認識咖啡的酸質評比 Understanding the Acidity of Coffee
1. 「酸質」
2. 咖啡豆酸質小測試
Is the acidity of coffee divided into non-acid, good acid, and super acid? No, no, and no. In the world of specialty coffee, acidity has different qualities. From the Justin Coffee flavor score, 9 points are not sourer than 8 points, but the acidity quality is better.
"Acidity" is one of the coffee quality evaluation items. To have a high quality score, you must tell the acidity is from which fruit and if it’s pleasant after drinking coffee. For example, it’s citrus acid and bright mellow, fresh and elegant grapefruit acid, or bright and structured strawberry acid.
Justin Coffee attaches an illustration of the flavor score on each coffee bean page. The higher the score, the better the quality of the item. In terms of acidity score, 9 points have a clearer fruit tone than 8 points and the acidity is more pleasing.
The following two beans come from the same origin, but the production areas are slightly different, the batches are different, and the acidity scores are different:
▋ 衣索比亞 藝妓村 夏亞區 藝妓 日曬
風味:水蜜桃 莓果 高山紅茶 甜感飽滿
▋ Ethiopia Gesha Village Shaya Gori Gesha Natural-SINGLE-TERROIR
Flavor: peach, berry, high mountain black tea, full of sweetness
Score: aroma 9, flavor 9, aftertaste 9, acidity 9, sweetness 9, body 8
▋ 衣索比亞 藝妓村 班吉區 藝妓 日曬
風味:熱帶水果 葡萄 蜂蜜 乾淨滑順綿長
▋ Ethiopia Gesha Village Bangi Gori Gesha Natural-SINGLE-TERROIR
Flavor: tropical fruit, grape, honey, clean and smooth
Score: aroma 9, flavor 9, aftertaste 9, acidity 8, sweetness 9, body 9
Geisha from Shaya Gori has a better acid score and it has well-defined berry acidity, bright, mellow, and pleasant. So it's not that the geisha in Bangi Gori is less sour, it has berries acidity as well, but not so clear and bright in berry tones. But Bangi's body score is slightly higher than Shaya's.
Good acidity has the characteristics of fresh fruit and also enough sweetness to support it. The whole cup of coffee has a good structure, rich and full flavor, and it is a good cup of coffee!
│延伸閱讀: 跟著杯測師認識精品咖啡美妙的酸
Further reading: Learn about the wonderful acidity of specialty coffee with a coffee cupper
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✔ Stick to fresh roasting ✔ Stick to sieving and roasting ✔ Stick to estate coffee
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➤ CQI Q Grader coffee quality appraisers, personally cupping and evaluate, check every cup of coffee for you
➤ Single-origin coffee with good flavor and structures