金杯準則 Golden Cup Standard


1. 金杯準則是什麼?
2. 沖泡因素


金杯準則 最早由麻省理工洛克哈特博士於1960年代提出,後來幾經修正,不同國家的金杯準則不同,簡述如下。 萃出率18%~22% -> 能被萃出的可溶性物質只占咖啡豆30%,低於18%會死酸、高於22%會苦澀。

The Gold Cup Standard was first proposed by Dr. Lockhart of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1960s and has been revised several times since then. Different countries have different Gold Cup Standards, which are briefly described as follows. The extraction rate is 18%~22% -> The soluble substances that can be extracted only account for 30% of the coffee beans. If it is less than 18%, it will be very sour, and if it is higher than 22%, it will be bitter and astringent.


濃度1.15%~1.55% -> 低於1.15%會平淡無味、高於1.55%會過濃礙口。 以20克沖泡300ml咖啡液 符合金杯標準 萃出率 20% -> 20克*20%=4克 -> 20克咖啡中有4克溶入水中 濃度1.33% -> 300ml*1.33%=4克 -> 300ml咖啡液中有4克可溶性物質 要達到上述理論值,沖泡因素都要拿捏適當,磨粉粗細、粉水比、水溫高低、萃取時間長短、沖泡手法等,都會影響萃取率和濃度,好咖啡值得我們多加嚐試。

Concentration 1.15%~1.55% -> If it is lower than 1.15%, it will be bland and tasteless. If it is higher than 1.55%, it will be too strong and harsh. Brewing 300ml of coffee liquid with 20g meets the Gold Cup standard. The extraction rate is 20% -> 20g * 20% = 4g -> 4g of 20g of coffee dissolve in water. The concentration is 1.33% -> 300ml * 1.33% = 4g -> There are 4g of soluble substances in 300ml of coffee liquid. To reach the above theoretical value, the brewing factors must be properly adjusted. The the grinding size, powder to water ratio, the water temperature, the length of extraction time, and the brewing method will all affect the extraction rate and concentration. Good coffee is worth trying more.




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➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
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