紅櫻桃計畫 Operation Cherry Red Project

紅櫻桃計畫 - 為了鼓勵衣索比亞的農民生產更優質的咖啡豆,並讓農民獲得更好的收入、改善當地生活水平,在2007年由荷蘭貿易商Trabocca與當地農民發起此計畫。

Operation Red Cherry Project - In order to encourage Ethiopian farmers to produce higher quality coffee beans and improve their income and local living standards, this project was initiated in 2007 by Dutch coffee trader Trabocca in collaboration with local farmers.



It involves the manual harvesting of 100% ripe red coffee cherries, providing financial loans to support new hardware equipment, offering technical assistance with production processing knowledge, and establishing high-quality coffee cupping laboratories. The commitment is to pay a premium price for coffee as long as it meets the standards set in the cupping lab.



Roasters are also willing to offer better prices for excellent coffee beans, allowing Trabocca to reinvest profits into the farmers and continuously improve and enhance coffee quality.




✔ 堅持新鮮烘焙 ✔ 堅持篩豆 再烘焙 ✔ 堅持使用莊園咖啡
➤ 專業烘焙帶出咖啡多元又豐沛的個性
➤ CQI Q Grader咖啡品質鑑定師,親自杯測品鑑,為您把關每一杯咖啡
➤ 單一莊園咖啡 具風味、層次佳

✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
➤ Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures



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