成三個層次:最底層的液態熱奶、中層的絲滑奶泡、最上層堅挺的粗奶泡。Flat white與Latte採用的就是底層的液態熱奶以及絲滑奶泡,只不過Flat white採用更為下層、泡量更少的奶泡,因此較為絲滑,咖啡杯頂端的奶泡也更薄一些。

The milk foam is typically divided into three layers: the bottom layer of liquid hot milk, the silky milk foam in the middle, and the sturdy, coarse milk foam on top. Flat White and Latte both use the bottom layer of liquid hot milk and silky milk foam, with Flat White utilizing less foam and positioning it lower, thus offering a smoother texture, and thinner foam at the top of the coffee cup.


Espresso serves as the base of Italian coffee, prepared by using finely ground coffee beans that undergo a darker roast to create a concentrated brew. Italian espresso, crafted through high pressure and a short brewing time, exudes a rich coffee flavor. There are several variations of espresso, distinguished by the ratio of coffee grounds to the resulting liquid. The most common three types are as follows.

Espresso (濃縮咖啡)

Italian Espresso, renowned for its robust flavor, is prepared at a 1:2 ratio of coffee grounds to liquid coffee, where 20 grams of coffee grounds yield 40 grams of coffee liquid. Espresso offers a rich coffee taste.

Ristretto (濃縮咖啡)

Ristretto, another form of Espresso, uses less water for extraction, resulting in a shorter yet stronger coffee. More concentrated than Espresso, the typical ratio is 1:1, extracting 20 grams of coffee grounds into 20 grams of coffee liquid. Ristretto exhibits a more intense coffee flavor than Espresso.

Lungo (濃縮咖啡)

Lungo, also an Espresso variant, involves a longer extraction with more water, creating a slightly lighter concentration than Espresso. The ratio usually stands at 1:3, generating 60 grams of coffee liquid from 20 grams of coffee grounds. Lungo offers a more delicate Espresso experience.

義式咖啡之所以風靡全世界,因其濃烈風味和多樣變化。拿鐵、卡布奇諾及奶咖,為人們提供了在咖啡中探索不同層次的機會。JC咖啡除了有上百支的單一莊園手沖咖啡之外,也有二支長期被義式濃縮咖啡的老饕們所愛用的義式配方咖啡豆,「濃縮烘焙咖啡豆 義式配方」以及「義式莊園配方豆 拾穗印象」,帶有濃郁的焦糖香與奶油般的滑順口感,不論是製作Espresso、Ristretto或Lungo都各具風味特色,讓我們浸泡在悠久的義式咖啡文化中;這些咖啡飲品既是味蕾的享受,又是社交的藝術,散發深厚的咖啡文化風味。
Italian coffee's worldwide popularity arises from its intense flavors and diverse variations. Drinks like Latte, Cappuccino, and Flat White offer opportunities to explore different aspects of coffee. Apart from over a hundred single-origin pour-over coffees, Justin Coffee also offers two espresso beans beloved by Espresso enthusiasts: the "Espresso Roast JC Blend" and the "Italian Estate Espresso Special Blend - Harvest Impressions." These beans carry caramelized aroma and buttery smoothness, delivering unique flavors in Espresso, Ristretto, or Lungo preparations. They allow us to immerse ourselves in the rich culture of Italian coffee, an indulgence for the palate and an art of socializing, emanating the profound essence of coffee culture.




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➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
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 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures

