Ethiopia Yirgacheffe T.O.H Champion Adoris limited edition G1 Natural 1 Pack|Light【Justin Coffee】1/2 lb(230g)Estate Coffee Freshly Roasted

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Item No.: JC162358

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Ethiopia Yirgacheffe T.O.H Champion Adoris limited edition G1 Natural

  • Origin: Ethiopia 
  • Estate-grown coffee: Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Adoris
  • Processing Method: Natural
  • Variety: 100% Arabica Heirloom Variety 
  • Flavor:Blueberry, Mango, Strawberry, Peach, Berries, Dried Longan, Purple Grape, Brandy, Sweet and Juicy Blueberry Finish, Bright Acidity, Excellent Sweetness, Rich and Layered
  • Roast Level: Light
  • Packaging Method:
  • ➡ Coffee Beans 1/2 lb (230g/pack) - One-Way Degassing Valve + Freshness-Retaining Zipper Paper Bag
  • Elevation: 1950-2100m
  • Shelf Life: 4 months (The coffee beans have a shelf life of 4 months, starting from the roast date, ensuring optimal flavor)

     ※ Ardos Processing Station won the T.O.H (Taste of Harvest) flavor competition championship in 2018 & 2019.



Coffee Flavor 
The flavors of coffee are derived from the breakdown of various nutrients in the green coffee beans during roasting. Heat causes these compounds to degrade into a variety of aromatic molecular structures, resulting in a wide spectrum of flavors. High-quality coffee beans naturally possess a rich aroma that evolves at different temperatures—high, medium, and low—offering a delightful and nuanced experience worth savoring.

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe T.O.H Champion Adoris limited edition G1 Natural
Blueberry, Mango, Strawberry, Peach, Berries, Dried Longan, Purple Grape, Brandy, Sweet and Juicy Blueberry Finish, Bright Acidity, Excellent Sweetness, Rich and Layered



Yirgacheffe is one of Ethiopia's most prestigious coffee-growing regions, located in the higher-altitude areas of the Sidamo province. Due to the unique flavor profile of the coffee cultivated in this region, Yirgacheffe was distinguished as a separate designation from Sidamo.

The Adorsi Processing Station is owned by Testi Coffee, a coffee export company operated by the Yonis family. Testi Coffee was founded in 2009 by Faysel A. Yonis, the first in his family to fully commit to the coffee industry. He later brought in his nephew Adham, who grew up and studied in the United States, contributing significantly to the company’s expansion and marketing efforts. Currently, Testi Coffee operates four washing stations across Guji, Yirgacheffe, Sidamo, and Limu.

The Adorsi Processing Station won the 2018 & 2019 T.O.H (Taste of Harvest) flavor competition championship. T.O.H is an annual competition organized by the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA), held in major coffee-producing countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda. Each country first conducts a national-level evaluation, and the winning coffees are then sent to AFCA for a final round of judging, similar in nature to the Cup of Excellence (C.O.E.) competition.

The coffee tree, botanically classified under the Rubiaceae family and the Coffea subgenus, is an evergreen tree. Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee fruit. There are three main varieties: Arabica, Robusta, and Liberica. These three varieties cannot crossbreed to produce different subspecies. The world’s specialty coffee comes from the Arabica variety, and within Arabica, there are various subspecies resulting from evolution, hybridization, and mutation.   The world's specialty coffees are derived from Arabica, which itself has various subspecies and hybrids resulting from evolution, crossbreeding, and mutations.

This locally mixed genetic diversity is considered the genetic reservoir of Arabica coffee. The native coffee varieties produced within Ethiopia are collectively referred to as Heirloom varieties, representing the country's rich heritage of wild and indigenous Arabica coffee.

Grade 1 - G1 is the highest grade in Ethiopia's coffee grading system.

(Coffee Processes)
The term "processing methods" refers to the process of transforming ripe red coffee cherries into dried green beans. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, influenced by the natural environment and the specific needs of the coffee-producing region. As a result, different regions adopt the processing method most suited to their conditions. This batch uses the natural processing methods, described below:

【Natural / Sundried / Dry Processed】
Also known as the natural drying method or unwashed process, the natural process is one of the most traditional and widely used methods of coffee processing. The seeds remain inside the fruit throughout the extended drying period, absorbing flavors from the skin, pulp, and mucilage. This process enhances the coffee's sweetness and body, often resulting in unique and distinctive aromas.

Tel: +886-3-358-6611
1st Floor, No. 30, Lane 120, Daxing Road, Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City

▶This product is covered by a NT$10 million product liability insurance.
▶Food Industry Registration Number: F-165601955-00000-0
▶ Our company’s cupper is certified as a CQI International Coffee Quality Appraiser. 


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