一杯不會走味的咖啡 A Cup of Coffee That Never Loses Its Flavor



1. 咖啡冷掉不走味
2. 咖啡保存得當不走味



If someone were to ask me what a coffee that never loses its flavor is, I would tell them it's like pour-over coffee. When it's hot, it's full-bodied and aromatic, and when it's cold, it has a unique sweetness.


Coffee that Remains Flavorful when Cold


It's often said that the flavor of a good coffee changes with temperature, and it tastes great at both high and low temperatures. If a coffee tastes too bitter when cold, it's a sign of poor quality; we've been taught that coffee should be consumed hot because it's not enjoyable when cold. However, good coffee should have enough sweetness to support it, along with pleasant acidity. Even when cooled, it can still be enjoyed under a balanced acidity and sweetness.



Sometimes, coffee isn't very enjoyable when hot but becomes sweeter and more enjoyable when cooled. At these times, we can probably conclude that the coffee's essence is good, but it wasn't brewed properly, or the coffee beans weren't roasted well, amplifying roasting flaws when hot and gradually returning to their natural state when cooled, resulting in a more pleasant taste.


Further reading: How to Select Beans to Find Ones with a Sweet Taste?


Proper Coffee Storage Prevents Flavor Loss


To prevent coffee beans from losing their flavor, they should be kept away from three things: oxygen, moisture, and sunlight. Justin coffee bean bags are made of food-grade materials with multiple layers of aluminum foil to shield from light. The bags are equipped with zip locks, which, when used, expel excess air and seal the bags tightly, effectively keeping out oxygen and moisture. Additionally, the bags have a "one-way exhaust valve" that allows fresh roasted coffee to release carbon dioxide automatically, letting excess gas escape without allowing air to enter. Therefore, storing the bags in a cool, dry place is the best way to preserve coffee beans.



Avoid storing coffee beans in the refrigerator and taking them out, even if they are well sealed, as temperature changes can cause condensation, leading to moisture absorption and deterioration of the beans. Roasted coffee beans have low moisture content and are prone to moisture absorption and spoilage.


Further reading: How to store coffee bean?


Using Pour-Over Equipment Properly to Avoid Flavor Lose


Have you ever experienced this? You brew a particularly delicious cup of pour-over coffee one day, but the next day, you can't recreate the same taste or sensation. Many factors affect pour-over coffee, including bean roast, brewing time, grind size, water temperature, and even brewing technique, all of which can affect the coffee-drinking experience. Therefore, it's essential to use tools such as thermometers and scales for pour-over coffee, record the values ​​of each step, replicate the deliciousness of today's pour-over coffee into tomorrow's parameters, and adjust today's undesirable parameters to brew delicious coffee tomorrow.



Find the pour-over parameters you like and adjust the extraction rate. If you want to brew a light-bodied, acidic coffee today, reduce the extraction rate; or if you want to drink a rich, bitter coffee, increase the extraction rate. These pour-over parameters affect coffee extraction, so mastering pour-over equipment and brewing a cup of coffee that never loses its flavor.


│延伸閱讀:咖啡萃取率 關鍵4要素
Further reading: 4 Key Factors Affecting Coffee Extraction Rate


By paying attention to the above three points, you should be able to make a cup of flavorful, never-losing pour-over coffee. Pour-over coffee is the flavor of life, waking up to a cup of coffee that never loses its flavor, enjoying the most enjoyable coffee flavor all year round.




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 Stick to fresh roasting  Stick to sieving and roasting  Stick to estate coffee
 Professional roasting brings out the diverse and rich personality of coffee
 CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
 Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures


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