如何挑選精品咖啡(Specialty Coffee) How to Choose Specialty Coffee


Specialty coffee is defined as coffee that scores 80 points or higher in a cupping evaluation. This article provides three methods for the general public to choose high-quality coffee, compares specialty coffee with regular coffee, and concludes with a comparison table of the tasting experience between specialty and non-specialty coffee.



精品咖啡協會SCA定義,杯測分數達到80分以上就是精品咖啡,杯測滿分為100分制。分數為80-84.99的咖啡被評為 非常好(Very Good)分數為85-89.99的咖啡被評為 優秀的(Excellent)分數為90-100的咖啡被評為 傑出的(Outstanding)。分數低於80的咖啡就不是精品咖啡,一般稱為商業咖啡。

What Is Specialty Coffee

According to the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), coffee that scores 80 points or higher in a cupping evaluation is considered specialty coffee. The scoring system goes up to 100 points, with coffee scoring in the range of 80-84.99 being rated as "Very Good," coffee scoring in the range of 85-89.99 as "Excellent," and coffee scoring in the range of 90-100 as "Outstanding." Coffee scoring below 80 points is not considered specialty coffee and is commonly referred to as commercial coffee.


In general, specialty coffee is grown in high-altitude regions and receives meticulous care from farmers. It is typically sold at a higher price to coffee traders or directly to roasters. Roasters craft the ideal roasting profile for each batch of beans to enhance and highlight their natural flavors. Coffee professionals often use high-precision equipment to brew coffee. Specialty coffee is a series of high-quality services that ensure consumers get a quality coffee experience, and it follows a systematic approach to evaluating its quality.



Three Good Methods for Choosing Specialty Coffee

1. 可溯源:高於80分的精品咖啡通常都有清楚的產地來源資訊,國家、區域、農莊或處理廠等,並有處理法及生豆等級等資訊,例如:「衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 果丁丁 G1 水洗」。
2. 風味特色明確:高於80分的精品咖啡通常有豐富的風味,其中幾個風味會相當鮮明,易於辨別,例如:帶有花香與檸檬香就是「衣索比亞 耶加雪菲 果丁丁 G1 水洗」的明確風味特性。
3. 價格通常不低:經過產地農民悉心照料的咖啡,通常成本較高;相反的,以機器大量種植採收的非精品咖啡,通常成本較低。

For the average consumer, how do you select specialty coffee without the evaluation skills of a professional cupper? How can you choose specialty coffee through straightforward methods?

1. Traceability: Specialty coffees scoring above 80 points typically come with clear information about their origin, including the country, region, farm, or processing facility, along with details about the processing method and bean grade. For example: "Ethiopia Gediyo Yirgacheffe Worka Banko Gotiti G1 Washed."

2. Distinct Flavor Characteristics: Coffee scoring above 80 points usually offers rich flavors, and some of these flavors are quite distinctive and easy to identify. For instance, coffee from Ethiopia Gediyo Yirgacheffe Worka Banko Gotiti G1 Washed is known for its floral and lemony notes, which are clear flavor characteristics.

3. Usually Higher Price: Coffee that has been carefully nurtured by farmers in its place of origin typically has higher production costs. Conversely, non-specialty coffee that's grown in large quantities using machinery often has lower production costs.



Specialty Coffee vs. Single Origin Coffee

單品咖啡是指咖啡豆來自單一產區或單一莊園,也就是有著清楚的產地可溯性的資訊。但當該批咖啡豆的分數低於80分時,就不能稱為精品咖啡,可稱為單品商業咖啡。通常在討論的精品咖啡是單品咖啡,但是由於精品咖啡的定義是杯測分數80分以上,因此可以採用二種以上的80分的生豆來製作配方咖啡(混合咖啡),也是精品咖啡,但這就不是單品咖啡,可稱為精品配方咖啡,例如:JC咖啡 莊園配方 職人尋味系列(酒香新月、花香仕紳、甜果之舞、迷途可可)。現代人流行喝單品精品咖啡,所以JC咖啡有超過一百支的單品精品咖啡。

Single origin coffee refers to coffee beans that come from a single producing region or estate, meaning they have clear and traceable origin information. However, when the score of a batch of coffee beans falls below 80 points, it cannot be called specialty coffee and is often referred to as single origin commercial coffee. Typically, when discussing specialty coffee, it often involves single origin coffee. However, since the definition of specialty coffee is a cupping score of 80 points or higher, coffee made by blending two or more batches of 80-point green beans (blended coffee) can also be considered specialty coffee, although it is not single origin coffee. It can be referred to as specialty blend coffee. For example, Justin Coffee's Premium Blend Specialty Coffee (Winey Blend, Flowery Blend, Fruity Blend ,Cocoa Blend). In today's trend, people enjoy single origin specialty coffee, which is why Justin Coffee offers over a hundred different single origin specialty coffees.


   精品咖啡 非精品咖啡
單一來源 單品精品咖啡 單品商業咖啡
配方混合 配方精品咖啡 配方商業咖啡


精品咖啡 VS 非精品咖啡



The reason specialty coffee continues to thrive is because those involved in the coffee industry make quality their lifelong pursuit and continually place quality at the forefront. Throughout the life cycle of coffee beans, this is not the work of one person but a collective effort where everyone in the coffee value chain works in harmony and maintains a high level of attention to standards and excellence from start to finish. When coffee drinkers choose specialty coffee, they are supporting the specialty coffee industry. When you take the time to seek out a coffee roastery that focuses on quality or spend time discussing coffee brewing methods with your barista, you are not only demonstrating a commitment to higher standards of taste and flavor but also contributing to a higher quality of life for every coffee professional who has played a part in the journey.




✔ 新鮮烘焙咖啡豆專賣店
✔ CQI咖啡品質鑑定師把關
✔ 百萬級咖啡篩豆機剔除瑕疵豆

✔ Freshly Roasted Coffee Bean Specialty Store
✔ CQI international coffee quality appraiser quality control
✔ State-of-the-art, Million-dollar Coffee Bean Sorting Machine Removes Defective Beans


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