衣索比亞蘊藏的美味咖啡品種-74158 The Exquisite Ethiopia Coffee Variety - 74158
Ethiopia, recognized as the birthplace of Arabica coffee, boasts an unparalleled array of native coffee tree species and an extensive genetic pool collectively referred to as Heirloom. In the 20th century, Ethiopia undertook an official project involving the search, testing, and naming of coffee varieties, releasing 13 varieties, including 74110, 74112, and 74158.
This particular variety offers distinct citrus and floral flavors, intertwined with hints of apricot, strawberry, blueberry, along with remarkable floral and lingering milk chocolate notes. The 2020 Ethiopian Coffee Auction (Cup of Excellence) champion from the Sidamo region, processed using the natural method, scored 91.4 points, courtesy of the 74158 variety.
育苗選擇對於獲得高品質和抗病性品種是很重要的,74158品種對於西達摩產區的疾病有著極高的抗病性。74158是一種野生品種,來自衣索比亞西部Illuababora區Metu-Bishari森林中的吉瑪農業研究中心JARC(Jimma Agricultural Research Center)
Selective breeding is crucial in obtaining high-quality and disease-resistant varieties, and 74158 exhibits exceptional disease resistance in the Sidamo region. Originating from the Metu-Bishari Forest in the Illuababora area of western Ethiopia, 74158 is a wild variety cultivated by the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC).
衣索比亞政府在吉馬設立了吉馬農業研究中心(Jimma Agricultural Research Center, JARC),主要研究咖啡品種的改良。由於,74158品種有著即高抗病性及生產力,該品種廣泛地在衣索比亞各地栽種。
The Ethiopian government established the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC) in Jimma, focusing on improving coffee varieties. Due to its high disease resistance and productivity, 74158 is extensively cultivated throughout Ethiopia.
古優原生種(Heirloom) Heirloom Varieties
Arabica coffee originates from Ethiopia in Africa, where there are still hundreds, even thousands, of wild coffee varieties growing year-round, even in pristine forests. These indigenous mixes, mutations, and hybrids constitute a large native variety pool known as the gene pool of Arabica, and the native varieties produced within Ethiopia are referred to as Heirloom.
近來常聽到的74110、74112、74158等,以數字代表的品種,也都是從古優原生種中再細分出來的。這是源自衣索比亞的一個農業計畫,在1972年到1975年,以因應1971年爆發的大規模咖啡炭疽病。這個計畫一共採集了約639個咖啡樹種。經過研究分析,吉瑪農業研究中心JARC(Jimma Agricultural Research Center)釋出13個較能抵抗咖啡炭疽病的品種。74-158這個品種,就是在1974年釋出,編號第158的品種。
Recent references to varieties like 74110, 74112, 74158, represented by numerical digits, are subdivisions from the Heirloom varieties. This originates from an agricultural project in Ethiopia between 1972 and 1975, in response to the widespread outbreak of coffee leaf rust in 1971. Approximately 639 coffee tree species were collected as part of this project. After analysis, the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC) released 13 varieties more resistant to coffee leaf rust. The 74-158 variety, released in 1974, was the 158th variety in the sequence.
Due to Ethiopia's rich and diverse coffee varieties, many unnamed coffee types are currently collectively referred to as Heirloom varieties. Thus, being able to taste pure 74158 coffee is considered a rare and precious opportunity.
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