咖啡杯測流程與方式 Coffee Cupping Process and Method



1. 杯測流程
2. 杯測目的

杯測(Cupping)是咖啡行業中的一項標準化程序,用來評估和比較不同咖啡樣品的品質和特性。其主要目的是幫助生產者、烘焙師、採購商以及咖啡愛好者了解咖啡的風味特性和品質,從而做出更明智的決策。這是一個簡略的流程,實際操作中會有更多的細節和規範,以確保杯測結果的準確性和一致性;分數較高的咖啡應該會比分數較低有著明顯的優良品質。以下是杯測的簡述流程 :
Cupping is a standardized procedure in the coffee industry used to evaluate and compare the quality and characteristics of different coffee samples. Its main purpose is to help producers, roasters, buyers, and coffee enthusiasts understand the flavor profiles and quality of coffee, thus making more informed decisions. This is a simplified outline; the actual process involves more details and regulations to ensure the accuracy and consistency of cupping results. Coffees with higher scores should exhibit significantly better qualities than those with lower scores. Below is a brief description of the cupping process:


  1. 準備樣品:咖啡豆需在烘焙後8小時到24小時之內進行測試,並研磨成SCA標準的粗細,70-75%的顆粒能通過20號篩網。
  2. 樣品比率:理想的比例是1:18.18,以8.25克咖啡粉加入150克熱水。
  3. 加水沖泡:使用攝氏93度熱水,將熱水倒入盛有咖啡粉的杯測碗中,靜置4分鐘。
  4. 破渣表層:用湯匙輕輕攪動破壞咖啡粉的表層,並嗅聞香氣。
  5. 清理浮粉:用湯匙將浮在表層的咖啡粉和泡沫挖除,保留液體進行品嚐。
  6. 品嚐:當咖啡降溫到大約攝氏70度時,大約是熱水注入後8~10分鐘後,用湯匙啜飲,評估其風味特性。
  7. 評分和記錄:根據香氣、風味、餘味、酸質、體質感、平衡性、一性性、乾淨度、甜度和綜合考量等十個方面進行評分,並記錄缺陷予以扣分。

Cupping Process

  1. Sample Preparation: Coffee beans should be tested 8 to 24 hours after roasting and ground to the SCA standard coarseness, with 70-75% of the particles passing through a 20-mesh sieve.
  2. Sample Ratio: The ideal ratio is 1:18.18, with 8.25g of coffee grounds added to 150g of hot water.
  3. Water Addition: Use water at 93°C, pour it into the cupping bowls containing the coffee grounds, and let it sit for 4 minutes.
  4. Breaking the Crust: Gently stir the surface layer of coffee grounds with a spoon and smell the aroma.
  5. Clearing the Grounds: Use a spoon to remove the floating coffee grounds and foam, keeping the liquid for tasting.
  6. Tasting: When the coffee cools to around 70°C, approximately 8-10 minutes after adding hot water, sip the coffee with a spoon to evaluate its flavor profile.
  7. Scoring and Recording: Score based on ten aspects: fragrance/aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, cleanliness, sweetness, and overall consideration, noting any defects for point deductions.

Further reading: 
In the Eyes of a Cupping Specialist, What Qualifies as "Good Specialty Coffee"?


  • 品質評估:有系統地評估咖啡的多個方面,確保品質的一致性。
  • 風味描述:建立咖啡的風味檔案,幫助市場推廣和品牌建立。
  • 來源追踪:識別不同產地、品種和後製處理法對咖啡風味的影響。
  • 購買決策:幫助採購商選擇符合質量標準的咖啡豆。
  • 訓練和教育:提高咖啡專業人士的感官分析能力。
  • 改進產品:根據杯測結果調整生產過程,提升產品質量。
  • 市場區隔:制定針對不同市場需求的策略。

Cupping Purpose

  • Quality Assessment: Systematically evaluate multiple aspects of coffee to ensure consistency in quality.
  • Flavor Profiling: Create a flavor profile for coffee to aid in marketing and brand building.
  • Source Tracking: Identify the impact of different origins, varieties, and post-processing methods on coffee flavor.
  • Purchasing Decisions: Help buyers choose coffee beans that meet quality standards.
  • Training and Education: Enhance the sensory analysis skills of coffee professionals.
  • Product Improvement: Adjust production processes based on cupping results to enhance product quality.
  • Market Segmentation: Develop strategies tailored to different market demands.

In conclusion, cupping is a crucial tool for ensuring coffee quality and understanding its flavor characteristics. It has significant implications for all segments of the coffee supply chain. Cupping standards and procedures provide a consistent and reliable evaluation method, enabling coffee enthusiasts to taste coffee objectively and systematically, finding the coffee they love.




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