感受不到咖啡的花香?找出原因並解決它! Struggling to Detect Floral Aromas in Coffee? Discover the Causes and Solutions!


1. 法感受花香風味的可能原因

2. 改善方法與具體步驟
3. 結論

When we drink coffee, floral notes are often regarded as a hallmark of high-quality coffee. However, many people find themselves unable to detect these delicate aromas during preparation or tasting. This can be attributed to factors such as the choice of coffee beans, brewing methods, sensory sensitivity, and the tasting environment. Below, we explore these reasons in detail and provide actionable solutions to help you better experience the floral aromas in coffee.



        Why You Might Be Missing Floral Aromas in Coffee

1. 咖啡豆的特性問題 Characteristics of the Coffee Beans

  • 豆子的鮮度不夠
    Lack of Freshness
    Floral aromas come from volatile aromatic compounds in coffee beans. If the beans are stale or improperly stored, these compounds dissipate over time, weakening the fragrance. Therefore, stale or less fresh coffee beans typically struggle to exhibit delicate floral aromas.
  • 烘焙程度過深

    Floral notes are most prominent in light to light-medium roasts. Over-roasting the beans can overshadow floral aromas with stronger caramel, nutty, or roasted flavors.
  • 豆子品質不佳

    Low-Quality Beans
    Not all coffee beans naturally exhibit floral aromas. For example, beans from certain regions or varieties might lean towards nutty, chocolaty, or fruity profiles rather than floral ones.


2. 萃取過程的影響 Impact of the Brewing Process

  • 水溫過高
    花香分子對高溫十分敏感。如果沖煮咖啡的水溫過高(例如超過 95°C),可能會破壞這些分子,導致香氣消散。​​​​​​​
    High Water Temperature
    Floral compounds are sensitive to heat. Using excessively hot water (above 95°C) during brewing can destroy these delicate molecules, diminishing the aroma.
  • 研磨度不合適

    Incorrect Grind Size
    If the grind size is too coarse, under-extraction may prevent the release of the coffee's full flavors. Conversely, overly fine grinds can lead to over-extraction, masking floral characteristics.
  • 比例不平衡

    Imbalanced Coffee-to-Water Ratio
    An incorrect coffee-to-water ratio can affect extraction and cause less floral aroma. Too much water dilutes the flavors, while too little may emphasize bitterness or acidity over floral notes.

3. 嗅覺和味覺感知問題 Sensory Perception Challenges

  • 嗅覺疲勞

    Olfactory Fatigue
    Prolonged exposure to strong odors (e.g., perfume, food aromas) can reduce olfactory sensitivity, therefore temporarily reduce your ability to perceive subtle scents like floral notes.
  • 個人體質

    Individual Sensory Differences
    Some people are naturally less sensitive to certain aromas, including the lighter, more subtle floral notes in coffee.
  • 品飲習慣

    Tasting Habits
    Without prior experience or training, it can be easy to overlook floral nuances in coffee.

4. 品飲環境干擾 Environmental Distractions

  • 環境氣味干擾

    Environmental Competing Aromas
    Drinking coffee in environments with strong competing smells—like perfume, food, or smoke—can mask its natural aromas.
  • 分心或不專注

    Lack of Focus
    Tasting coffee without paying attention to its aromas and flavors may cause you to miss the subtleties, including floral characteristics.



        How to Enhance Floral Aroma Detection in Coffee

1. 選擇合適的咖啡豆 Choose the Right Coffee Beans

  • 優先選擇淺焙咖啡

    Go for Light Roasts
    Floral notes are most pronounced in light to light-medium roasts. Choose beans roasted to this level for the best chance of experiencing these aromas.
  • 購買新鮮豆子

    Prioritize Freshness
    Use beans that are 5–7 days post-roast and consume them within their shelf life to enjoy peak aroma.


2. 調整萃取方式 Adjust Brewing Techniques

  • 控制水溫

    Control Water Temperature
    Keep the brewing water temperature between 85–94°C to prevent high heat from destroying floral aroma compounds and to avoid under-extraction caused by low temperatures.
  • 調整研磨度

    Refine Grind Size
    Match the grind size to your brewing method (e.g., pour-over, siphon) to ensure balanced extraction and optimal aroma release.
  • 保持正確比例

    Use the Right Ratio
    A coffee-to-water ratio of 1:15 or 1:16 is recommended (e.g., 20g of coffee to 300g of water) for balanced flavor and aroma.


3. 提升嗅覺和味覺敏感度 Improve Sensory Sensitivity

  • 嗅聞實物花香

    Practice with Real Floral Scents
    Familiarize yourself with natural floral aromas like jasmine, rose, and chamomile to enhance your ability to detect similar notes in coffee.
  • 專注品味咖啡

    Focus on Tasting
    Before sipping, take a moment to smell the coffee and consciously look for floral notes. Avoid rushing through the tasting process.
  • 使用風味輪工具

    Use a Flavor Wheel
    Refer to a coffee flavor wheel to identify and record specific floral aromas, building your sensory vocabulary over time.

4. 創造理想的品飲環境 Create an Ideal Tasting Environment

  • 保持空氣清新

    Keep Fresh Air
    Ensure the tasting area is free from strong scents like perfume, smoke or strong food smell to maintain a clean olfactory environment.
  • 專注於品飲過程

    Stay Focused
    Choose a quiet, distraction-free setting to concentrate fully on the coffee’s aromatic and flavor profile.

5. 適當休息與重試 Take a Break and Try Again

  • 減少嗅覺疲勞

    Reduce Olfactory Fatigue
    If you have difficulty detecting floral aromas over an extended period, reset your sense of smell by inhaling a neutral scent, such as cool water or your own wrist.
  • 多次嘗試

    Give It Another Try
    If you don’t notice floral notes the first time, retry the coffee at a different time or in a different state of mind—you might discover something new.


6. 進階建議 Advanced Tips

  • 參加杯測活動

    Join Cupping Sessions
    Participate in professional coffee cupping sessions to compare your experiences with others and refine your ability to detect floral notes.
  • 記錄品飲經驗

    Keep a Flavor Journal
    Record the flavor characteristics and brewing parameters for each coffee to identify what works best for enhancing floral aromas.
  • 嘗試單一產區豆

    Try Single-Origin Coffees
    Focus on single-origin beans to better appreciate distinct flavor profiles, including floral characteristics.



Difficulty detecting floral aromas in coffee often stems from a combination of factors. By selecting high-quality beans, fine-tuning brewing parameters, sharpening your sensory perception, and creating an ideal tasting environment, you can better capture these delicate fragrances. Not only does this enhance the enjoyment of your coffee, but it also deepens your understanding of its flavor complexities, allowing you to savor every aromatic structures in your cup.




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