【Lucky Box Set】50% OFF ↘ Selected Estate Drip Bag Coffee – 10 Mixed Selection from Estates|The more you buy, the more you save 【Justin Coffee】10g per bag – Specialty Coffee|Oxygen-Free Packaging (Eco-Friendly Small Carton)

✔Freshly Roasted Coffee Bean Specialty Store ✔CQI internatinal coffee quality appraiser quality control ✔Million-dollar Coffee Bean Sorting Machine Removes Defective Beans ✔Deoxygenation Preservation
Item No.: JC10drip

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➤ Single Estate Drip Bag Coffee – More flavorful and complex than commercial drip coffee on the market
➤ Unique roasting techniques bring out the diverse and rich characteristics of coffee from each origin
➤ CQI Q Grader-certified coffee quality expert personally cups and evaluates each batch
➤ Oxygen-free packaging ensures freshness, tasting as if freshly ground upon opening


10 Bags (1 from each of the 10 estates) – Special Price $26 per bag (Original Price $50)
30 Bags (3 from each of the 10 estates) – Special Price $25 per bag (Original Price $50)
60 Bags (6 from each of the 10 estates) – Special Price $24 per bag (Original Price $50)
80 Bags (8 from each of the 10 estates) – Special Price $23 per bag (Original Price $50)

160 Bags (16 from each of the 10 estates) – Special Price $22 per bag (Original Price $50) ➡ Lowest Price Challenge!


◆ 10 Estate Origins: Colombia, Kenya, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, New Guinea, Indonesia (Sumatra), Honduras
◆ Packaging: 10 estates, each individually packaged (Drip Bag – 10g per pack)
◆ Shelf Life: 1 year (Oxygen-free packaging) – Please refer to the packaging for details


Coffee Flavor 
The flavors of coffee are derived from the breakdown of various nutrients in the green coffee beans during roasting. Heat causes these compounds to degrade into a variety of aromatic molecular structures, resulting in a wide spectrum of flavors. High-quality coffee beans naturally possess a rich aroma that evolves at different temperatures—high, medium, and low—offering a delightful and nuanced experience worth savoring.


Justin Coffee carefully selects various Arabica varieties to craft its drip coffee, including world-renowned specialty coffee beans such as Geisha, Pacamara, Heirloom, Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Pacas, SL28, SL34, Tim Tim, and Catuai.

Justin Coffee prints the bean variety information on the packaging, allowing you to easily identify and appreciate the unique flavors of each coffee as you enjoy your cup. While coffee flavors can vary due to multiple factors, this at least offers a glimpse into the vast and diverse world of coffee beans.

The coffee tree, botanically classified under the Rubiaceae family and the Coffea subgenus, is an evergreen tree. Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee fruit. There are three main varieties: Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica. These three varieties cannot crossbreed to produce different subspecies. The world’s specialty coffee comes from the Arabica variety, and within Arabica, there are various subspecies resulting from evolution, hybridization, and mutation.   


Justin Coffee carefully selects various Arabica varieties to craft its drip coffee, including world-renowned specialty coffee beans such as Geisha, Pacamara, Heirloom, Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Pacas, SL28, SL34, Tim Tim, and Catuai.

Justin Coffee prints the bean variety information on the packaging, allowing you to easily identify and appreciate the unique flavors of each coffee as you enjoy your cup. While coffee flavors can vary due to multiple factors, this at least offers a glimpse into the vast and diverse world of coffee beans.

(Coffee Processes)

The term "processing methods" refers to the process of transforming ripe red coffee cherries into dried green beans. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, influenced by the natural environment and the specific needs of the coffee-producing region. As a result, different regions adopt the processing method most suited to their conditions. This batch uses the following three processing methods, described below:

【Natural / Sundried / Dry Processe】

Also known as the natural drying method or unwashed process, the natural process is one of the most traditional and widely used methods of coffee processing. This method does not involve the use of water. Originating in Ethiopia, coffee cherries are harvested and laid out to dry under the sun before being hulled. The seeds remain inside the fruit throughout the extended drying period, absorbing flavors from the skin, pulp, and mucilage. This process enhances the coffee's sweetness and body, often resulting in unique and distinctive aromas.

Producers spread the cherries on drying beds, which may consist of terraces or raised platforms. Over the course of 3 to 6 weeks, the cherries undergo fermentation. Producers turn the cherries regularly to ensure even drying and to prevent spoilage. During this time, the sugars in the fruit and the mucilage adhered to the seeds develop complex flavors, contributing to a sweeter profile.

Once dried, the fruit layers are mechanically removed from the seeds. Natural-processed coffee is often juicy and syrupy, with a rich flavor that makes the effort behind this method well worth it.

【Washed / Wet Processe】

Also known as the wet process, this method involves removing the skin and pulp of the coffee cherries before drying. The seeds are then fermented in water tanks to eliminate the remaining mucilage on their surface, followed by thorough washing and drying under sunlight or with mechanical dryers.

The washed process produces a cleaner and crisper flavor profile compared to the natural process. Coffees processed this way typically have lighter body, brighter acidity, and distinct fruit flavors. This method is often associated with specialty coffee due to its clarity and vibrant flavor expression.

【Honey / Pulped Natural / Semi-dry Process】

The honey process is a method that combines elements of both the natural process and the washed process. This technique was initially developed in Costa Rica. Similar to the washed process, the skin and pulp of the coffee cherries are removed, but the fermentation step is skipped. Instead, the mucilage layer (a sticky, sugary layer around the bean) is left intact and dried under sunlight.

The term "honey" does not refer to the addition of actual honey. Rather, it derives from the sticky texture of the mucilage, which resembles honey. The retention of this layer, rich in sugars and acids, is the key to the honey process. The amount of mucilage left on the beans determines the sweetness and flavor complexity.


Tel: +886-3-358-6611
1st Floor, No. 30, Lane 120, Daxing Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City

▶This product is covered by a NT$10 million product liability insurance.
▶Food Industry Registration Number: F-165601955-00000-0
▶ Our company’s cupper is certified as a CQI International Coffee Quality Appraiser. 


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