各國咖啡豆分級制度 Coffee Bean Grading Systems Across Countries



1. 衣索比亞咖啡分級制度
2. 肯亞咖啡分級制度
3. 哥倫比亞咖啡分級制度
4. 巴西咖啡分級制度
5. 瓜地馬拉咖啡分級制度
6. 牙買加咖啡分級制度

In coffee names, you often see abbreviations like G1, AA, SHB, NO.1, etc. These abbreviations represent the coffee bean grades from different regions. Coffee grading systems vary across countries and are based on factors such as bean size, density, number of defects, altitude, and flavor characteristics, ensuring the quality and consistency of the coffee. Here is an overview of the grading systems in some major coffee-producing countries:


Ethiopia Coffee Grading System

在衣索比亞,按照物理特徵及杯測品質評分,共可分為G1-G9的9個等級,G1和G2的缺陷數最少,G8和G9最多,在台灣最常見的是G1到G4等級。這個分級法是衣索比亞商品交易所(ECX, Ethiopia Commodity Exchange)的分級法,ECX是一個農產品市場,成立於2008年,願景是改善衣索比亞的經濟,並開發有效的現代交易系統,但在ECX咖啡源頭會被匿名化,沒有追溯性。
In Ethiopia, coffee beans are graded from 9 levels from G1 to G9 based on physical characteristics and cupping quality scores. G1 and G2 have the fewest defects, while G8 and G9 have the most. In Taiwan, G1 to G4 grades are the most common. This grading method is managed by the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX), established in 2008 to improve Ethiopia's economy by developing an efficient modern trading system. However, coffee sold through ECX was initially anonymized and lacked traceability.

直到2017年衣索比亞咖啡和茶管理局(Ethiopian Coffee & Tea Authority)提出新法案,讓咖啡可以保持完整的可追溯性,即使是通過ECX出售的咖啡也可保有可追溯性。目的是限制黑市交易,要求更高的價格,使衣索比亞生產者能獲得更好的收入。
In 2017, the Ethiopian Coffee & Tea Authority introduced a new regulation to maintain traceability even for coffee sold through ECX. This aimed to limit black market trading, demand higher prices, and ensure better income for Ethiopian producers.


Kenya Coffee Grading System


Graded by size, from largest to smallest: AA, AB, PB

Kenyan coffee beans are primarily graded by size, from largest to smallest: AA, AB, PB. AA: The largest beans, sized between 17-18 screen, which pass through a screen with 18/64 inch (about 7.20 mm) holes but not through 16/64 inch holes. AB: A mix of A (16 screen) and B (15 screen) beans, making up the bulk of the beans. PB: Peaberry, a single bean in the coffee cherry instead of the usual two. Other grades include E (Elephant beans) and C (12-14 screen). Size isn’t an absolute quality indicator but larger beans are often considered more precious. This grading system is also used in Papua New Guinea.



Graded by flavors as TOP, PLUS, and FAQ

Kenya also uses a flavor grading system set by coffee exporters, categorizing beans as TOP, PLUS, and FAQ based on flavor characteristics and quality standards to ensure competitiveness and consumer recognition in international markets.


Colombia Coffee Grading System

哥倫比亞咖啡的分級制度主要依據豆子的大小和質量。哥倫比亞咖啡生產者聯盟(Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, FNC)是負責咖啡質量控制和分級的主要機構。哥倫比亞的咖啡豆分級制度主要依據豆子的大小,由大到小分別為: Supremo、Excelso、UGQ等。Supremo:是最大顆的咖啡豆,豆子的篩網尺寸為17/18。Excelso:次於Supremo,豆子的篩網尺寸為15/16。UGQ (Usual Good Quality):一般良好品質,篩網尺寸不一定固定,但質量穩定。
The Colombian coffee grading system primarily classifies beans based on size and quality. The Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC) is the main institution responsible for quality control and grading. Colombian coffee beans are graded by size as Supremo, Excelso, UGQ, etc. Supremo: The largest coffee beans, screened at sizes 17/18. Excelso: Slightly smaller than Supremo, screened at sizes 15/16. UGQ (Usual Good Quality): General good quality beans, with variable screen sizes but consistent quality.


Brazilian Coffee Grading System

The Brazilian coffee grading system categorizes beans based on size, defect count, and flavor characteristics:

巴西咖啡豆的大小通常依據篩網尺寸來分類,篩網尺寸以號碼表示,號碼越大,豆子越大。常見的篩網尺寸包括Screen 19~Screen 13等,其中Screen 19:最大的豆子Screen 13最小的豆子。

Grading by Bean Size

Brazilian coffee beans are usually classified by screen size, indicated by a number; the larger the number, the bigger the bean. Common screen sizes range from Screen 19 to Screen 13, with Screen 19 being the largest and Screen 13 the smallest.

在巴西咖啡分級制度中,NY代表New York,這是因為巴西咖啡的分級標準參考了紐約商品交易所(New York Coffee Exchange)的標準。NY系統是根據每300克樣品中的缺陷數量來進行分類的。缺陷數越少,咖啡豆的品質越高。缺陷通常分為主要缺陷(如黑豆、發酵豆等)和次要缺陷(如破裂豆、不完全豆等)。由好到差衣序為NY 2/3、NY 4/5、NY 6/7、Rio Minas等。

Defect Count NY Grading Standard

In the Brazilian system, NY stands for New York, as the grading standards reference the New York Coffee Exchange. The NY system classifies beans based on the number of defects per 300g sample. Fewer defects indicate higher quality, with defects categorized as primary (e.g., black beans, fermented beans) and secondary (e.g., broken beans, incomplete beans). Grades range from NY 2/3 (best quality) to NY 6/7, and Rio Minas (lowest quality).

Strictly Soft:風味非常柔和,通常帶有細膩的酸度和甜度,有明顯的花香和果香。

Grading by Flavor Characteristics

Strictly Soft: Very mild flavor, with delicate acidity and sweetness, often with floral and fruity notes.

Soft: Mild flavor, balanced acidity and sweetness, smooth texture.

Softish: Mild flavor, slightly lower acidity and sweetness compared to Soft grade, simpler flavor profile.

Hard: Harder flavor, lower acidity, may have some bitterness, typically used for commercial blends.

Rio: Very strong flavor, often with iodine or medicinal notes, catering to specific market demands.


Guatemalan Coffee Grading System

Guatemalan coffee beans are primarily graded based on the altitude at which they are grown. Higher altitudes result in denser beans and more complex flavors.

Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) / Strictly High Grown (SHG)

Grown above 4500 feet (approx. 1370 meters), these are the highest quality beans, with rich flavor, bright acidity, and abundant aroma. SHB and SHG are interchangeable terms.

Hard Bean (HB) / High Grown (HG)

Grown at altitudes of 4000-4500 feet (approx. 1200-1370 meters), second only to SHB/SHG in quality, with rich flavor and moderate acidity. HB and HG are also interchangeable.

Semi-Hard Bean (Semi-HB)

Grown at altitudes of 3000-4000 feet (approx. 900-1200 meters), these beans are of medium quality, with simpler flavor and lower acidity.

Extra Prime Washed (EPW)

While altitude is not specified, the strict quality control during processing ensures balanced flavor and good quality, suitable for blend coffees.

Prime Washed (PW)

While altitude is not specified, these beans are slightly lower in quality than EPW, with simpler flavor, suitable for commercial coffee.

Extra Prime 和 Prime

While altitude is not specified, these beans are of relatively lower quality, simple flavor, and are affordable, often used in mass-market products.


Jamaican Coffee Grading System

牙買加咖啡主要依據產區進行分級,再依據豆子的大小和質量進行分類,其分級制度非常嚴格,以藍山咖啡(Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee)最為著名。
Jamaican coffee is graded by growing region, followed by bean size and quality, with a very strict grading system. The most famous Jamaican coffee is Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee.

Blue Mountain:最著名的分級,指的是在藍山山脈法定地區種植的咖啡豆,且海拔介於915~1675公尺,風味優雅、質量極高。牙買加藍山咖啡在出口前,必須經過牙買加咖啡工業局(Coffee Industry Board)一系列苛刻的標準鑑定,才能獲得政府授予的「原產地證明書」,正式冠以「藍山」的名稱。從質量來分由上到下依次為:NO.1、NO.2、NO.3及圓豆,4個等級。
Blue Mountain: The most renowned grade, grown in the legally defined Blue Mountain region at altitudes between 915-1675 meters, known for its elegant flavor and high quality. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee must pass rigorous standards set by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica to receive the "Blue Mountain" designation. Quality grades from highest to lowest are No.1, No.2, No.3, and Peaberry.

1. 藍山咖啡No.1

1. Blue Mountain No.1: Screen size 17/18, no elephant beans, at least 96% of beans are defect-free, with up to 2% minor defects.

2. 藍山咖啡No.2

2. Blue Mountain No.2: Screen size 16, no elephant beans, at least 96% of beans are defect-free, with up to 2% minor defects.

3. 藍山咖啡No.3

3. Blue Mountain No.3: Screen size 15, no elephant beans, at least 96% of beans are defect-free, with up to 2% minor defects.

4. 藍山咖啡圓豆

4. Blue Mountain Peaberry: Single berry from a cherry, screen size 10, at least 96% of beans are defect-free, with up to 2% minor defects.

High Mountain:在法定的藍山種植區外的其他高山地區種植的咖啡豆,質量次於Blue Mountain。
High Mountain: Grown in other high mountain areas outside the Blue Mountain region, with quality second to Blue Mountain.

1. 高山咖啡

1. High Mountain Coffee: Screen size 17/18, no elephant beans, at least 96% of beans are defect-free, with up to 2% minor defects.

2. 牙買加咖啡Prime

2. Jamaica Prime: Screen size 16, no elephant beans, at least 96% of beans are defect-free, with up to 2% minor defects.

3. 牙買加咖啡Select

3. Jamaica Select: Screen size 15, no elephant beans, at least 96% of beans are defect-free, with up to 4% minor defects.

Jamaica Prime and Jamaica Select:來自牙買加較低海拔地區的咖啡豆,品質相較藍山咖啡及高山咖啡來比較為低。酸度和甜度較低,風味較為簡單。
Jamaica Prime and Jamaica Select: Coffee from lower altitude regions, lower quality compared to Blue Mountain and High Mountain coffee, with simpler flavor profiles.

│Further reading: Understanding True Blue Mountain Coffee

各國咖啡豆的分級制度依據豆子的大小、密度、缺陷數、海拔高度和風味特徵等因素來分類。衣索比亞依篩網尺寸和缺陷數量分級,共有G1到G9九個等級,缺陷數從少到多。肯亞依豆子大小分級,從AA(最大顆)到PB(小圓豆)。哥倫比亞依大小和質量分為Supremo(最大顆),Excelso(次大)和UGQ(一般良好品質)。巴西依篩網尺寸和缺陷數量分類,從NY 2/3到NY 6/7,風味分為Strictly Soft(柔和)到Rio(強烈)。瓜地馬拉依海拔高度分級,從海拔1370公尺以上的SHB/SHG(最高品質)到900-1200公尺的Semi-HB。牙買加依產區和豆子大小分級,最著名的是藍山咖啡(Blue Mountain),其分為No. 1到No. 3及圓豆等級。每個國家的分級制度都是為了保證咖啡的品質和一致性,消費者可以根據這些分級制度選擇適合自己口味的咖啡豆。

Coffee grading systems worldwide classify beans based on size, density, defect count, altitude, and flavor characteristics. Ethiopia grades from G1 to G9 based on screen size and defect count, Kenya grades from AA (largest) to PB (peaberry), Colombia grades by size and quality into Supremo, Excelso, and UGQ, Brazil uses screen size and defect count from NY 2/3 to NY 6/7 and flavor grades from Strictly Soft to Rio, Guatemala grades by altitude from SHB/SHG (highest quality) to Semi-HB, and Jamaica grades by region and bean size with Blue Mountain being the most famous, classified from No.1 to No. 3 and Peaberry. These systems ensure coffee quality and consistency, allowing consumers to choose beans that suit their taste preferences.




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